Friendship ended with ALYX

Now GNOME is my best friend

I never appreciated Alyx more than the time I had to stand behind her because I couldn't shoot to get the achievement. Which was the entire game

100% achievement run. I found this game way more fun than HL1

Tried playing for the first half, got bored and decided to noclip through the rest of the game


not much gameplay wise, but surely beautiful to look at

Beat the 'A New Home' scenario on my 3rd try, about 60/300 people survived.

This game is great if you love sending children to work in coal mines :]

Interesting concept, got a bit boring later on in the game.

The most fun expansion hands down

Story felt a bit slow, but not as slow as A Realm Reborn. Shive fight was pretty cool

Rating is for the story of A Realm Reborn.

I used to play MMOs a lot as a kid, but ultimately moved away from them because most had toxic environments that soured the experience for me. Still, every few months I get the 'MMO itch' and try out a new one that I play for a few weeks then give up on for the same reason I gave up when I was younger.

This one is different, I couldn't believe how friendly (almost) everyone was, I even made a friend playing this, and for a shy introvert like me that's way more than I could have ever asked for.

Having a friend that plays this changes the whole experience for you, sometimes I think that I may have even given up on this game too had I not met them. Due to being a busy adult I don't get to play as often as I'd like to with them, but every few months I end up renewing my subscription and returning to have a blast.

I'm a big fan of this game genre, and this game is literally one of the most satisfying ones to play. The fact that it's available to play with friends as well is great.

a little bit of monika in my life

Got game on PC, did a modded run where every protag was just a different version of Connor.

might have ended up with 1000+ screenshots of him alone oops

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Replayed with my aunt, this time without messing around. In fact we were so concerned for Connor's well-being that every missed QTE felt like falling off a cliff.

this game makes me feel so many things

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Played this with my aunt when we were looking for a game to mess around in. Had a good laugh as we were making fun of Connor being an utter annoyance (partly because of the way we played him). Not realizing what consequences the actions we made had, he ended up shot.

the emotional damage we sustained is huge