“It was the debut of Wario, I can’t say that about myself.”

If Sand Kirby has a million fans I am one of them.
If Sand Kirby has ten fans I am one of them.
If Sand Kirby has only one fan then that is me.
If Sand Kirby has no fans, that means I am dead.
If the world was against Sand Kirby, I am against the world.

Finally got around to beating this, and what a great time it is. The N64 has many games that stand as must-have games, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64 and the works. But this game to me is the quintessential 64 game, for how it represents so much of what that system stands for.
The colorful characters, the goofy writing, the cozy ass music, and the storybook athethics of it all. This game is a beautiful melding of a saturday morning cartoon, and a childrens book with a lot of fun encounters.
Banjo and Kazooie are such incredible designs, and are some of the most timeless characters in all of gaming.
The swimming isn't perfect, and some of the challenges can be really frustrating, but the charm of this game is off the charts man. The characters reading the staff-members names is so pure and wholesome that it's crazy.

Holds up frustratingly well, and is one of the greatest games I have ever played.

A heavily flawed product. The performance of this game is inexcusable. I wished the character customization was more varied, I wish there was voice acting, and you get the point.

But I hate to say that I really enjoyed what this game did overall. The open world format is very refreshing, the new batch of Pokémon are very strong, and I actually found the writing really charming.

Such a beautiful adventure. I've heard various things about how FFIX is one of the best games in the series, and how everyone who plays it never forgets it. But up until a few months ago, I figured that it was just really solid, albeit overhyped.
But man, am I overjoyed to be proven wrong, cause this game is fantastic. The story despite being slow at times is one of the most consistent, understandable, and enjoyable ones in the series.
The characters are super charming, with all of them going through changes and developments that at times can hit close to home. Zidane is a lovely breath of fresh air in contrast to the previous protagonists, Steiner is fantastic, Dagger is endearing, and Vivi is just the best of the best man.
The graphics have aged really nicely, and are super captivating to look at due to the more expressive art style and animation.
But I would be remiss if I were to ignore the beauty of the soundtrack on display here. Straight up, Crossing those Hills is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard, and pair that with songs like Vamo'alla flamenco, Black Mage Village, You Are Not Alone, and Melodies of Life, and it's just the peak of gaming.
I am so happy that this game exists, especially with the messages and themes that it puts on display. Seeing Vivi's existential crisis hit me hard, as having gone through that, seeing these thoughts I had felt were only in my head expressed through Vivi reminded me that no matter how hopeless it may seem, I am not alone.
Made my cry, 10/10.

I initially thought upon beating this that it was a very strong 9, a possible 10 even.
Now I can’t imagine it as anything but a 10, as my love for this game has grown with every passing day.
I don’t know if this is the best game in the series, but the passion and magic on display never disappears from my mind, and the experience created is one of the greatest in all of gaming.
My friends who haven’t played this game reduce this game to the game where ‘insert character here gets blanked’ or ‘the one with Tifa Lockhart’ and I can’t blame them, cause thats just how it popular culture works sometimes. But this game is so much more than its twists and turns.
It remains culturally relevant with themes that get better with each passing year, characters that connect with people across the world, locations that amaze and capture artists firing on all cylinders, and music that is legitimately perfection incarnate.
I love this game, it deserves all the praise it gets from people, because even with the flaws that are present (graphics and translation) it lights a fire in the creator in me, and inspires me to leave something behind to help people as this game has done for me.

Such a breath of fresh air for lego games. I wasn’t expecting such good voice acting for this game, but I can confidently say that most of the interpretations in this game are better than the movies they came from, thanks to talented staff from the Clone Wars show to almost everyone involved.
I really enjoyed the combat, as it felt much more intimate and fun to play than most Lego games.
The game is graphically stunning, with worlds that are super detailed and aesthetically pleasing. And the fact they added muffle mode is such a cool feature, as it really shows their dedication and passion for this project.
My only gripe is the lack of a character creator. I usually wouldn’t care, but the levels and worlds are so cool that the exclusion from this game is a little frustrating.

Feels like a mixed bag. I enjoyed many of the enhancements, but in the pursuit of keeping things accurate to the originals, this version just acts as a faster and well-lit version of Diamond. I had a much better time with my team this time, as I felt much more rewarded for building bonds with them.
The art style feels really strange, as they go for a chibi style, but something about it feels weird.
Diamond was the first game I ever played, so of course, I enjoyed this version, but the choice to opt-out of remaking Platnium feels like a missed opportunity. And of all the games they have remade thus far, these games feel the most confused in terms of their existence, as they mainly just bank on the nostalgia of the originals as opposed to forming their own identity.

And a moment to honor those who fought alongside me...
Zuko the Infernape
Howl the Luxray
Ethan the Staraptor
Suki the Lucario
Obama the Abomasnow
Judy the Lopunny
*Ravenclaw the Alakazam

Due to me playing a lot of Japanese games in the past year, its been a while since I played an American made game. And boy what a refreshing change of pace.
The Uncharted series is one I have a huge level of respect for, as while I haven’t played all the way through all of them, they always did a very good job at delivering exhilarating set pieces. And Uncharted 4 perfects the movie like game genre that they started in 2006. Like this shit is substantially better than most Hollywood based movies that are coming out today.
The characters are way better than they have been in the previous games, and the performances were genuinely amazing, feeling so real and so cozy to be around.
The story is really good, albeit pretty long at times. And it’s just so interesting to see a video game that holds so much reverence for its characters and the series as a whole. Like Nathan Drake got served a better ending than most blockbuster characters could dream of.
And visually the game is just untouchable, quite possibly the best looking game I have ever played.

Metroid Dread is the first Metroid game have ever made sufficient progress in, let alone beat, and man what a blast.
Visually it is incredible for the Switch and has an intoxicating atmosphere that puts you in the shoes of Samus.
And on the topic of Samus, what a badass she is in this game. While Link is still my favorite Nintendo protagonist, Samus is the coolest Nintendo character, as she gets to shine and show her personality without it being obtrusive.
At the beginning of the game, I was utterly terrified, it felt like it was impossible to make progress, with the E.M.M.I’s feeling like horror villains. But as you go along, it remains challenging, but manageable and digestible. Some boss fights kicked my ass, but when the battle would be said and done, all I could think about was how good of a fight it was.
Support this if you have a Switch, because not only does this game have the future of the Metroid series hanging on its back, but it's also just one of the best games from Nintendo this generation.

For whatever reason, despite going in knowing that this one isn’t the most praised Final Fantasy game, I knew that I had to beat it. This is by far the most interesting Final Fantasy game to me.
For cons, the story is confusing and strange at times and contains a combat system that I got the hang of like 18 hours in, which can prove problematic. And while it actually became kind of fun after a while, I can’t ignore how unwelcoming this can be for someone who just wants to experience the game.
But for the pros, this world was incredibly fascinating for me to explore. The art design's contemporary esthetic is just so appealing that I found myself getting sucked in by the atmosphere. The characters are a lot better than people give them credit for, with many of them being greatly enjoyable to spend time with. My favorite one obviously being Laguna, who deserves the world and more.
And the music is honestly so fantastic that I could never do it justice.
If the FF7 Remake ever comes to completion, this game would be a godsend if remade, with voice acting and a restructured story, it would be so good man.

Upon beating the original version of this game, I gave it a strong 9/10 because it slipped up in a few ways in my eyes. But upon beating this version, I can safely say that this version fixes almost every single issue that I originally had.
The music is the best in the series, the art style is fantastic, the menus are cooler than I’ll ever be, the story is engaging, and the characters are even better than I thought they were.
Mementos is better, the restrictions are toned down significantly, and I was able to achieve way more with my time than I ever did in the base version.
Truly unforgettable, undoubtedly a masterpiece.

Rad as hell. I've heard that the enhanced version is better than this one, but I wanted to see if this version held up on its own. Since this is the game that got Joker in Smash, launched the series into the sudo-mainstream and got its own GOT nomination.

But yeah, really, really good. Some lackluster elements, and some twists are fairly obvious upon analysis, but it was so stylish and cool that it makes you overlook those things.
Also Makoto is best girl...

My story with this game over the past couple weeks is probably nothing incredibly special, but it doesn't change the fact that I utterly adored this game.
It's a case where I can say with confidence that this is not a perfect game, there are some dumb things that could easily be seen as problematic to people with different life experiences than I do.
But I really don't care, the characters are all wonderful, the writing is so fun and engaging, the music is lovely, the visuals are charming, and the atmosphere is just suffocating.
I went in with knowledge of a couple of things, but it didn't even sway my enjoyment of the game in the slightest.
This year and a half has been really tough for me. So many times I have hoped to be able spend time with my friends and enjoy our high school experiences together, but they inevitably end up falling through. This game for as lame as it probably sounds, gave me the feeling of spending time with actual friends. I love all these characters so much man it hurts.
Before I go: Chie is best girl, Kanji is best boy, Nanako is best sister.