trust me i'll look past ANY performance issues if u give me a good story and cute animals. i'm an easy woman. i take estrogen. i cry when the doggy does the woof woof.

it gets old fast but then it gets unold just as fast

the ending of this game is one of the rawest endings of any game ever.

just take the bucket off your fucking head asshole

i literally love magalor he's so fluffy (he tried to kill people)

when i cant get the rainbow shard cuz i didn't attach a powered up car battery to my nutsack to open up the nae nae door in stage 4 (the car battery was found in stage 2)

this is why video games were made

monster hunter but "hunter" means something different this time

mortal kombat if real people made it

it's very fun when u don't play it on a virtual boy

this game plays like what mcdonalds sprite probably feels like if u pour it down your urethra

The crowd LOVES bowser’s prostate