Big Boss says war is bad and he gets pussy

Zeldar can't run for more than 10 meters this shit sucks

dante eats pizza and fucks hard while he loses his business like a real millenial

Life is short, just not short enough

video game for people that like family guy

personally i don't like the messaging of some science nerd saving the day, but its pretty damn good

game sucks but the soundtrack slaps

Donkey Kong says trans rights

Government is bad and should be destroyed, fuck elon musk

We need to rid the world of people named alice, except for my grandma

Try that shit on my Axel, idiot. His legs might not work, but his wheels do.

just a couple dudes kicking ass and being strong while not being gay

I paid dancers to heal my mind after I got bit by a lizard and then I shot nerds with lasers, bring this game back