This review contains spoilers

Spoilers (Better to just play the game, just leaving my thoughts here)

This game is the golden standard of ARPGS, starting with the gameplay you already have a lot with it's unique variety of pins allowing for player expression. Some pins completely changing the game how you play the game. From swiping on the screen, to tapping, to even blowing on the mic it uses all of the ds' features excellently. The dual screen gameplay requires you truly be in sync with your partner and paying close attention to the attacks, carefully dodging and playing the minigames for fusion levels.

The characters deserve their own section, the story is amazing but the characters are the real highlight here, it's amazing seeing the characters grow as you play the game, and even the common npc's can see some growth along with the protag. It's hard to not get attached to them, they all have excellent motivations (my favorite being beat) It's really heartwarming seeing Neku being inspired by cat's words and realizing "The world ends with him" Hating the sameness, and dullness of shibuya to realizing the people around him are just like him. Beat while looking like some standard punk has so much more to him. Being pressured by his parents expectations he runs from home, this single moment already makes the audience feel empathy as we've all felt that. Unexpectedly his sister which he believes could actually do something in life follows him resulting in both of them being struck by a car as he wasn't strong enough to protect her leading to an immense amount of guilt. Throughout the game they reunite, but she does not recognize him, even with this she helps him through everything, and even sacrifices herself for him.Throughout the rest of the game, he goes through tooth and nail to get his sister back even becoming a reaper. Even as a reaper he refuses to do his duties and erase the players he's helped throughout the game, and just holds what's close to him on his back (Rhyme). Not doing anything like erasing not only because it's not in his character, but because he wouldn't do something like that Infront of his sister. He seems like just a well mannered misunderstood punk on the surface but his writing is top notch. He's constantly helping people as he thinks they'll be something unlike him, he's really a touching character. He's my favorite character even over Neku. No matter how I talk about Neku, I will not be able to do him justice. He's truly one of the best written protagonists alongside Raiden. Starts out closing off his world tired of the same things he sees everyday in shibuya until he stumbles into cat's art with neat messages like the world is as big as you make it, until one fateful day admiring this art he's tragically shot and picked to play in a game. In this game he's forced to work with the people he used to hate so much, leading to him eventually caring about not only his partners but the people around him as he finds out there are people just like him. He started to care for shiki especially when she was feeling off. The constant death of the partners around him dying on him didn't make him want to trust again, but Cat's art and Mr K's words drive him to trust again only to experience the same thing. He helps beat and shiki through their tough moments, and helps them go through it after realizing how much he truly cares for these people. Neku's gone through a lot, the end part opf the game made me cry man. Neku even after all he's gone through after Joshua's reveal can't find himself to pull the trigger as he trusts him as a partner even if he doesn't forgive him. I don't have a lot to say about shiki, but she has a good story. Shiki always had a passion for sewing making designs such as mr mew. She found a friend who helped her make designs as she sewed. This friend meant everything to shiki, to the point where she started seeing herself as lesser. The friend here, could make beatiful designs, she had so many friends, and looked so much better than her she thought. This lead into shiki dying and having her looks taken as the entry fee, to look like her friend. She constantly stares at her old appearance and slowly realizes, she was only shutting herself out. Her friend cared for her and even gave up designing after her. Neku even hammers the point saying even if she changes back into her old appearance, that's the shiki he cares for.

I don't know much about music theory so I can't go over the machinations of what makes the ost so good. Despite my shortcomings here, I want to talk about Deja Vu which is my favorite track in this game. It details over Neku's encounters with Joshua feeling Deja Vu from being in Udagawa, with the same smell, dress ,smile, voice and everything. The beat in this song is absolutely amazing, it's upbeat and fits walking around shibuya in these games. The vocalist does an amazing job here. It really just makes me euphoric, I'm usually just a spanish rock kind of guy but I would listen to this even outside of the game. It even ties in to Neku having his memories taken and having the sense that something feels familiar walking through these streets. It really is just perfection and I have not done it justice, go listen for yourself. I can't talk about all the tracks since I'm not that good at this but it really is one of my favorite osts.

My final thoughts on this game is that it's an experience that should be played by everyone with an amazing ost, stellar characters, and a great narrative with good pacing. It really makes me feel stupid I didn't play this game so long ago. I had marked it down to play since Etika played it and was praising it. I even added the ost alongside with other songs he liked to a playlist when he died. The only reason I'm writing this review is that my friends and some of my family watched Etika with me and I wanted to talk about one of his favorite games. Thank you for the amazing experience, I hope others can have just as much of a great experience I had. I know it's weird to grieve for a content creator, but it truly broke me watching my friends grieve. Fly high Etika FRFX.

This review contains spoilers

Non spoiler summary: Yakuza Black Panther 2 is one of my favorite games for the psp. It is an overhaul to the normal Yakuza gameplay and has much more of a focus on a 1v1 gameplay style even if a beat em up so the protagonist will seem weaker than the other ones. The amount of styles introduced completely changing the protagonists moveset from his punches to kicks to heat actions provides some insane fun to the battles trying them all out. To sum up the battle system think of it as a rock paper scissors battle with moves being beaten out by other moves through invulnerability or just attack speed. Including parries, throws and such all risky options if the opponent throws out certain moves. While battles with multiple thugs felt frustrating at times, it's a very fun battle system and I don't go to these games for the gameplay as I'm quite bad at them. People like Gunkshot and Hajber can prolly break the battle system down quite easily and they can handle the no damage runs :). I'm here mostly for the story even if the gameplay is quite good, this game has made Tatsuya a really solid protagonist and I recommend playing by patching it through here . The ROM you'll have to find yourself or dm me. The patch can bring some bugs, and crashes quite rarely. If it becomes a problem as a streamer I watch would say: "Just learn Japanese". My final thing to talk about on the non spoiler summary is the music which goes hard quite frankly. The opening theme is amazing and made me smile when I finished the game. The game features some tracks from Jet set radio composer Hideki Naganuma and it makes me wish I could understand music theory to break them down, but his work is always nothing short of stellar. Play the game please, and experience Tatsuya's 2nd chapter alongside the first if you haven't (a recap is there if you do not wish to play the first).

Spoiler section now:

At first , the game quite didn't stick with me Tatsuya was giving up everything he dreamed up for some kid he didn't know and it was just sad to see all the people around him upset (especially his sister :( ). This completely turned around as you find that Tatsuya sees himself in these dragon heat punks and wishes to use his strength to help people and not end up like him when he was 16. This game is where Tatsuyas characterization really shines and he comes to fully grow after the first game. He knew Dragon heat was a special place for him and helped him mature so he returned the favor. the scene with him looking at his fathers grave made me quite emotional and this game does not pull any punches man. The characters here are all great broken down into their own chapters. Shinji is a punk in over his head fighting his way through dragon heat who suddenly found himself unable to fight. Early on he's tatsuyas motivation as Shinji acted like himself when he was younger. He's just a plot device early on, but gets his own chapter where he doubts his friends as himself as he sees an opportunity from the enemy to recover and finds himself manipulated in his moment of weakness. He turns over a new leaf with Tatsuya standing there and taking a stabbing hoping to get through to his friend. Tatsuya's words and actions really get through to him that his strength wasn't everything to him. Tatsumo is a punk who doesn't try and has a 0-9 score on dragon heat, just escaping into cabaret clubs and videogames. He comes to find himself involved in a scam and falls in love for a woman who he thought was in distress. He hated his weakness as he couldn't protect even the woman he loves from the corruption of Kamurocho, and escapes to play videogames. Tatsuya gets through to him and teaches him to stand up for himself and fight no matter what. With alol his training he stood up to the man who was taking advantage of the woman he loves, but finds himself defeated. It's an interesting twist with all that training to still lose, but tatsuya only respects his strength to stand up for himself and keep his stance even in certain danger. It may have took a scam artist for him to gather up his strength, but he uses his courage to protect even those who do him wrong as he can't turn a blind eye to the weak. An amazing character really with outstanding values and the strength Tatsuya admires. Ryusho seems like just a common yakuza punk and the heir to dragon heat. Ryusho however is a brilliant character with an outward carefree experience but with a deep love for the punks that fight in dragon heat. He takes multiple risks throughout the story even betraying the tojo clan to protect his arena and his father's legacy. He fights for what he believes in and even finds himself in debt to help out his fighters and tatsuya. He shuts out his feelings a lot, but finds himself to open up when around Tatsuya showing his true values. He's easily one of the best characters in the game and a great companion to Tatsuya. He shows care for Tatsuya wanting him to not get involved with the underground and go back to his sister. He breaks the mold of the spoiled heir and really manages to make something for himself dying for his "kids" pretending to not care for them as he found himself cheated out of his arena. Solid character and might just be my favorite besides the protagonist. Yuta is the next character and is supposed to be a reflection of Tatsuya's hate for his father. Yuta despised his father just like Tatsuya thinking he's just a selfish prick holding on to his land and money, and no care for his son. The story reveals Yuta's love for his son and the truth behind the pachinko queen through a side character. Just like Tatsuya he finds himself afraid of the truth of his father and seems scared of it, shutting himself out. Tatsuya is able to convince him to visit his father in the hospital and not make the same mistakes he's made. Pretty solid character. Moving on to Makoto, he's one of the strongest characters of the bunch. Abandoned in an orphanage as a young man and growing up alongside a girl he considers to be like a sister to him. He finds out this "sister" of his likes him and is unsure what to think and runs away from his problems. This sets off Tatsuya as he's made similar mistakes and works to make him confess his love and not let her go alone outside of Japan. The ensuing chapters only expand more on Makoto. A punk fighting on the streets that a Man called Minegi saw potential in. Dragon Heat helped Makoto mature and like Tatsuya his father figure is killed and framed as a suicide. Denial came fast and Makoto found himself running off to his fathers place.. Minegi was like a father to him and turned his whole life around like Kuki did to Tatsuya, and he doesn't run away after this and only vows to make this right and help people with the strength he has after Tatsuya uplifts him: telling him to use his strength to help those around him. Tatsuya is forced to go to Ashura and fight when his sister got kidnapped, Tatsuya wants to save his sister more than anybody but his fear of letting dragon heat down and not making it in time forces him to keep fighting (straying a lil offtopic here but kuki shows genuine care for Tatsuya like before and tells him to for his sister and offers to pay the ransom) . Makoto, even with a short interaction with Tatsuya's sister goes to save Tatsuya's sister so he can find peace with himself and not let another person he cares about die. Makoto, like Tatsuya wants no more casualties and rushes in by himself to save Tatsuya's sister only to tragically die. Makoto may have died, but he saved Saeko with his strength and dies peacefully in Tatsuya's arms. All these characters are Tatsuyas regrets brought to fruition and is an interesting way to grow his character, trying to help others not become like him while makin g unique characters out of it.

The story really is amazing, and is an experience I would recomend to everybody RGG's stories have touched me since I played yakuza kiwami as part of a playstation plus monthly game. I hope Yakuza 7 and the judgement games make me feel the same. At the end, you really don't want to say bye to the wonderfully crafted characters that RGG studio makes, and I hope more people can analyze these games beyond the surface level unlike me.

It's a step up from bl3 in terms of story and characters. Humor is bad as always though, game kept me entertained, but never really made me laugh with an exception. Skill trees are more toned down so it's not as easy to break, but still possible with stabbomancer or a few weapons. Legendaries got a decent droprate now which I like. Tina is a good character again and the story has some interesting dynamics relating with Tiny tina. Most sidequests were written pretty well and relate with the main themes except for the comedy ones like GTFO and The CLTP one. Overall a fun experience and I could get down with some characters, and it had a fun world to explore. Pick it up if it's on sale, if you can tolerate the bad jokes you can have a good time. Unfortunately, it seems they're going the bl3 route with the panic nerfs as of April 15 2022. Some of the nerfs don't even make sense like the clawbringer and hand bows lmao.

Enter Survival Horror. This game has some amazing background music like both Guardhouse themes and the Mercury theme. This game exposed me as a kid to moonlight sonata. The tank controls I love personally, and the camera angles always make me feel like I'm being watched. There's some bad dialogue here and there, but it's entertaining and funny to some like the famous Jill Sandwich line (sadly gone). The puzzles are great, and not too complicated consisting of pushing buttons examining and placing items. You're not looking at zero escape puzzles, but they fit their purpose and the music gets me tense as I'm solving them. Game has good difficulty options, changing up core things about the game. Finally, the game looks gorgeous it's a gamecube game with prerendered backgrounds. It looks great and has been the best Resident evil Remake imo . The game has good replayability and it's fun to do challenge runs on. Never gonna forget the spencer estate.

This game is a blast to play with friends. It may have failed to capture lightning in a bottle like RE4, but the characters are entertaining. Many characters have lines I quote with my friends to date like Wesker's and Irving. It may have over the action Hollywood moments at times separating it from it's predecessors, but I can't lie that it's entertaining to laugh with it. The gameplay is just amazing with the new combo routes depending on where you hit the majinis and some new tech having to do with the inventory system. I miss the old RE4 inventory, but this one is fine as an inventory as large as that one in this game would break the balancing in half. It's still survivor horror to an extent, but don't expect to be shivering walking bleak hallways and listening to tense music like in RE1. It's a pretty good stress reliever to play mercenaries and treat Majini's like punching bags. The game overall is better than I previously thought, but the a.i. and some of it's cutscenes do hold it back for me.

Horror game made by an amazing musician Jasper Byrne. Game has a lot of passion put into it, it has a short catalogue of 19 songs in the ost, but each one is amazing especially the director's theme. The game has an underlying story that mainly takes a show not tell approach, and has the player piecing together the clues. The mechanics can be tedious, but resources are fair and there's always an alternative around the mechanics even if you don't like the outcome. Getting the second to last ending almost made me tear up, and growing along with this seemingly amnesiac main protag is fun. You tug the strings the whole game and decide what to do with your character. Has interesting characters too one being the director which grew on me. Can't wait for Lone warrior, the next installment.

This game will always be the definitive looter shooter for me. Skill trees are fun and consist of various gimmicks and builds. Characters are mostly strong in this game with very few exceptions. The villain is so well made, it's been hard to replicate him in any other entry of the series. Handsome Jack is the best character by far with understandable motivations, and a great backstory. Pandora is an interesting dog eat dog world, and the game does an excellent job portraying this with the bandit filled wastelands outside of sanctuary. The game does a good job showing you there's no heroes in this game and every character is morally grey or just pure evil. The grinding is pretty fun and easy, Legendaries are a fun change to the weapon class type. The dlc in this game is very fun with the exception of Hammerlocks which is better than people think, but suffers from complicated layouts and bad level design. Tiny Tina's assault on Dragon keep is excellent and has some strong character building for everybody involved, and hits quite hard. There will never be another Borderlands Game like this one and that's fine with me.

Definitely the low point of Borderlands even below 1. It's plagued by bad balance with extremely broken skill trees with modifiers that can start at 100% bonus damage. Vault hunters are pretty fun however with Zane and FL4K having both gimmicky and fun builds. The balancing is pretty awful with some manufacturers producing pretty awful guns. Legendaries are too common undermining their value, and don't deserve the title of legendary. Legendaries are guns that change up the usual gimmicks of the weapon type and consist of different playstyles. The story is a mess with pretty horrible pacing, bad characters including the one that shall not be named. The humor is more in your face than usual, and is dated like it's predecessors. What I can give this game though, is the new engine which is pretty solid adds new movement options. The mobbing is pretty fun, and overall is just a game to turn your brain off and enjoy. Play it if you want to, but you're better off picking any other in the franchise.

Amazing game and solid REmake. Even with mostly the same level design it keeps it fresh with the third person camera fixed right behind your character. Zombies are done right, being a waste of resources to kill and have pretty clever ways to get past them with movement options or shooting them in critical spots. The lighting is excellently done in the police station, making me feel tense like in RE1. Some of the ost is pretty good with the save theme and Mr. X's theme, but not played often enough. It's a shame to not enter a save room, and hear that theme that truly makes it feel like a safe room (EX. RE3 (original) RE1 and RE4 Merchant) The need to constantly turn, and the claustrophobic environment makes the level design great making the zombies stronger as set pieces. Bosses are fun with the exception of G2 and the ending theme Saudade is amazing. You're looking at strong replayibility with the many movement options the engine gives you and the speedrunning tech. Overall pretty damn solid, I'm bummed out that some enemy types are missing and the beginning is too fast paced unlike the original, but the pros outweigh the cons heavily. Enter the Survival Horror

A flawed, but fun experience. Listening to some characters like Springs and Pickle is like nails on a chalkboard. Even with some more annoying characters and hit or miss jokes as always, there is some solid background added to some of the bl2 cast. This is including, but not limited to Moxxi, Jack, CLTP and more. The gameplay loop was fun, and the skill trees introduced skills similiar to capstones in the middle and made for fun and gimmicky builds. There is not a single boring character, and my favorites consist of the Doppelganger and CLTP. Unfortunately, the world is too big and it can really just feel empty. I can understand we're on the moon, but it does break up the pacing a little and can feel like a slog. Buildings are great though, with solid looting and shooting. Character interaction is my favorite part and I wish it could be brought back into later entries ex. the CLTP at the gate. My favorite part of this game has to be the story expansion, it connects right with bl2 and has some amazing writing allowing you to see what went wrong. It has great level design, and introduces a new weapon type. I don't wish to spoil on this, so feel free to play it if it's on sale. It makes for some pretty mindless fun and all the vault hunters are pretty good. Humor can be forced, but it's bearable.

Guilty pleasure. It's sequel has completely outshined it, but it set a solid base. Pandora is shown as a barren wasteland, with bandits and skags roaming around. Eerie and calming music signifying how much of a barren and dog eat dog world Pandora is. Solid Gameplay loop, with guns like revolvers and shotguns being the most satisfying. Weapon proficiency, is a neat system increasing various modifiers as a reward for sticking to a weapon type. Unfortunately, Skill trees are pretty boring with a few exceptions as skills are just a flat damage increase. Mordecai's skill that allows you to penetrate shields, and some of Lilith's skills are an exception but not the norm. Some areas of the game are a little too big, like the highway and the commons. There is not much character shown here, with the exception of TK Baha and Tannis. Overall, I like the feeling of exploring a lost cause like pandora, and the gameplay is solid enough to entertain you for a bit. Just keep in mind some of the level design, can be confusing but the additions that the enhanced brought can alleviate it. I'd play the original though, the enhanced edition is optimized poorly, only really adds the golden keys that you're never gonna use and you're much better off with the original lighting. Buy it if it's on sale like always.


Heat. Fun Roguelike with some Greek Mythology. The character designs are excellent, Artemis being my fav. The game is as difficult as you make it, with modifiers or weapons. House of Hades is cool. The music is nothing, but excellent and I'm guilty of spending all my Diamonds on it. Go into it knowing as little as possible it's a beautiful story. Deserves a look at it, even at full price.

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Non Spoiler Summary
One of the Best in the SCI;ADV series. It has solid characters, with none leaving much to be desired like in Chaos;Child. It's a pretty grounded piece of fiction, and has some allusion to real things. Play a blind first playthrough, and then feel free to finish the rest with a guide. It's a damn good time travel story, with a complex protagonist.

Spoiler parts
Okabe works as a character which at a first glance the player can't put his shoes in, and will probably hat ehis actions. As the story moves on, with everything that OKabe has been through all his decisions are understandable, and the pure misery he experiences knowing he can't save Mayurii always makes me tear up. You can see throughout the entire book he's always cared for her buying her the Upa, making sure she doesn't see the body when Kurisu gets attacked, and is always watching out for her. Mayurii constantly dying no matter what the protag did just wrecks you, the pure desperation you hear in Okabe's voice always gets me. Okabe receiving such immense power, and being forced to make the decisions he makes is what makes him Forced to choose who dies, and other awful things. It brings us closer to him, and really makes him a great character. Okabe can't just reset the timeline back to the first one as his other friend and interest Kurisu dies. Kurisu is the tsundere character archtype and even with that archetype Kurisu is done great. All she wants is to be recognized by her dad, and even takes a stabbing to protect him. She acts the hardass, just like Okabe but she cares for him and is trying to guide him along the whole story. She was there for Okabe when he gave up, and was just lying on the floor in misery. She cares for the other lab members like Mayushii and Lukako even if she's just met them and protects them. She's even willing to take the sacrifice at the end and die just to make Okabe happy, and reunite him with Mayurii. I won't talk about 0 in here, but feel free to play it to learn more about Okabe and that other timeline between episodes 22 and 23 in the anime. I want to talk about my favorite character before I wrap up. Lukako is a great tragic character, in love with our protagonist but wishes he was born a girl. When she gets her wish in the other worldline and has a date with Okabe, that shit moved me to tears knowing it wasn't meant to be. Lukako would never let his childhood friend die, and accepted losing the love of his life and his deepest wish to save Mayurii. Lukako has always been my favorite character, and I wish he didn't always have to suffer no matter the worldline. That picture of the last day with Mayurii in Lukako's ending is devastating man. There's just a lot to the characters, especially with the worldlines. The game does such an excellent job of building the other characters and not just the protagonist. The betrayal in the game stings just as much as all other entries in the series. It's peak fiction, if you can get past the fan service and Daru. Play it or watch the anime, it's not for everybody but I sincerely hope you enjoy it. I could talk more about it, but I feel it'd be too long.

This game is a punching bag. You play as Okabe in the other timeline, as the Okabe who made the video seen in the original visual novel's ending. Okabe in here is defeated, and weary. Kurisu is dead and if it weren't her it was Mayurii. Seeing Okabe like this is the worst There's some filler in here to develop characters as always. The ending was pretty damn good and bridged the two games together. Main menu theme song was pretty damn good, and I was a fan of the use of the color orange compared to the white from the first game. it really set the mood perfectly. This game had me feeling miserable seeing Okabe like that, and overall I quite enjoyed it. Play it blind as always and the use a guide. I'd say the game is pretty important to piece together the ending of Steins Gate and was a great way to add more to Okabe's character.

This review contains spoilers

One of the more grounded SCI;ADV games, that I found myself enjoying quite a lot. Even while being a fan of the subplot it's not really the main focus, as such I'll leave it for later. The characters are nothing short of Amazing, and complement each other very well. It's story is more focused on slice of life, with an interesting subplot I quite liked. It's music is nothing short of excellent Tanegashima's theme being my favorite as it's a remix of Neutrals from Chaos;Child. Overall, I recommend this game and despite some awkward keybinds hope the experience is great. Remember to use a spoiler free guide for the routes, as they are a little too specific and feel like one of those fake pokemon rumors (Mew under the truck) with how specific it can be.
Kaito is a hardass and a shutin that deeply cares for AKiho and only wants to protect her in the end. Throughout the game he keeps everything to himself because of the fear of losing those around him. This is only confimed by what happened to Mizuke. Kaito dedicates himself to his fighting game to become number 1 and get recognized by Misaki. Kaito is a scarred individual that is hard to open up, but cares for those around him he's a great protagonist and has shown he'd do anything to keep Akiho safe. Akiho is the best character in the game, and is there to fulfill her ambitions of making a giant robot based on Gunvarell Just like her sister wanted. She only wishes to make people like robots like she does, and is very helpful to all members of the robot club. Her sister betraying her was one of the worst scenes in the game, and Kaito helping her up was heartwarming and endearing. The two have an excellent dynamic and look out for each other even if the other doesn't realize it. Even with the betrayal she stands strong and makes her dreams come true. Akiho really is an excellent character and the glue to the main cast, she keeps up her cheery attitude at all times and helps out the others disregarding herself just like Kaito. Subaru is the son of a fisherman, that loves robots and uses them as a side hobby. He keeps this love for robots secrets and the various times he is caught, are heartwrenching scenes as he is forced to give up what he loves and tear it apart. Akiho always is there to help him rekindle his love for robots, and get him through his situation. Despite his accident he continues to help the robotics club make their robot, and seems to care a lot for Daikotu even if he doesn't show it. Daitoku is a great character with a huge fear of robots, which she can't get over. She blames herself for what happened to doc's business and shuts herself out. Her route has to be the best one. She gets over her fear of robots after seeing the photo with her grandfather. She is willing to get near the robot that hurt her, to get close to her grandfather and help him realize his dreams of humans getting along with robots. Daitoku also greatly cares for her family and brothers acting like a mother for them. Even with her limits, she acts towards her dream of being a karate master and doesn't give up. Finally we have Frau Kojiro, I don't really like the perverted characters in the SCi;ADV series and it's just uncomfortable most of the time. Fraus character does suffer from these issues, but her backstory and writing is pretty good and does alleviate some of these problems. She's the developer of the fighting game Kai loves, and is on an endless pursuit of her mother. She became a shut-in because of the trauma of losing her mother. She has two robot assistants that are gunvarell characters as it is her mothers life work. She hasn't really grown because of these traumatic events in her life and only opens up to Kaito. When Gunvarel became hated, she tried to take her own life as her mothers work was desecrated. Her character has a lot to it, and her story is horrible. I may hate the perverted comments, but her writing is nothing short of excellent and her dedication to the robot club and her mothers work is inspirational. Going nights without food or sleep. As you can see, all of the characters have their own trauma and they all work alongside each other to get over it and accomplish their dreams. They all started as shutins. One of the Main themes of the game is trauma and getting over it. This game quite frankly left quite an impact on me and even if it's ending was a little rushed to tie all those knots with the subplot and Kimijima. It really was great. I only went over the Main members and missed Airi, Mizuka and Misaki which all have stories revolving around the main theme as well. Please check out the game on full price or sale. I haven't even gone over half of the game, and why it's so good. Watching all these events unfold is it's own experience and I recommend it. I talk a little about the subplot below, but I really feel like what's above is the real meat and bones of the game.

I was a big fan of the Subplot Kai was tangled in. The cover ups and restriction of information flow. Inhumane experiments sealed behind closed doors, and using the player as a puppet. The Komijima reports are excellent bait to the player, helped only by the sick music that plays when you read them. Just like Kai the player feels compelled to solve this mystery, wanting to be the protagonist to the play just like in Metal Gear Solid only to end up playing into the committee's hands. The chess pieces lined up perfectly. I really did expect the reports to be true, tons of trite information on the internet is passed everyday. It's not unreasonable for the government to cover up anything unfavorable to them and these weird events were happening in Kai's life. The Gunvarrel episode was bone chilling and seemed like a prophecy. The subplot was a great way to raise the tension, we as the player were given nothing and chilling things like the lost episode and Kagome Kagome alongside the music made it thrilling.