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ryuk0tsuki commented on ryuk0tsuki's review of Sonic Generations
@Wollom Playing this as your first non classic game in the series must feel like crack LMAO, I remember being so hyped for this, going "Aw man, I'm gonna play EVERYTHING before playing this one!". Took me over 10 years to finally get to that, but I'm so glad I did. It's a lovely game.

31 mins ago

47 mins ago

1 hr ago

CDX commented on Scarlett's review of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Os verdadeiros Shadows são os rivais do Sonic que encontramos pelo caminho. :v

1 hr ago

ryuk0tsuki finished Sonic Generations
What a ride! Playing this after experiencing nearly every other game in the series up to this point was incredibly satisfying.

There's something really cute about anniversary games. It's like you're there, celebrating with everyone else. Monster Hunter Generations is one of my favorite MH games, and now Sonic Generations is one of my favorite Sonic games.

Great visuals, amazing remixes of classic tracks, tons of variety thanks to the challenge gates, 2D and 3D gameplay, Generations is just a big bundle of joy for any fan of the blue guy.

But I do have one big issue with the game that prevents me from giving it 5 stars: Why are there so many 2D sections on Modern Sonic's stages?
Back in Unleashed and Colors, it was a nice way to reintroduce classic Sonic gameplay to modern standards, and an attempt to appeal to all fans in one go. (Also, they're probably cheaper to create and easier to design compared to the 3D sections.)
But here, we literally have Classic Sonic tagging along for the adventure, so they feel incredibly redundant-- and lesser, considering that the Classic Sonic stages are way more interesting than any of the 2D-in-3D sections.
And this is a minor complaint, but why does Super Sonic drain rings so fucking fast? I get that it's OP as hell, but come on! It's a reward for beating the game, who cares if it makes things easier lmao

Anyway, I still had a blast. Extremely fun, and very rewarding for those who grew up with past games and/or played them all before heading into it.

1 hr ago

2 hrs ago

2 hrs ago

2 hrs ago

lucasq published a list scream bloody gore

2 hrs ago

CDX commented on XOJaca's review of Rocket Power: Beach Bandits
@jacksh0w Mas aí eu teria que ser fã de luta-livre. =P

3 hrs ago

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