99 Reviews liked by Ribeirok

Wie so oft kann ich auch nur immer wieder sagen:
Wer Spiele heutzutage nicht als Kunstform ansieht, dem ist echt nicht mehr zu helfen.
Selten konnte mich ein Entertainmentgebiet so viel Mitgefühl spüren lassen.

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons erzählt die Geschichte über 2 Brüder, die auf der Suche nach einem Heilmittel für ihren Vater immer wieder auf Leben und Tot treffen.

Ich habe knapp drei Stunden für das Spiel gebraucht...
Aber diese drei Stunden waren voller lachen, weinen und staunen!
Verbunden mit einer wunderschönen Grafik und toller (wenn leider auch manchmal bisschen ZU theatralisch) Musikuntermalung.
Ich kann das Spiel echt nur wärmstens empfehlen!
Aber bitte denkt dran, es ist ein Story-getriebenes Spiel und ganz klar nichts für Leute, die auf CoD, oder Fortnite-Gameplay stehen!

I love this stupid game so damn much. Crash 2 is probably an objectively better game but I genuinely like Twinsanity, despite its faults. It's definitely flawed; the campaign is short, some characters get used only twice in the entire game, it was obviously rushed to hell and back and it's just flat-out broken, but the level design, concepts, vibrant visuals, unique a capella soundtrack by Spiralmouth and great comedic writing really make up for it. There's a lot to love here, even if it is very rough around the edges.

crash twinsanity é o jogo que eu mais joguei em toda minha vida, sendo meu primeiro jogo que eu joguei e sendo meu favorito de todos os tempos, acho que foi o jogo que eu mais joguei em toda minha vida, em volta de tipo 7anos só jogando esse mesmo jogo por falta de opções.
Infelizmente esse jogo é bem imcompleto cheio de conteudo que foi cortado, tem muitos bugs mas eles não atrapalham muito e maioria é só bugs mais leves e os mais pesados você só descobre vendo videos sobre ou realmente tentando bugar e não só seguindo o seu caminho. A gameplay é bem boa até, mas acho que coisas dos outros jogos eles executaram meio mal, como o slide que é bem mais dificil de fazer slide jump, mas trouxeram coisas bem novas e legais pro jogo, como o eski no cortex, jogar com cortex e nina e fases de perseguição. fases e personagens bem bonitos e carismáticos. pena que o jogo é bem curto, mas da pra jogar e se divertir mesmo assim

Jings, I'm conflicted on this one folks. There's something here, for sure. It's just... There's not a lot of it? There's a lot of half measures. A lot of "that'll do". The game is gorgeous, I love the way the character models look like... Well, models! Handpainted minitures, almost! The music is sensational, classical electronic ambient beauty. The two leads give enjoyable pperformances despite an occasionally clunky as fuck script. But like... I don't think it justifies its length, and it's only about 5-6 hours. It tells a very predictable tale, mechanically you've seen everything interesting to do in the first hour. I just dunno. In a landscape of games absolutely desperate for your time, it's a hard sell, but if you've got 6 or so hours to kill and want to clean up some gunk, you literally cannot do much better. Name one better. A 6 hour gunk cleaning game. You can't. Gotcha, bitch.

No effort was made polishing this game and no effort should be done reviewing this awful game. For people saying "well, it's fun", yeah, because the original is fun and IMO more fun to play. Platinum is still the best Sinnoh experience, go play that.

A good example of how change can be effective in a remake of a game. While the core expertise of the 3D level design remains, the addition of each character adds more substance and replayability. This game was honestly really difficult to me as a kid and I never was able to beat the final Bowser fight and obtain many of the more 'difficult' stars, but that just made me want to play it more and more. I'm not sure if the game is 'better' than the original (especially considering I haven't actually played the original Mario 64) but there isn't much of a good reason why it COULDN'T be considered the 'definitive' version of the game, as it keeps what made the original so good and simply adds more good on top.

Story is fun but bugs were too much

I’m a sussy baka for liking the game this much. On a serious note, I unironically really enjoy playing this game. It came at the perfect time for a social game and it is great fun with a group of friends that you think you know. Very cheap and worth every penny to support the small team of devs. Memes are fun and all, but the game does not deserve the negativity that comes with popularity. Just get a group of friends together, have a few drinks and have fun for an evening.