Really cool 2D puzzle game with a great atmosphere. Kinda slow, but overall very good.

Amazing. Four incredible games in one 40$ package. Some parts feel a little unfair, but pretty much everything else is near perfection.

I had an amazing time plaything through this game. It got a little annoying at parts, but I stuck with it to then end, and enjoyed it all the way through.

it's a little fun at first, but it's a buggy mess, it's almost nothing like the first game in terms of gameplay, and the story didn't interest me in the slightest.

I mean, it's Minecraft. It's good and fun. Can't go wrong with it.

I really enjoyed this game. The puzzles were really engaging and it was a lot of fun searching for clues throughout the phone. Just slightly beats out the first game for me.

Amazing. Nonstop fun from start to finish.

Beautiful pixel art and music and packed full of charm, but it's not as good on it's own as Chapter 2 or Undertale.

Blah blah blah fanbase bad etc. Seriously just play this game. It's great.

Classic tower defense, endlessly replayable, excellent game

good writing good story good characters good music good artwork good puzzles good voice acting good good good good good good
overall verdict: good

Really interesting gameplay concept and an amazing story, but it takes less than two hours to beat it

My main gripe with this game is that the story doesn't really work. You don't end up getting that invested in the characters since you spend so little time with them, and when you learn the main big twist of the story it doesn't really have any emotional payoff. Also I had no idea what the actual plot was after finishing it. That being said, the fighting mechanics are really fun, the artwork is beautiful, and the game gets pretty insane at points, with some really memorable moments. Overall, I would still definitely recommend it.

Masterpiece. Hilarious and engaging writing, fun as hell to play in the campaign or in co-op, overall a great time in every way.