My favourite puzzle game. Valve always delivers.

The low ratings are just kids not getting past the 3 tutorial worlds. This is one of my favourite games and is an absolute blast AFTER the 3 tutorial worlds.

My favourite game. Nothing will top it.

THE COOLEST PS3 GAME!! This is a masterpiece the story's better than Part II by a long shot but the gameplay is a bit lesser.

Holy shit I love this. I didn't even know the PS4's capable of rendering this! How does this game look so good!? Anyways the gameplay was like with the first game but even better. This game is amazing, the story is kinda lacking so I understand the low user scores but whatever I love this game.

Probably the greatest movie tie-in game from the late 2000's. I enjoyed every second of this. Yeah sure 5 stars is a bit much for this but I'm so nostalgic when it comes to this game I played it SO MUCH on my PS2 back in the day. There's 3 entirely different games with the title of WALL-E though. I played the PS2/PC/PSP one and the PS3/XBOX 360/Wii one, I haven't touched the DS one, might consider getting that on 3DS?

An absolute blast with friends. This is one of the best shooters I've ever played.

The worst sims game. This is also the most boring video game I've ever played I'll pick The Sims 3 over this ANY DAY.


A Really creative and beautiful masterpiece. Also I played this on a Wii U, why isn't that an option?

Could get a bit annoying on some parts but was really fun most of the time.

The most satisfying and consistently fun game I've ever played