More of the same, while also being bigger. Yet, somehow loses its charm and engagement. Its like a popular sitcom when it goes from 4:3 ratio to full screen, but the show got new writers and your involvement to follow up and watch another season dissipated.

Not as sluggish or demented looking as the previous, feels a bit sleeker and fluid. Yet it still feels blocky at times and not as fast as we need it to be.

One of the prettiest games on the console, but after grabbing 100% completion on the previous game. I think this was a reminder that, I'm actually not really into these games and I was playing them for the simple trophies.


Super innovative from a combat perspective. Fighting in this game feels great, but it can also feel quite unforgiving on tougher difficulties. It wasn't everlasting enough to keep grinding to get better and better, but it was fun enough to play through a couple times and actually beat the game!

Entertaining, whimsical, colorful, and holds up beautifully. This was one of the biggest flexes any studio pulled on the PS1. Really pushed the capabilities of what we could do with gaming. Sure its quite challenging for a game aimed towards all age groups, but it was the start of something magical.

Possibly the best digital version of my favorite board game! Its online fumbles quite often and needs to be able to adjust party hosts, but other than that. Lots of hours sunk into this friendship crusher.

Insanely underrated, and needs a remake/remaster/sequel BAD. What a phenomenal game and experience

Solid game, fun experience. The card collecting portion felt crummy from the developers and encourages a pay to win sensation that I was not about to indulge in. It kept me from the platinum

My everlasting love for this series had me in a vice to not stop playing this excuse for a full game until I earned the platinum trophy. Hands down worst in the series

Just felt uninspired and lazy. This game is infamously hated, despite its gunplay feeling a little more robust than the Marine playstyle in 2010s AVP. Granted, thats just how I remembered it, could be wrong because this was a redbox rental that left me groaning about the $2 I spent on it

All I remember liking about this was the theme song that plowed into me everytime I was brought back to the menu screen.

Looks like hot trash, but put a bag on its head and everything works out just fine.

My love for the show at the time was blinded by the expired milk of a game this was.

Its like the last game they won the super bowl, then this one all the players took a dump on the field and thought that would be acceptable at the same heights of winning.