Listen I don't even own this game let alone a PS5. But I played through a big chunk of this thing at my friend's house. So from what I played, this is an awesome tech demo!

This game saved gaming. The video game crash of 1983 made so many companies and individuals stop being interested in video games. This game SAVED THE INDUSTRY. If it wasn't for the original Super Mario Bros. on NES, Nearly every video game released today wouldn't exist. Nintendo SAVED gaming, All thanks to that they marketed the NES as the "Ultimate Toy" instead of a normal video game console. This is the most important game, ever!

The best uncharted game, purely amazing.

This game is just... PERFECT. If you like getting hooked on a lore heavy open world space game, play this!

A Really fun, addictive, greatly designed platformer. However, at it's core it's NEARLY IDENTICAL to previous NSMB games. Sure, this one adds cool stuff but it's just.... Unoriginal.

Enough to make a not-so grown man cry and stomp on a fly. The best Mario Party! Especially with friends you love but hate after playing a round of that stinkin' dart game.

It's fucking Minecraft what did you expect?

The most relaxed, funny and nice experience I've ever had.