This is, to me, the definitive way to play Gen 1. A romhack that makes plenty of positive changes/balances and adds a good level of challenge, while retaining the core of the original. I was enjoying myself so much, I ended up completing the Pokedex for the first time in Yellow as every Pokemon is very accessible. And to me, that's where the true fun of Pokemon lies, collecting them all.

This is my first foray into the Diablo series and I had a great time. It scratched that same itch that Borderlands 1 and 2 did and even if the story was run-of-the-mill, the gameplay loop is really strong. Even though I'm happy having just played through the campaign once on Normal, I respect the game for being designed to be near-endlessly replayable. Will have to check out either Diablo II or Diablo IV at some point for sure.

A perfect send off for one of the greatest games ever made. Everything from the map, the bosses, the new weapons/skills/armour/spells were all amazing. It's essentially a second game, got a good 50 hours out of me. Absolutely peak.

Ever since this was announced, I was feeling really skeptical about it. Been a huge Oddworld fan ever since I was a kid and this has been sat on my PS5 rotting, because I kept putting off trying it. I finally gave it a try and I'll admit, the early cutscenes got me re-immersed into Oddworld very quickly again. And playing through the first half of the game, there were definitely moments where it felt like I was playing a new Oddworld game that did everything I liked about the previous entries. But as the levels continued, it just got more and more frustrating to keep playing and I was forcing myself to keep going. It's stupid of me to say "Oh this should've just been a remake of Exoddus!" because the devs shouldn't be tied down to the past. Making the Glukkons and some Mudokons look more unique was a great choice and I liked they kept that feeling of grand scale in their levels. Even the one aspect I was worried about most, the resource/crafting mechanic, I ended up liking. But overall I wasn't enjoying myself anymore. I think I'll just stick to replaying Oddysee and Exoddus for the foreseeable future.

As someone who was a PS1/PS2 kid, it's a crying shame I never played these when they came out originally. So I had to jump on this when I saw it was announced and I had a blast with both games. Klonoa 2 especially had some excellent and memorable level designs.

I think the only interesting thing about this game is Kiryu's JP VA voicing Nobunaga Oda. The rest of the game is a real nothing-burger.

Pretty much a 'more-of-the-same' sequel but that's not a bad thing at all. The first game was amazing and this one was too. If you liked the first, you'll like the second, easy as that.

Cool visuals and welcome old-school design but playing solo got boring pretty fast.

A fantastic 3D platformer with addictive movement-based puzzles and bosses that feel satisfying to conquer. Also the visuals were stunning, Heart Machine know how to make games with stellar art styles. I was a little surprised at how much dialogue the game features as I feel the strong visual style and great game mechanics would be enough to carry the game alone. Either way, another great game from a great developer.

A simple yet compelling puzzle game with a gripping mystery storyline. Tied together neatly with all the charm and personality of the Ace Attorney series, as well as a banging soundtrack. Shu Takumi does it again.

Excellent characters, excellent music, excellent vibes.

Have never played the Gal Gun games and plan to keep it that way, but figured I'd check this title out as a fan of the genre. It's fine, decently made little title.

As someone whose favourite game has been Oblivion since I first played it back in 2006, I always said to myself "I'll get around to Morrowind at some point". Well, I finally had the opportunity to get around to it and decided to research the best way to play the game for the first time. It was recommended to play the game through OpenMW with a small mod list called 'I Heart Vanilla' that just added some nice quality of life changes and some polish here and there. Anyway, I have a lot I want to say but if you can't be bothered reading it all, just know I loved playing this with all my heart and soul. So, here we go.

Going into Morrowind, I wasn't really sure what to expect but I had heard nightmare stories about the combat and I was a little worried that being spoiled with fast travel in so many other open world games that I would struggle to get invested. Boy was I wrong, big time. Seyda Neen is an excellent introduction to Morrowind, giving you plenty of space to get your feet wet, learn the common systems of the game and get some easy quests under your belt. It's very similar to Goodsprings in New Vegas, another great introductory Tutorial Town, so to speak. And before I knew it, I was completely immersed in the world of Vvardenfell. I kept catching myself stopping in the early hours of my playthrough to admire the aesthetics of the foggy swamps, the lush Grasslands and barren Ashlands on my travels. The games visuals have seriously aged like a fine wine. I got completely enraptured by the world, that I found myself eventually exploring nearly every nook and cranny of it before really digging my teeth into the quests of the game. The map of Vvardenfell made me realise that a big problem Oblivion has, is that by letting the player fast travel to any major city right from the get-go, it completely removes the incentive to walk the world and explore it. And in turn, actually doing that in Oblivion is a lot less compelling than it is in Morrowind or Skyrim dare I say. Their worlds feel a lot more intentionally designed. Speaking of Skyrim, another thing that stuck out to me that I loved about Morrowind was that it does such a good job of making you feel like just another inhabitant of the world, like a character in a book, as opposed to the main character of a Hollywood movie. In Morrowind's story, when you arise to become the Nerevarine sure, but in Skyrim, within an hour you've slain a dragon and people are chanting "Dragonborn! Dragonborn!"

So actually getting to the meat and bones of the RPG, first of all, I will say that I genuinely prefer the combat of Morrowind over the happy-slap fighting of Oblivion or the cumbersome slogfest of Skyrim. Morrowind made me feel like I was actually improving at a skill, the more consistently I could hit my opponents, the better I was getting. And NPCs would say to me, "If you aren't good at something, get Training first, or you'll be wasting your time" which makes perfect sense to me. I also greatly prefer the Long Blade/Short Blade split as well as the Axe/Blunt split, I think these should make a return. Just because you're skilled with a dagger, doesn't mean you're skilled with a claymore as well, y'know? Now when it comes to the quests of the game, the amount of content available feels nearly endless, so to stop myself getting bogged down, I focused on the Fighters Guild, Thieves Guild, one of the major House questlines and then the main story afterwards. The actual quests themselves in the game are never anything more than glorified fetch quests, which I think comes down to technical limitations more than anything. But what I loved most was talking to NPCs about anything and everything. As a huge nerd for the Elder Scrolls lore, the sheer amount of it here is breathtaking, I was loving it. Everything from the cultures, histories, belief systems and anything else in between, if you wanted to find it and learn about it, Morrowind would give it to you in spades. I have so much respect for RPGs letting you just stand there and talk with people for 20 minutes at a time, or read a book on a topic that interests you, we need more like it nowadays. And what can I even say about Vivec and Dagoth Ur? Absolutely fascinating characters. I was hanging off their every word in my encounters with them. Both very compelling, bewildering, frustrating and powerful beings. I'll be honest, as of the writing of this review, I have finished up the main questline in Mournhold and haven't even been to Solstheim yet! I decided to put the game down for a short while before tackling the second add-on so I don't completely burn myself out.

There's so much more I want to say but I have to cap it off somewhere and I'll end on the note that Morrowind is nothing short of a beautiful masterpiece that fully respects your time as a player. I was very unprepared for such an excellent RPG, it's hard to believe this is the same studio who made Skyrim and Fallout 4 honestly.

Revisiting this game due to the next-gen update and overall I still really enjoyed myself. The world is easily my favourite to explore and get immersed in, combined with fun gunplay and a strong gameplay loop. Sadly it doesn't change the fact that the quests/dialogue and presentation of the lore of this game is overall poor. I made the effort to do the majority of the companion quests this time and there's some decent stuff there but it's a drop in the bucket. We genuinely need the gameplay of this game, combined with the writing quality and quest design of Fallout 1, 2 and NV.


Absolute peak game design, was the first game in a long time that had me bust out a pen and paper to solve puzzles. Nothing short of incredible.