Masterful gameplay. One of only two games, I think, that I’ve ever thought, “Wow. I want to play this again,” while playing it. It just clicks with my brain so well. The story though is pretty bog standard and not worth much of note. The characters are fun, but without the main plot being really engaging, I can’t justify a perfect score

A game running on pure charm, and that's not a bad thing. The story has holes and the combat is kind of poorly implemented, but the game is just so enjoyable. I could spend hours just using the movement system to float through the cities, chilling to the music. And the characters, are so thoroughly fun to see just live and go through the story. The sidequests are sometimes jank, but almost always have something fun going on too.

The game has low lows, but it's kind of easily my favourite game despite them with the charm that's just oozing out at all times

One of, if not, the least bad game I've ever plain. It doesn't have extreme highs, but there are pretty much zero lows that I can really pinpoint. It does have a simple story, but I don't think this is the type of game that could handle anything too complex and it did help with replayability, which is rather rare for me in games

Not much in terms of gameplay, but it was fun to see the Pokemon I'd bonded with feel more alive than they were stuck in the games

The monotony of life, but in a video game. Why would I want to play that?

Fun as a kid, but it doesn't really hold up at all. It does have a fun character, but it feels accidental given everything else about this game

Such a waste of a good franchise. The game probably isn't truly as bad as a half star, but the fact that this game came from such a good franchise that I loved, and was completely devoid of any elements I enjoyed in the previous games, force it down to a lower level than someone not invested in Paper Mario may rate it. I think it was also the first game I've ever just wholesale dropped, I don't think I ever did the final world because I just wasn't having any fun, even as a kid

Intriguing story, with some neat short gameplay sections. The Finch family history was really interesting to dive into

Weird to see this game so low. I played it together with my brother, so maybe the company made it better than it should have but it was a neat short story. There's one particular moment that late in the game, that maybe everyone won't get, but was really cool too

A chill, fun VN that hit me at the exact right time. Honestly seems like it could be a lot of fun replaying, if I was capable of replaying games


Fun characters, good story, and great gameplay. May be the only action game I'm actually good at


That info would've saved at least an two hours, probably three, and would've had me rate the game a whole star better. It is really easy to miss interactable items, and it is misery to try and backtrack in this game because movement is just so slow.

The first language is easily the best one, so if you don't like that, the rest of the game won't help with that. The third language was misery for me because I missed some key interactables, but in general the languages themselves are fine. I'm not fond of their use of the Obra Dinn style confirmations because they make it too easy to guess at most words & enable brute force, but the only better system I can think of would've taken a lot more work, so it ends up a passable compromise. There are also mandatory stealth sections that do not belong in this game and only serve to make it worse.

The story in the background of the game is neat, not groundbreaking, but I've seen plenty worse in puzzle games.

There was a decent point in the middle there where I got pretty close to dropping it. The only thing that kept me from doing so was my brother's praise for the game. In the end though, I'm happy I got through it. Just remember to always be middle clicking and you'll have a much better time

This is a love story

And boy is it a good one. The interactions between you and the Princess are always really good, supported by some truly phenomenal VA work. The story itself is really good too, I especially love the way they handled the ending. The hand drawn artstyle is also always either a treat for the eyes, or really great at look visceral and repulsive as the game often needs.

Yes, the game wears its inspirations from games like The Stanley Parable on its sleeve, but being inspired isn't a bad thing, and I think to surpass your inspirations like this game did, is a pretty amazing thing to do.

Fun little daily puzzle. Nothing spectacular, but it doesn't need to be

While there are some fun parts, the tedious parts far outweigh them. It's like they made a game about collecting Koroks