Perfect Visual Novel to keep you company. Almost all the chracters are well written and reletable. Jill's story and the ending made me emotional.

I hope Blizzard burns down really soon

Post-apocaliptic RPGs filled to the brim with choices and roleplaying decisions. What this team maneged to pull off in so little time is astounding.


Underrated gem, the atmosphere is perfect, the horror is there without being cheap. Truly an immersive journey.

Capcom learned from his mistakes and crafted an incredibly balanced game with a very honest online service. Hope this will set a standard for future fighting game

Bought my son some craytons. He made me a nice drawing. I put it on the wall. I get fined 20$ dollars for this. 0/10

I ****ing hate Teddy. And all the filler scenes (35% of the game).

Brilliant deck builder, compelling story and characters, it takes effort and the learing curve is not that smooth, but you'll be rewarded.

Probably the most funny, brilliant and whacky game ever created

Pile of hot garbage. Capcom tried to do many things at once, resulting in failing in each one of them. Still funny in co-op, though.

One of the funniest and trashy co-op """survival horror""" games ever creater. An enormous luckluster in every other aspect.

A compelling and original game made in RPG maker. Albeit very dark and graphic, an experience you won't forget.

Really good 4X strategy game. I enjoyed the artstyle and the differences between civilizations, but the strategy combat was the most enterteining part. The lack of variety and possible Victories are the only meaningful cons in this experience,

Played for a while, but not my cup of tea

One of the best JRPG out there. I loved especially how the combat system works.