Pretty much every AAA game this year, including critical darlings like Zelda and BG3, has just made me feel kinda meh

Thankfully fromsoft came back to save video games, jumping around spamming dual plasma rifles with two shoulder laser cannons at helpless enemies finally made me wake up from this endless malaise

If capitalism is so great why is there n-


You know it’s a Fromsoft game when you’re begging the game to uninstall itself for 50% of the playtime and end up scoring it a 9/10 anyway

However I still refuse to fight the Demon of Hatred who thought this mf was a good idea

Breath of the Wild if it was actually fun

The labyrinth boss made all the previous enemy spam during bosses somewhat worth it

But holy shit tone it down lads frfr

I’m often willing to overlook possibly massive flaws when a piece of media moves me in some way, nothing I’ve ever experienced tested that thesis as much as Cyberpunk

For all its underdeveloped systems, broken promises and technical hitches, there is something outstanding in how CDPR approaches this world. I think it hit me in one of the texts after the Panam plotline, it wasn’t any master stroke of literary devices, nor a earth-shattering plot revelation, but simply a nice message hoping you were doing okay sent at a random point in the middle of one of the countless sightseeing drives through the city. Right here, the world of Cyberpunk felt real. It’s a miserable game, one of the harshest depictions of the political and economic degradation of society I’ve ever seen in a video game. Most quests end in a choice that leads to two bad outcomes. But there is an undeniable warmth to so many of these characters, you want to see these people succeed - even if there’s a high chance you'll just make everything worse. Idk man, for how much I enjoyed the Witcher games - I never connected to the world or characters nearly this much despite having two more games and a whole series of books. I don’t want all the bullshit that CDPR’s executives pulled to slide, but I do still hope the rest of the studio succeeds because they’re really really good at this whole gaming thing.

A liminal horror game that doesn’t pander to 12 year olds is like finding a needle in a haystack as large as the backrooms

Everyone gangsta til they run into Sword Saint Sulyvahn

Peak atmosphere let down HEAVILY by gameplay that’s way too easy and lets down the incredible tension built by the writing, environments and sound design - if Bloober were competent they’d just copy and paste the entire game and increase enemy movement speed and reduce ammo by 20% or something like that

Still unsure whether I like the ending or not and for a game with some of the best worldbuilding I’ve ever seen I wish more of the game had to do with that world - but at the end of the day it’s still the best writing any game has ever had so can’t be too mad

The good:
XP Swaps

The shapeshifter promo

Crafting objectives that aren’t shit for once
Sometimes is actually fun

The Bad:
Every other promo since January

For real tho why release FUTTIES in packs and then increase the price for fodder in AUGUST

Garbage servers

Lack of game modes besides sweaty ass Rivals and Friendlies throughout the week

Manual defending is still trash and 1/3 of my tackles end up either right back at the attackers feet or result in a through ball to their 99 Pace Mbappe

Lacks a bit of the soul/charm that made DS1 an instant classic but it has some of the best areas in the series and is BY FAR the most consistent game From has ever made from a boss standpoint until Sekiro released

I hate this star-wars prequel esque rewriting of history about DS2 it's still very obviously the worst in the series

That still makes it solid overall but the movement, boss fights and area design is pretty garbage when compared to the rest

FromSoft is just the absolute goats of this video game stuff man what can I say

I thought the Guardians movies were overrated as fuck and just assumed I would never like anything with these characters but Eidos Montreal proved me so so wrong. I was basically just expecting a funny romp through some pretty looking locations and while that is that a lot of the game is, it also is genuinely heartfelt in a way that I didn’t expect at all. Superhero media is so boring and oversaturated nowadays but this reminded me why this stuff became so big in the first place.