Decent enough game. Wish you could be a girl though.

This is the only Persona game that let's you play as a girl, so it's the best one by default.

I love this game. There's so much to enjoy from the characters to the combat to the music. The game is a murder mystery, but even with this dark tone it never fails to bring some levity to characters daily lives. You live in this small rural town as you hang out with your friends, all the while fighting inside a magical TV world that the killer is using to murder his victims. The dungeon crawling is pretty good. The battle system will test you on being prepared and thoughtful about your moves. However, the game has a lot of outdated elements character wise. There's some kinda glaring Anti-LGBT scenes in the game that damper the whole experience for me. I would still recommend playing it, but just be prepared for that.

This is a neat little game about cartoon animals going through life and trying to figure out what to do. The dailouge is funny and the characters are compelling. You'll even learn a bit about labor history which is always fun. The game is an experience more so than a game in the traditional sense. You can't die and there are no win conditions in the classical sense, but it's honestly worth your time to go through for the characters and the music.

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I loved the original version of this game despite having never played it. I watched the cutscenes on YouTube and was enamored with the story and characters. When I finally got a PS4 I was really excited to play this new edition of the game with new characters. I was loving it every step of the way, i played through all the Katherine and Catherine endings and was enjoying the compelling relationship drama. Until I got to the new character, Rin's true ending. For context it's shown in the game that Rin is a girl with a penis. This is an obvious trans character and it's ridiculous to claim otherwise. This information upsets our protagonist, Vincent, and Rin ends up running away. Should you choose to pursue the Rin true end route you'll get all this wonderful dailouge and characters interactions about how gender doesn't matter and you love who you love which is great, until you get to the final cutscene of the route. If you get Rin's true ending, it's revealed that she's actually an alien and that would be fine if the character wasn't trans coded. Like trans people aren't weird alien creatures and it's upsetting that this portrayal is still here in 2019. If you wanna play Catherine, I'd honestly suggest just playing the original. I wish this content wasn't included. It really is a shame vause I genuinely believe we need more games like Catherine that depict a relationship as it's happening. The troubles Vincent and his girlfriend go through are really compelling stuff,And the music does an excellent job of making the drama more impact full. However, the Rin Route prevents me from giving it my full recommendation.

Neat game with a cool story, but the shooting kinda bores me honestly. It's worth it just to take in Rapture and explore how Objectivism and other right-wing philosophies are bankrupt.

game is really good i like. I wish the weapons didn't break all the time. It really deflates any sense of permance to your gear

Easily my favorite game ever made. All the stuff I loved about Persona 5 is here, and they added more stuff to make it even better. The problems I had with the original Game wrt anti-gay stuff is still there, unfortunately. But it's so worth playing. You won't regret it.

Super Fun to swing around NYC. The main. Story and DLC missions are super fun and engaging, but i wish there was more side stuff to do in the game that didn't feel like busy work.

The combat and stealth compared to the other games hasn't aged the best. But the game is genuinely atmospheric and scary, and you'll have a wonderful time just going through Arkham Asylum

Amazing game. Great visuals, excellent combat, compelling main and side quests, there's very little more i could ask of an action game. It's also very philosophical, examining what it means to be human and have relationships with others. Try to finish as much of this game as you can. It's worth it to experience everything this game has to offer.

This is a really good game. The social system is fantastic as a way to make sure there's down time between big missions. The characters are fun and memorable, the visuals and music are amazing. My only problem is the staggering amount of Anti-LGBT scenes in this game that are difficult to watch. There's also a few scenes that go against certain character arcs and make them less impact full still worth playing, for sure.