Just feels like 6 steps backwards, and made 3,4,5 that much better. FC6 left a poor taste in my mouth, and leaves me with little to no desire to go for a 7th installment

A drastic improvement from the original. Cleaner level designs, smoother gameplay, improved mechanics and more moves to play with, satisfying boss fights, a better score, and less hair-pulling. Crash 2 is nearly perfect!

The zero gravity levels in the final warp room serve more as a beta test for the final boss fight with Neo, which happens to be the easiest fight of all them, in an already easy lineup.

Crash 2 still holds up incredibly well as a PS1 title.

The primary reason I wasn't a Mario kid.

One of the easiest, purest, and ugliest doses of nicktoon nostalgia.


A small handful of games left staples of fear and anxiety in my brain as a small child. DOOM was one of them.

My first PS1 game I've ever played. Mostly blinded by nostalgia with this one, since its blocky textures, rough draw distance, and clunky controls can be sore for new players. Atmospherically though, there is a charming sense of adventure here especially in the first level before things get tougher than overcooked venison. Plus, the score is one of the best in gaming.

Solid-ish entry in the series, jumped into it late last year to scrounge up the multiplayer trophies before the servers shut down. Wound up grinding like hell for the platinum, but the amount of tedious junk in this game literally exhausted me. Plot and gameplay wise, it was a stepdown from the superior Ezio games.

Thank God you exist when nothing else can.

The cornerstone for most gamers. Can't say anything bad about or else you get sacked.

Repetitious and tough as nails sometimes. Not fun going rogue on this one, much better with a squad

Doubled everything and sharpened it from the first. More fighters, more moves, more arenas, and more blood. MKII is the peak of the Arcade era.

Genuinely blown away and beyond happy with how much this holds up. For years I’ve talked about how much I love this game and it warms my heart to know I can go back to it and it’s still a masterclass in gaming.

The gameplay here is immaculate. The side steps, ducks, parries, and even the realistic movement of each character. Which is expertly crafted within each character to make them all unique in their gameplay! Including things like the height of the characters and reach. This made characters like Gon really tough and annoying to fight. The entire 3D aspect here is used really well. I was blown away by a sequence where I ran towards my opponent for a takedown and they performed a sidestep sprawl basically to cut the angle and that’s impressive as fuck!

It’s honestly jarring playing Tekken 8 recently then touching back on this to see how similar it really is. I know people like Tekken 1 and 2 a lot, but this here really is where Tekken (in my opinion) really exploded.

Some characters like King, Kuma, Heihachi, and Nina I had some learning curves with whereas Hwoarang, Eddy, Julia, Bryan, and Jin was like riding a bike. I slipped right in and felt at home with them. Fighters I had a real hard time with were Law, Gon, and Xiaoyu.

Tekken Force Mode… this side scrolling beat em up mode is a fun inclusion, but it is frustrating. In order to unlock the last character, you have to beat this 4 times. 1 play through is roughly 8-10 mins and if you die the whole thing starts over. This was my biggest hurdle in my playthrough to unlock all the fighters. I was sweating hard on the 4th playthrough because it added Dr. B as the boss and it was neck and neck until I snagged the victory.

The graphics are obviously rugged, but the cinematics are super impressive and some of the best for the hardware. A lot of the arcade endings are pretty cryptic for the games lore, and some are quite funny. Yoshimitu’s being one of my favs. Also while Yoshimitsu is the most intimidating looking fighter, he’s prob the funniest. I love fighting the guy and he’ll audibly express “ow!” When hit. It’s great.

Tekken 3 is one of the best fighting games I’ve ever experienced. It has a tone that bleeds the 90s with its soundtrack and character designs, all while having an incredible cast of characters that play great to allow for some incredible fights for players.

A legit masterpiece in gaming. A plethora of imagination, action, dialogue, and decision making. I believe this game has at least something for every gamer. One of my top 5 of all time!

Not my favorite DLC for one of the best games of all time, primarily due to its design and navigation. Also, with how easy it is to get stuck in rooms with doors glitching and never re-opening. I lost a massive save years ago due to this.

More of the same, while also being bigger. Yet, somehow loses its charm and engagement. Its like a popular sitcom when it goes from 4:3 ratio to full screen, but the show got new writers and your involvement to follow up and watch another season dissipated.