Love the story mode but the gameplay is a bit too floaty and I hate tripping.

I love the story and the gameplay is really fun. I love how each chapter is unique and has it's own thing going on

This chapter is just fun from start to finish. Each enemy encounter is like it's own wario ware minigame. The jokes are really funny and I love the new characters.

Really creative and fun game. I love the atmosphere in this too. This game is just really unique and unlike most other Mario games.

I felt nothing while playing this game. Not bad but not good either.

Incredible what fans can do. It adds a lot to the original and has some of the tightest 2D metroid controls. Some boss fights can be a bit annoying though.

I really like mixing copy abilities. Gameplay is a bit slow, still fun though.

Really tight level design and creative gimmicks

Pretty fun despite how simple it is. Music is cool too

I love the tight controls and creativity. It's fun just to run around and do shit. Moons are pretty hit or miss but that doesn't really diminish my enjoyment of the game as a whole.

why is there a dream dragon..

Really fun concept but looking back, having to buy all of those figurines to get the full enjoyment of the game is kind of scummy. Gameplay is pretty alright.

Pretty fun, I suck at it though