Played this game when I found out about it from a article I think got deleted or I just don't remember the title but it was about alternatives to media that are popular and that's how I found it. I may not be very good at it but it is still kind of fun. I am now playing it on the Switch now.

on the reverse side of things the ending cut scene was better then the beginning cut scene of the game.

for some reason the beginning cut scene was better then the ending cut scene in this game in my opinion.

let us all have a moment for those parents who probably regret the day they bought this game only to have suffering brought into there homes.

Okay so some of the bosses and levels were nasty but dang it did I just adore the best points of the story, it actually tried to do something new.

this game may have had flaws (like how the Director's Cut is a lie due to the fact that the Directer never even touched this game). I still adore this little wreak of a game, with the agony of Big and Amy's parts in it.

I adore this game, despite the fact that they had to cut out a bunch of stuff and I am still waiting for anything that could give me more info on was the lore of this world. it still makes me happy that the creator went through I think 3.5 or 4 years to make this game.

I still miss the Figure Skating thing they had in this game to this day. good memories.

This game may have its flaws, but "cozy grove" were a great alternative to Animal Crossing with the characters and design. I may have lost my drive to check everyday on the game but "Cozy Grove" you will always be in my biased heart.

Oh Felix the Reaper, you may be one of the most unpleasant rhythm puzzle game I have played as of now, at least you were kind of wonderful piece of art.

for something so cute, why must you bring me an nasty kind of pain?

What I liked about this game was hearing the friends of my siblings with them reacting to this and me recreating my childhood habit of lighting candles irresponsibly. 5/5 stars

a heartwarming and sad little game about a ghost train

This is one of my childhood games from when I was young and had a DS. Giratina was one of my favorite legendary Pokemon.

this is a fun game, me and my siblings were able to play this on the Wii when we were all kids so I am waiting for the remake of this for the Nintendo Switch.