really, really, really fucking good. the gameplay is just so amazing that this may just be my fav Shovel Knight DLC, even though I prefer the story and art directions of Plague of Shadows and Spector of Torment more. it’s hard to say tho, every Shovel Knight campaign is a masterpiece in its own way.

the differences in level design between this and Plague of Shadows really show you how Yacht Club picked their game up. all new levels with tons and tons of new mechanics, plus a whole fuckin card game. the gameplay in this campaign is seriously peak; King Knight’s shoulder bash is so satisfying and i love that you can only start a spin after you bash into something. his abilities are also all dope, though the Decrees are sorta lame. i never really used them sadly.

this one took me 8 hours going through it from start to finish while going for 100%, which is double the time Spector of Torment took me and +2 hours from both Shovel of Hope and Plague of Shadows. so yeah, they really went out with a bang here. i love the ending to this one too.

all around fucking amazing. now i’ve gotta 100% every campaign lol. oh, and i just realized i beat this on its 4th anniversary. cool.

my first main Castlevania experience and maaaaaaaaaan was it amazing. i really really wanna play some more entries after experiencing this one. great visuals, great music, and actually fun grinding. usually i hate grinding in games but the combat is so fun that it’s actually not that bad here. very challenging too, the fights against Richter and Dracula especially.

i also like the switching characters mechanic. Jonathan usually deals more damage than Charlotte but Charlotte has a ton of very useful spells that do things that Jonathan just can’t. it creates a very interesting dynamic of when to use which character.

the first game in the franchise i’ve played and it still really holds up. the story is great with really loveable characters and the gameplay is still just as fun. you can still play online multiplayer with mods and it’s still actually active! i definitely recommend revisiting this one with CoD4X Multiplayer if you want a nostalgia injection.

i mean it’s Bloodborne but more. no quality cuts from the base game, hell it may even be better in terms of bosses and music. perfect DLC. every game should strive to have DLC this good.

no reason to ever play a game ever again bc i know nothing will ever be as good as this

/s but this is seriously the best piece of media ever conceived

quite good, was definitely pissed when this first got announced though lol. like cmon.

either way, i just wish this had more content. i only really wanna play one or two times everytime i hop on just because there's nothing really new to discover and the races don't vary that much to warrant me playing a lot. i definitely enjoyed it though, especially as a free little title. i really hope Nintendo sees the feedback on this and actually makes a new F-Zero title.

if it wasn’t for the luck involved in playing this game it would be an amazing roguelike…unfortunately that makes this game kinda bullshit. i still do really like the gameplay loop, art direction, and all that, so i still think this is a great experience.

also there’s tons of content and DLC and what have you so if this IS your thing then you have tons to play here

the first game i bought on steam back in the day and i’m so glad i did. this gem is full of charm from start to finish with such fun gameplay and goofy narration. it also got me to make a discord account back in 2016 to join the community server lol

i’ve always liked this one more than castle crashers. i could never really get into that one as a kid. i’ve gotta try it again now that i’m older though

definitely the best battle royale out there. if i were to get back with some friends and play a shooter for the first time in years, it would definitely be this one

it’s not Portal 3 but still very charming. the fact it’s a Steam Deck demo i could fully enjoy on my PC really goes to show how creative Valve still is

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This Chapter Is So Fucking Good Oh My God I Love The Queen So Much She Is My Favorite Ever Yay

ok after completing the Snowgrave route i can confidently say this is fucking incredible and toby is a genius mastermind and i can’t wait to give this whole package a 5/5 once it releases fully

such a great little bite-sized mario adventure. at this length, its definitely not worth $60, but as a bonus thrown in with Mario 3D World it's amazing

the superior version due to increased walking speed and other changes i do not remember but remember liking. great game otherwise

really good fighting game that breaks down so many different aspects of the genre

this is prob the best story yet! this feels like a great mix between the combat of Shovel of Hope and the art direction of Plague of Shadows. i still love the art in that one the most, but the combat is just so so smooth here. it was quite shorter than the others though, taking me 4 hours instead of 6, but it doesn't matter that much. i do miss the world map on this one though. the stages are so, so much different and better than Plague of Shadows though so that makes up for it.