Oh. That's crack. That's cocaine crack drugs on the Steam top sellers list.

I mashed up Death Note with Bromance and invented Yaoi, thank me later world

There is 10 seconds of gameplay variety in this

the Coke Zero of fighting games, this one was extra refrigerated too

Me when I make my little guy have a big number: Hahaha, yes!!!

Me when I get reminded you need to do other things with your deck too or you die: This sucks. What the fuck.

If you paired up Szymanski's ability to design a mortifying buildup with someone who can deliver a payoff that's not just a scary face popping up on your screen I think you'd have a pretty solid horror experience, but overall this is better than Iron Lung

This left such a visceral impression on me when I was a kid that it gained a symbolic meaning as the first thing that pops into my mind as the platonic ideal of a "shit game"

I was initially thrown off by how quaint and small in scope this was compared to Cave Story, but was fully engaged by the end and even more invested when I realised the extra modes are whole remixes of the game packed with new stuff, secrets and a goofy plot continuation. Oooh and that jacket is so fucking swanky!!

Picked this up because I was in the mood for a cool werewolf detective story, which it was, but I feel like it would've been better in any other medium where it was paced better and not pretending that your choices have consequences (yeah I know Telltale game jokes on me). But yeah, decent layered mystery, cool setting, great vibe and OST, (mostly) good designs and the voice acting really brings the mood together. I also didn't think that something this linear could be this buggy, I spent a third of an episode with a dollar clipping through Bigby's thumb which made it look like he's constantly trying to get people to unstick it from his hand which honestly sounds like a funny plot point that should've actually been in the game.

Nothing better than a serviceable $3 beat-em-up with a basic but fun campaign and solid game feel on a weekend to close out the year. It's crazy how far you'll get with me if you just make the act of just hitting bad guys satisfying even if you do nothing else in the whole game

Metal Wolf Chaos for women

This is a tight, mechanically sound and incredibly satisfying game that gradually completely falls apart as you unlock higher difficulties and dig deeper into the systems that the devs are still tangibly struggling to balance 6 years in. Going from the fun action RPG that Dead Cells starts out as, and ending up in the stat check-bloated wreck it becomes in the late game (in individual runs but especially in the overall progression), is like seeing a child prodigy grow up into a tweaking crackhead. Don't get me wrong - there's still enjoyment to be had even in the depths of the unrepentant inferno that is 5BC! It's just that the punchy and well-paced core gameplay gets molded into this incongruous twitchy mess where if you're not blowing up an enemy in one hit the nanosecond they're in your line of sight, you're playing it wrong and your deaths start to feel more and more bullshit. And at that point, the whole variety in weapons, mutations and enemy design becomes almost irrelevant; which is a shame because it's initially one of the game's strongest points.

Whatever Motion Twin's next project is, I hope they at least build on this foundation because the actual moment-to-moment experience of Dead Cells is immaculate.

I saw a review of this in a magazine as a kid and got so hyped to play a cool 3D Power Rangers action game because I didn't know what "side scroller" meant at the time. The first 2 seconds of this were a cruel learning experience

It's not high-brow art or whatever but it's the primo definition of a "turn your brain off" game. Something you feel like downloading and booting up to kill some time but then see this shit is 95GB despite playing like a 2010 wave shooter because they loaded it up with so many microtransactions it's breaking under its own weight. Still fun but I'm more than moderately concerned about the third one coming up.

I don't think I've ever been more disappointed going from title to gameplay than with a game called WIZARD WITH A GUN turning out to be a slow-paced Don't Starve-styled exploration survival base builder