Really creative and ingenious puzzles. It hurts my brain trying to play it though

Really fun and polished game and I love the wall merging mechanic. I like how you can do most of the dungeons out of order, though I wish they had more interesting design.

Really fun and creative. I love the new items and concepts it introduces.

Really interesting story and fun gameplay. I love the new items like roc's feather, but only being able to use two items at a time kind of sucks.

Is really fun with friends, wished they'd play it with me though

I like the music and difficulty


Amazing story. Battle system had cool potential but it reached it's peak at the halfway point and didn't reach it for the rest of the game.

Kind of difficult at the start but the rest is really good.

Amazing pixel art and interesting story. Gameplay is a bit slow though

Really fun, sad nobody plays it anymore :(

Improves in over Mother 2 in every way gameplay-wise. I love the rhythm battles and the game is just really well balanced. The story is amazing and has stuck with me long after finishing it.

Really fun battle system, kind of wish the game was a bit more difficult though. The story is interesting, though it left me wanting for more by the end

An alright game to pass the time while on the bus

I could NOT beat god at the DDR game