Have you ever wanted to play a corridor shooter instead of an RPG? Or maybe play a game with no story at all and just random set dressing? If so this DLC is for you!

This game is fun. It is unfortunate to see the continued disneyfication of star wars seeping into all of the franchise these days but this game manages to stand on its own. There are a lot of "hell yeah" moments throguhout the story and customizing your light saber, clothes, and ship are a lot of fun to do. Btw, if you don't play it on higher difficulties enemy bullets and attacks are extremely slow. If this concerned you looking at gameplay footage I can assure you that playing it on hard difficulty makes the projectiles and enemy attacks look normal.

Just play it. There is nothing I or anybody can say without spoiling it.

I have done 2 50% runs of this game now. I always fail to complete it at around the same point. I want to like this game because of how highly acclaimed it is but I struggle to find the appeal of it. The universe is cool and interesting the combat is simplistic but engaging and yet the RPG mechanics fail to deliver. This game is hardly a choice based RPG when you essentially get the choice between being a right c*** to every person you meet or to be an angel sent by god to fix all their problems. I find myself comparing this game to the Kotor series and fallout new vegas and coming to the conclusion that they both did a better job of delivering solid writing with satisfying RPG mechanics.

Immortal empires is the best Total War gaming experience that has come since Shogun 2 released way back in 2012. We have had an entire decade of dry, uninspired, or downright barebones releases and it all lead up to this. I just wish the cost of entry wasn't the price of 3 FULL PRICE TOTAL WAR GAMES. Games Workshop and Creative Assembly never cease to overcharge for 5 year old DLC's haha.

Campaign is like a B tier action game but the Multiplayer could have been so good. 343 absolutely left us in the gutter in terms of content. It is amazing how bad they fumbled the bag with this game. Barebones in terms of content on launch with a lot of wack feeling weapons and they have barely improved on it since then.

Don't waste your money on the campaign and don't waste your time on the MP.

An absolute banger of an action adventure game. It took what Fallen Order succeeded with and built on it with smashing success.

2 nitpicks

The Fall damage/height system is frustrating as hell. Idk who designed some of the dungeons in this game to have areas where you have to fall but are right on the verge of instant killing you if you fall in slightly the wrong spot on a sloping decline.

Some of the enemy types were just annoying to fight. Especially when you are just rushing for a collectible or two.

This game suffers from the same issues the Halo Wars series suffers from. It was designed to be played with a controller which strips a lot of the dexterity you get from a keyboard and mouse. I give it 3 stars not because of this but rather due to the unsatisfying core gampley. It is certainly enjoyable for a time but easily falls apart and I struggled to complete the campaign let alone have the desire to regularly play the skirmish mode.

This is currently my favorite strategy game. It lacks depth in some areas and the Ai struggles to stay compelling to fight against but it is also the best space empire role playing game out there and you will never find a game that can match it in that field. The true replay-ability of this game comes from the empire creation and the uniqueness of the empires you can create. Want to be the Empire from Star Wars? Go ahead, Space Communists? Yeah, The HRE IN SPACE? Yep!, the borg, the federation, the vasari, the TEC, the unity, any Sci-fi faction you can dream up or think of can be recreated in this game. THAT is why I recommend it so highly.

As vast as an ocean, as deep as a puddle.

This game has awesome world building and great atmosphere. It is fun to just run around aimlessly and explore all the cool unique locations. But after you have done that all that is left is very repetitive watered down fallout 4 game play. Not much in the way of depth. A couple Pay 2 Win mechanics that really drag the experience. You will spend most of your time farming materials so you can keep your weapons and armor that break constantly repaired.

You can still get like 30 hours of content from just running around exploring and killing things before it really starts to grind. RPG mechanics are barebones and very sad to see. Even a downgrade from Fallout 4

Underwhelming for what I expected out of it but the devs made a very compelling open world star wars game and it just happened to hook me from beginning to end. It won't have the memories or the heart of the Complete Saga but it holds it's own.

Really good platformer with smooth controls and unique + fun level's. Plus SpongeBob is always a W.

After 100% this game I came back to drop a star. While my nostalgia goggles had me believing this was an A tier title the frustrations of some dated features really got to me. First, Patrick sucks to play as and his special ability is really cumbersome to use. Second, A number of the levels became very frustrating upon returning to them as there was a lot of backtracking that I had to do in order to get the things I needed. Finally, the soundtrack is grating... Like I love the music in the Spongebob games but if you play this for more than like 10 minutes the same looping soundtracks will cause your ears to burn out of your head.

The base game of Medieval 2 Total war is my second favorite in the series. Pair that with the best mods and extra campaigns the series has to offer it is my personal favorite total war game. None of the others have grasped me as much as this one.

Third Age Total war 10/10
The elder scrolls total war 8/10
plenty of historical mods that allow you to go from the 200's to the 1400's all containing variations of the high quality base game mechanics

I LOVED this game... But unfortunately it did nothing to try to innovate/improve on the formula of JSR/JSR:F and it felt like a game that was hamstrung by copycatting rather than attempting to stand out on it's own. The movement began to feel really slow about midway through and as fun as the tricks were to pull off the fact that there was really no incentive to do a ton of tricks nor were there a great variety of them it all began to feel very stale very fast. I got about 80% of the way done and I may come back in the future but this is where I am leaving it.