Wow, this game perfectly exemplifies perfectly how level design affects gameplay.

I love Devil May Cry. This love is very similar to what the average Star Wars fan feels (loves SW, but hates 90 percent of the content about it). I love the combat, the interactions and the characters, I'm in love with Dante and Nero. The problem with DMC starts right there, everything beyond that is very mediocre. The story is pretty functional, it has its epic moments and all, the villain is pretty cool and Nero's objective is pretty coherent. Ironically, the biggest flaw is the gameplay.

Half the game is literally the same as the other half. You walk through the same scenarios, fight the same bosses and do the same things twice, once as Nero, once as Dante. This problem goes far beyond the terrible level design (which is already standard in the franchise), all the enemies seem to have been designed exclusively for Nero, to the point that facing them as Dante is even awkward.

Problems aside, I had a lot of fun playing the game, and my complaints are tiny compared to how much I love the combat and the characters in this game.

I was constantly surprised or disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, it's an excellent game, the balance in the end was very positive, but the game's limitations really hurt me. Let's talk about what's good first. The ole-play is excellent, feeling tiny in the vast space, the interactions with all the characters, the immersion and thecustomization are undoubtedly the game's greatest strengths. Everything is perfectly designed to make you feel like you belong in that world. For its part, the combat is decent, the basics of triple-A shooters, the classics, really, without any changes or innovations. The most it has is zero-gravity combat, which is barely used during the game. Despite this, the combat holds up well, being challenging and rewarding. It's very rewarding to collect loot after the battle and feel that you've become stronger and have more cool weapons at your disposal.

As with all Bethesda games, the strongest point is the side quests. Without exception, they all bring the vast Starfield universe to life and are crazy fun. Wandering in space and finding a ship asking for help; a fancys space-party; being arrested; overhearing a conversation with a third party; a note on a dead body; everything lead to very, very entertaining side missions. Each mission is crazier than the next, all very diverse, with unique and charismatic characters. The attention given to this is surprising and very important, especially coming from triple A games, which usually focus more on the main story, making some side missions just to make a 200 hours game. Bethesda went the other way, making a 200 hours game with side missions that matter.

Which leads to the first problem, the main story itself. It's pretty boring for the most part, you basically keep going from one place to another collecting one thing, without stopping. This loop is extremely tiring (coupled with the problem of loading times) and makes you want to stop playing (Not me, but I've seen people who have stopped because of it). However, towards the end of the main storyline, out of nowhere, everything gets super interesting. It's a leap from water to wine, the end of the game is extremely satisfying, brave and innovative, really excellent, almost making up for the 10 hours of loading screen.

Starfield's problems escalate when you put the details in check. Everything about the game is very good, the immersion is excellent, the customization, both of characters and ships, crew and outposts is also excellent and the role play is phenomenal, but that's it, everything else is just okay. Everything that was expected, the freedom to explore different planets, differentiated combat, impactful decisions and a constant gameplay loop, were promises that were not ignored, but empty. The plants aren't even very different. In real life we have acid ocean plants, planets that rain diamonds and many other crazy planets. In Starfield we have desert planets, city planets, scrubland planets and forest planets. Just giving an exemple.

Speaking more directly, Starfield's biggest flaw (I don't even classify it as a problem) is purely technical. Several loadings is the most glaring of those flaws, getting into an elevator and changing floors, loading screen; getting into a house, loading screen; getting up from the ship's seat, loading screen; getting into the ship's cabin, hospitals, stores etc (tiny environments), loading screen; everything in the game results in a black loading screen, without any kind of disguise, no cool animation or anything to distract you, a gross black screen. Then there's the optimization, which to put it bluntly, is very bad, the game doesn't run at ultra on any existing PC build, and this is definitely not because the game is extremely beautiful and detailed, it's clearly a sudden optimization error.

In the end, Starfield isn't what everyone expected (talking about that is enough for a 1-hour video essay), but it's still an excellent game that will have its place in gaming history, either with positive influences or by teaching people what not to do.

I'll definitely keep playing to do all the side missions.

Fun, absurdly ugly, but kind of fun.

The endless mode and the challenges are the coolest part, without a doubt.

Que joguinho mais fofo.

Confesso que me encantei muito com as diversas evoluções que essa sequência teve em relação ao primeiro, criando toda a essência do Kirby. Essa capacidade de roubar poderes dos inimigos os engolindo exemplifica isso, se eu perguntar para qualquer um atualmente o que o Kirby faz, provavelmente essa será a resposta. Além disso, esse poder é muito bem introduzido, não sendo somente algo overpower (como mega evolução) e sim algo que complementa a gameplay.

Confesso que me estressei mais jogando esse que o dream land. O level design não é tão criativo assim, alguns chefões soam como mais skins dos outros do que chefões únicos e o que mais me estranhou foi a batalha final que não conseguia entender o que estava acontecendo.

Detalhes ruins a parte, o jogo é muito gostoso de se jogar e realmente não dá vontade de parar (exceto no final), tanto que zerei em uma única jogatina.

I certainly haven't played this game because I don't have the money to buy Mario Wonder, why would you think that?

Jokes aside, what an excellent game. The level design, the new enemies, the new mechanics, Yoshi, everything is perfect. The game has life, something that is sorely lacking in current platforms. Mario's expressions, those of the enemies, the expressiveness of the scenery and the music, everything, it's just perfect.

My only complaint about the game is that Mario slips. Not in the sense of slipping, but in the sense that if you're running (which in this game is already stupidly fast by Mario franchise standards), Mario doesn't stop if you stop pushing the joystick, he just keeps going. It's a realistic detail that undoubtedly gives the character a lot of personality, but even so, I think it's dispensable, the mini-physics of the hat already took care of that.

Perfect, undoubtedly one of the best platformers in history.

Peak soundtrack.

The game is hard as hell. I struggled a lot in many stages, I really didn't expect to.

The soundtrack really is phenomenal.

Pô, chatão, sei lá, nada me pegou nessa DLC de verdade.

O que é estranho, porque gosto muito dos personagens envolvidos, mas não sei dizer, só não teve graça. As missões são meio chatas e algo menos direto que a DLC da Casabonita, é como que se quisessem fazer todo um jogo nesse cenário, mas tudo foi limitado de mais.

Pessoalmente não curti o final, não achei a surpresa do escalonamento padrão de South Park algo engraçado, nesse caso foi só algo chatinho para colocar uma luta a mais no jogo.

Resumidamente, acho que só vale a pena se você for tryharder de jogo single player, já que a melhor classe do jogo tá nessa DLC.

DMC 1 - 4
DMC 2 - 1
DMC 3 - 5

O final de DMC é assustador de bom, um dos melhores da história fácil.

Meu deus eu amo Mario.

Se o Super Mario Galaxy é uma aula de level desing, esse jogo é um doutorado. Que jogo perfeito meu Deus, todos as fazes são extremamente únicas e divertidas, não tem uma única que eu ache chata sequer (até a fase da mola é legal nesse jogo). Essa sequência consegue acertar em tudo que o primeiro jogo acerta ao mesmo tempo que não erra em nada, repito, absolutamente nada.

Os mesmos elogios do primeiro jogo valem para esse. A trilha sonora continua impecável, divertidíssima de se ouvir, os gráficos são estupidamente lindo e a gameplay está igualmente perfeito (se não melhor). Esse jogo supera estrondosamente o primeiro com 2 grandiosos detalhes, Luigi e Yoshi, poder jogar com ambos os personagens deixa automaticamente qualquer fase muito mais divertida, montar no Yoshi, comer frutas com poderes diferentes mergulhado nessa mecânica de gravidade do Galaxy é fenomenal. O Luigi nem preciso falar, o goat fala por si só.

Que jogo perfeito, sem dúvida meu Mario 3D favorito de todos os tempos.


A game that feeds the heart and soul;

Despite being short, Venba manages to do everything a narrative needs to do: captivate you, move you and make you reflect. It's beautiful to see the immigrant family's story unfold and to feel the weight of their culture in every plate of food.

This kind of game could easily be many hours long, but the 1 hour of gameplay is phenomenal.


Tudo é excelente, o sentimento de descobrimento a curiosidade que o jogo te força e a vibe inexplicável que o jogo proporciona.

Uma das melhores experiências que já tive com videogame na vida, fenomenal.

Cara eu amo Mario, é bizarro o tanto de felicidade que eu sinto só de abrir qualquer jogo dessa franquia. Mario tem um espaço enorme no meu coração.

Que aula de level design. Essa mecânica de planetas e galáxias é algo absurdamente bem utilizado, gerando muito bem uma diversidade estrondosa de fases, de modo com que nada seja igual ao que você viu antes. Essa diversidade me fez uma vontade de simplesmente nunca mais parar de jogar.

Isso sem falar da benção que é a trilha sonora desse jogo, eu me sentia cada vez mais perto do céu a cada soundtrack. Todas casando perfeitamente com o senso da fase e só melhorando absurdamente a imersão e o quentinho no coração que Mario dá.

Seria um jogo perfeito se não fossem os pequenos erros que causam boas frustrações, nada que não ofusque a beleza absurda do game ou me faça querer parar de jogar, só que o Mario mola e repetir chefões é meio chatinho.

Que jogo delícia de se jogar, amei e me encontro re-apaixonado por Mario.

It's not as pay-to-win as everyone makes it out to be.

I have 2 level 14 decks, of course every now and then a guy with level 15 cards comes along, but nothing that playing well can't solve.

(But yes, it is a bit pay to win since I only have 2 decks, but those who pay have access to an absurd variety of decks)

Lembro vividamente da série de memes que esse jogo proporcionou, nunca tinha jogado, vale muito a pena, mesmo tendo tomado spoiler na época do lançamento.

E isso se dá muito pelo fator de eu ter uma memória de peixe, então só lembrar das cenas chocantes. O que me leva a falar que não sei avaliar o plus do jogo, já que nem lembro o que tem nesse jogo que não tem no jogo original.

Tirando minha falta de memória, o jogo é muito bom, tenso e pega o terror perfeitamente bem na sua pequena, porém marcante duração. Tenho certeza que não vou esquecer de nada dessa vez, uma pena, pois rejogar o jogo poderia ser legal.

Very cute.

I miss children's games like this. As a gamer, I don't care much about the difficulty of the games I play, so this game being extremely easy didn't affect my gameplay too much. What did affect it was the game's charm, which was very positive. The characters are all very visually charismatic, giving the game an absurd sense of life.

What really saves the game is undoubtedly the level design, which, although it's nothing to write home about, does have its moments of great creativity. The soundtrack is another phenomenal side, the songs are a vibe. Unfortunately, the game doesn't get everything right: the stages where Lucky gets stuck in a ball are terrible, very difficult to control and stressful.

I really hope this franchise gets more games, I love creative games like this.