Now, I didn't expect much from a Mario Golf game but I feel like even compared to past entries this one feels kind of odd.

The main issue with this game for me is how overall cheap the game feels. Not just in its graphics which are surprisingly not great for a full-priced mario game, but in the canned and stiff animations, lack of content in both quantity, variety, and depth, and the lack of fairly basic options, it just feels like this was SUPER Rushed (hahaha). On top of that, the new swing system is kind of an objective downgrade from the last one due to not being able to affect your accuracy, the music is super bland and boring with even ACES having more memorable tunes, the story mode kinda loses its luster after the first bit of it, and the online isn't exactly as good as previous NPLN titles like Mario Party and Monster Hunter.

That being said, I do think that Speed Golf is really fun, the courses are not as bad as I was expecting them to be, and it is fairly fun to play with friends. But at this point, I'll just stick to Clubhouse Games golf instead.

The wait was ABSOLUTELY worth it! Psychonauts 2 is a game that isn't just worthy of meeting the original, but surpassing it. Everything about it from the story to the platforming to the music to ESPECIALLY the visuals have seen an upgrade since the first game to where I'd say this is the best 3D platformer since Mario Odyssey.

I used to think that people in the press claiming that this was a playable Pixar movie was just some marketing jargon but this is the closest a game has ever felt to FEELING like that because not only is this the best looking game I've ever played, it also has a really good score, a really fun story with memorable characters, and it uses the PS5 better than any other game released for it so far.

The combat is also pretty fun too, but it does feel a little too flashy and not as deep as I expected it to be, even by Platformer standards, but this is still an absolutely amazing game and now can stand tall as the SECOND PS5 game.

This... isn't terrible?

I mean it's not great, obviously. The game looks, sounds, and runs cheap and it is VERY buggy with dogshit physics but it actually works? I think some of the music is actually pretty good and getting to 100% completion was (mostly) pretty fun, even if for the meme of it.

There was some bullshit in here, as expected, one that almost took me 4 hours, but for $1.30 USD, I enjoyed this game even if its kinda bad.

Also it has better online than MK8Deluxe get fucked nintendo.

A surprisingly welcoming fun and enjoyable fighting game with beautiful visuals and amazing music! The online interface is kind of terrible and the story mode wasn't the best (though not really bad or the focus) but other than that I really enjoy this game and I'm still playing it now!

Current mains are Giovanna, May, and I-NO.

Better than I expected, but still not great overall. The terrible roster balancing, horrendously slow movement speed, and framerate issues make SWITCHING BETWEEN THE CHARACTERS a chore, Zapdos being absolutely broken, and Horrendous Pay to Win Microtransactions, this really drove down and ruined a kind of fun and interesting gameplay loop. I had fun, if only for a few days, but damn. This REALLY isn't that good.

If the only issue I have with your game is that I wish it was longer, then you've accomplished something incredible. Despite being a decade old, Portal 2 is still one of the best written games of all time on TOP of really fun and challenging puzzles, a great atmosphere in terms of visuals and music, and pretty fun multiplayer, even if I prefer the main campaign.

This is an absolute masterpiece and that makes it pretty disappointing that valve is creatively bankrupt and will never make another one of these games. But still, this is one of my new favorite games of all time and one of, if not, THE best puzzle game of all time.

Wait people actually want the main games to be exactly like this lol?

Like I get the animations and shit but like, the whole game? Pffffft

Seeing this getting revealed made me so excited and this has exceeded my expectations, though not completely breaking it. Its post-game isn't the longest and they did lock the mii central behind NSO which.. why...

But beyond those this is the same great game on the 3DS but with beautiful new graphics and new additions to combat and relationships like the Horse and Outings. Not only that, the new mii maker is flat out one of the best character creators I have ever seen in a video game.

No memes, No bullshit, this is one of my new top 10 Favorite Switch games and I'm so SO happy it was executed so well!

Probably the most in-depth 99-game so far even if I like Tetris 99 more. The amount of effort that went into this one is staggering, but it sometimes has trouble keeping my attention, which results in me having far fewer games in the first few weeks of Pacman 99 than Tetris 99.

But Please. Don't remove this one. i swear to god.

Just a really fun, solid beat-em up. That's really all I have to say. It's really fun, has great art and music, and it is pretty challenging even if the story isn't interesting at all and there were 1 or 2 bs moments here and there.

A really solid improvement over the original. I do prefer the Dark Story over the Hero one, and I do think that it hasn't aged very well in a few places, and, I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I really did not like the Knuckles stages gameplay wise. I think this game could benefit from a modern remake to just touch up some of the dated stuff but otherwise, the story is good, every other type of level is fun, the bosses are cool, and the music is amazing!

Really like this one.

An imaginative, incredible co-op platformer that basically does what Balan Wonderworld TRIED to do with its story and succeeded.

The writing isn't.. the best.. and there are some character designs that just feel off, but overall the game is great and I can't wait to play it again!

I mean, it's Doki Doki but with more stuff to it, so obviously it's gonna be better. The original was already a really good story but I feel like this version adds to it in interesting, if kinda sparse ways. I do not really think this is enough to justify not just watching a let's play or playing the original 2017 version, but by and large, it's still doki doki and that's good for it!

That Trigger Warning feature is broken as fuck tho. Please fix it lmao.

This is a game with really fun writing, amazing music, and extremely cool combat, but I would like the game more if it wasn't so distractingly unpolished. Most of the game looks HIDEOUS, and the frame rate at times is so low that it's actively painful to play.

Still a fun game tho!