In an attempt to diversify their somewhat homogenous portfolio, Platinum created an action game that has zero charm and controls like shit on purpose

Imagine resurrecting a series after nearly 35 years just to make it Worse Dead Cells

Ironically enough, anything actually special about the Tag Force games got completely stripped away here in favor of straight-up dueling and not much else. At least nearly every single anime-exclusive card is now playable from its own pack, which is cute.
It's always funny seeing these "series compilation" games try handling a season that has barely had any substantial story content yet. Like this game treating Shun as the main antagonist of Arc-V, Legacy of the Duelist giving Yuto a Satellarknight deck with three Dark Rebellion in the ED, or Link Evolution's Vrains route having only a Knight of Hanoi as a villain. And by "funny", I mean desperate

it's like if Titanfall 2 and E.Y.E. had a baby that got dropped on its head on birth

Silent Hill by the way of How To Draw Manga


It's fine but it feels like most people who love it just want to play the exact same retro FPS until the sun burns out and are deathly allergic to innovation

Unrateable - god-tier character aesthetics and combat system trapped in a grindy, awkwardly structured generic mess of a Korean MMO, I mourn its fate to this day

I just want to go fast again.

Peak action platformer if you turn it off right before the final boss

One of the weirdest difficulty curves I've ever seen in a video game. It's not hard in the first place, but I've never played a game where its systems are made so that it's about 20 times easier to die to random mobs and stage hazards than it is to bosses.
Fine enough metroidvania otherwise, basically a trimmed-down SotN.

korra beats more enemies in the first 5 minutes of this game than she does in the entirety of the show

i'm convinced open world games would be slightly better on average today if this had never come out


It's insane how ahead of the time this is. It feels like a game that would be made today as a tribute to retro shooters but it actually did come out 24 years ago

monster hunter for boring people