Classic, short but sweet, amazing

It's not good. The story is weird and uninteresting and the gameplay is extremely basic. It's all over the place. I didn't like it.

it's not good guys i hate to break it to you

Bopadopado i'm am just a goose :) STEAL YOUR RAKE AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA it's cute and a lot of fun, highly reccomended

It's fine. The game is fine. whatever EA sucks etc i'm going to bed
pirate this game

The perfect escape from our miserable planet. (All jokes aside, it's fantastic.)

Fun and cute game about living on the ranch PTOO just another day wranglin' these here rascals PTOOOO always causing me trouble but oooooh I love em all the same PTOOOOOOOOOOOO

Less polished than it's sequel, but still amazing

I had a fantastic time playing this game. Platforming is top notch, music is amazing, story is incredible, hell, even the sound effects are good. Not perfect, but overall a great experience.

Wow it's just like the original SIMULACRA but with none of the cool puzzles or charm! And the "gameplay" isn't even remotely fun! And it's filled with piss!

Very fun, adorable, good humor, just play it. It's a blast.

SUPERHOT rouge-lite? Fun! Having to wait eight actual hours after completing the game to be able to access the game you paid 25 dollars for again? Not so much! Overall still great though.

Great parkour game, but it runs out of content WAY too quickly. I do love to play this game while listening to podcasts though.

Really fun movement game that can be frustrating at times but is overall a great experience. Side note: The one thing I really dislike about this game is the weird puzzle section the game has in-between levels. It breaks the pacing a lot of the time.