I really enjoyed the story and characters, but the gameplay was pretty frustrating at times, especially the last level, although the last boss was nowhere near as bad as I'd heard, it only took me about 10 trys, and that would've been less if I hadn't accidentally walked backwards into a rat tornado and messed up right at the end of it.

Parts of this I really liked, parts I didn't. I absolutely despise the echo flute. There's parts where you hear voices and the unskippable text stays on screen for like 30 seconds per sentence as if I am 4 years old and cannot read properly.

Honestly I really hated this game. Like 90% of it is really boring climbing, don't get me wrong, I enjoy games like the Assassin's Creed games and some of the Uncharted games, I loved the 2010 Prince of Persia which was basically entirely that, but it's just so boring in this game, none of the enviroments are interesting enought to enjoy flailing around like a gymnast for the majority of the games length. You go back to the same handfull of planets for most of the game. Once you finish the bit you're supposed to do on a planet, there's no return to ship option so you have to spend ages getting back to the damn ship and the map is just useless. in this game there are containers that have collectibles or upgrades in, and to open them you have to go up to it and press the right stick and the your robot compainion will go inside and get whatevers in it, but while this is happening your character can't move, it feels like almost everything in this game is meant to purposely slow you down so the game lasts longer. Thank god it's finally over. I did like the lightsaber customization, being able to change color and even use it as a double ended one was nice.

I'm not a big fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies franchise, I like the first 2 films, but not 3,4 or 5.
I do very much enjoy lego games though, and therefore I actually like this game more than any of the films.
Anyway on to the negatives, there are parts where you're not sure what you're supposed to be doing (lego games can be kind of obtuse at times, and honestly they could do with some sort of hint system) and you'd wanna look around to work out what to do but there's infinite waves of enemies that annoy you and stop you from being able to think.
I also really don't like the fact that you have to fight the characters in the hub area to be able to buy them, but since I don't really care much about any of the pirates of the carabbean characters, this isn't too big of a deal. Other than those issues, this is a good lego game, but unlike say Lego Star Wars where I really like the franchise, I didn't really care too much about the lego recreations of film scenes.

This game is worth playing through just to see how absolutely frustrating it is. When you take damage you lose body parts, and you have to walk over your parts to connect them back to you, so this basically means you spend most of the time collecting your parts back up (if you lose enough you end up just a head rolling around, and you have a time limit before death) I'm not explaining it super well but it's such a frustrating game

This would be a 4/5 but the last boss p* me off. He had like 50 health bars and I died a bunch of times, then I finally beat him and missed a damn quick time event and had to do it all again.

The open area skiff parts were truly awful

I enjoyed the gameplay in this, but the characters just wouldn't shut up. I got fed up of the plot like 2 hours in, so had to keep mashing the x button to skip through dialogue.

This was absolutely fantastic. The only bad thing was the bad MJ/Miles Morales stealth sections.

The game I've replayed the most amount of times. Love this, it's too bad the sequels went in a completely different direction.