Not quite finished with only three "episodes" having been released, but honestly one of the coolest things I've ever witnessed. Cannot wait to see where this goes.

Opens with one of the most deranged animations in video game history and boots you into a first level called "Goon City". The rest of the game is hallucinogenic as fuck. Perfection.

Wasn't as impressed by this at first, but it really won me over as a shockingly natural progression of the prior game's tone and concepts. I do prefer the look and feel of that PS1 original, although it's really wonderful that they managed to follow it up this well. Consider it a blessing that we never got more games to muddy up what came before.

A game for fans of Crank and Paul W.S. Anderson's Resident Evil films. Amazing.

Expected to be underwhelmed by this going straight into it from Napple Tale but nah, Klonoa deserves every bit of its large cult following. An incredibly poignant, creative, and exciting dream tale that asks the player to legitimately reflect on what they've played–not particularly usual for a mascot platformer.

The Dreamcast was a political statement.
The Dreamcast was a political statement.
The Dreamcast was a political statement.
The Dreamcast was a political statement.
The Dreamcast was a political statement.
The Dreamcast was a political statement.
Psychonauts found dead in a ditch.

First game I played on my Steam Deck! I don’t have experience with many CRPGs, but this is the first video game I’ve come across that’s genuinely challenged my moral compass. That alone makes it pretty monumental.

Exploring the depths feels absolutely incredible. Carries over the anime's visual and audio aesthetics, which is also a brilliant move. Can't praise this enough in spite of its overt clunkiness in the early hours.

Unarguably bigger and friendlier than the first game, making it an easy recommend over its predecessor for newcomers. Still retro-futuristic perfection by all means, with all the same glitz and energy I loved so much if not even more. Video games don't get any better than this, period.

Y2K CGI bliss. You know a game is good when I'm willing to push through some horrible input lag (on a rhythm game!) and absurdly ungenerous checkpoints. The Dreamcast was a political statement.

SMT fans playing the coolest shit ever be like "yeah it's just a crappy Dreamcast spinoff"

This game is only as amazing as it is because of Amusement Vision. Trust me when I say no sequel could ever be as good as this.

Future definitely adds a ton, but I dig the arcadey gameplay of this one. Glad I finally got to it! Naganuma's music is incredible and the overall style is impeccable.

I'm so glad people can appreciate filth like this. As hip as it would be to call this a lite version of even grimier works, this is the goddamn real deal. Glorious.

This review contains spoilers

My least favorite trope in the Like a Dragon series by far is how, despite the heroes' making it a point to never kill in cold blood, the antagonists keep ending up dead just to gratify the player. This was especially egregious in the seventh game. The fact that Infinite Wealth very intentionally subverts this already makes it incredible on its own. One of the most shockingly self-aware and beautifully told sequels I've ever seen, truly building upon what came before it in increasingly layered ways.