I would love to see what's going on in the minds of everyone who called this "Dark Souls With Guns But Good".

The epitome of a 7th-gen western action game - big burly badass protag, gameplay as derivative as an Asylum movie, comical levels of hyper-violence, and serious aspirations for a lore-heavy universe with only a sprinkling of irony. Fun romp elevated by Joe Mad's designs (or overdesigns if you wanna put it like that), but as basic as they get.

The definition of "overstays its welcome".

An improvement over the first game all across the board - gameplay, visuals, soundtrack and writing - and an inexplicable attempt to be the next big epic open world RPG while barely being deeper than a Diablo clone. One of the most bizarrely expensive video game productions of all time, with all the money and effort seemingly going into meaningless padding and fractaling fetch quests. A deep dive into the series' lore with some interesting development and worldbuilding, while also making the universe come off blander than expected and ending with a lame surprise reveal in the final act. Eventually spawned a sequel, but not before fatally bankrupting the original studio due to the over-investment of its production.

Basically it's like a playable contradiction

Video games as a whole would be a little worse today if this hadn't come out.

One of the prettiest pieces of shit you'll ever play

This is probably the hypest game in the world for you if you're a 30-year-old game journalist who's impressively bad at parenting

Even without the map editor that allowed you to make anything from Dragon Ball RPGs to top-down Quake 3, this would still be one of the greatest games ever made.

Transcendent core gameplay, mediocre 7th-gen jank everything else.

When are we collectively gonna admit that Shantae games need to start doing something drastically different with their gameplay instead of selling themselves exclusively on the character designs

Should've just went ahead with the Japanese title and translated it as MEGAMAN MEGAMAN

Megaman X1 but everything's a little... off. It's like playing the original game in a dream.


Do you like being handholded? No? You'd prefer having your hand ran through a woodchipper instead? Boy do I have a game for you!

i keep buying pepsi instead of coke to this day because i'm afraid if i don't Pepsiman will come to my house and crush my nuts like a can of soda