Starfield releasing was this communities 9/11.

40 year olds are going crazy for this game and they are right.

FROM is back, baby! I bought this game faster than that first plane hit the tower.

Perfect game to play when pretending to be attentive to your gf or child.

More planets to explore than Starfield's, -1 star because you can't fuck guys or whatever.

Game for guys that own a tesla and still watch the amazing atheist.

First I take your fief, then I fuck your bitch

Toad runs the fastest despite having the biggest hog in the game

My dog is wearing foreskin on its head

Life is short, just not short enough

One of those games where you have to repeat "trust me bro" until you're a few drinks in and screaming at each other

Did anyone else want to be Elvis when they grew up?

Historically accurate game where you can use a ball with spikes to punch your opponents head off and hang out with your best friend that lives under a bridge

The game you daydreamed about when you were in P.E. getting bullied in middle school

I bought a keyboard for my ps2 for this fucking game