102 Reviews liked by Ribeirok



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Bizarrely disappointed by this game.

The first 3/4 are brilliant, basically perfect. It's like exploring the world of an abandoned SNES game. Exploration is satisfying, it's super fun to decipher the in-game manual which can even lend interesting combat tips that are just hiding there in plain sight.

It builds to an amazing climax and then because it is a Zelda-clone with heavy Souls inspiration it does a Dark World/Dark Anor Londo. Unfortunately, this last bit of the game is an annoying slog with rote backtracking and a stupidly difficult final boss that asks to spend even more time doing boring backtracking exploration to power yourself up.

So it feels like Tunic lost itself in the last quarter and even loses some of the 'hollowed out nostalgia' mystique of the rest of the game.

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee.

An open-world conversation-tree labyrinth with startlingly human-sounding dialogue. Has some bad combat and one wishes they had fully committed to a game of walking and talking. A bizarre glitch prevented me from getting the 'best' ending and I had to watch it on YouTube. A bummer! But three cheers for small-team gems like this, rough edges and all.

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One of the most if not THE best walking simulator I've ever played. The writing is absolutely superb, making you feel conected to the characters even more with each loop, you want to discover, you want to know the truth about the Golden Rule and everything about this city. This game deserves it's praise a lot, and that canon ending is perfect, you confront the creator of it all and makes him realize what it is to be human, to commit sins, to make a mistake, and there's no way that ever that we could live in that utopian city of his.
I need to say though, this game needs some real patches on XB1, it runs like shit sometimes, but I got myself so immersed into the story that I didn't bother at all.

"The many shall suffer from the sins of the one"

Amazing game. Definitely recommend to anyone who loves the genre. Super satisfying ending

A very interesting experience, it's very cool to discover all the secrets of the city and to know the characters, who is cool and who is a MF. I liked the way they talked about religion and ancient civilizations. The gameplay for the other hand is shit and I don't know if the characters expressions are good or not, it's strange. But nonetheless, it's a very short and fun game so I recommend to anyone that has the opportunity, to give it a try, it will be am interesting experience

The idea behind this game is so unique and interesting, being in a time loop where your knowledge is carried over the next time your play but you can delegate tasks making replaying it always moving it forward.

While it does have it's flaws it's ever so satisfying to solve it's mysteries and unravel the ending to it's tale.

god the person in this game is annoying, i just know it. 😭

This person is awful at packing. I've moved house more than enough times to know there is no justifiying some of the mixed boxes in this game.

I love games like these. Short little indie games that do something AAA games don’t care to notice or even glance at. Unpacking is what you get on the tin. There’s no story here at all, no characters, you just get put into various years from the late ’90s to 2018 unpacking a person’s belongings in various homes. It seems dull on paper, but it’s actually quite satisfying, but the enjoyment solely comes from you wanting to decorate everything correctly and not just put things where they go.

Bedrooms consist of era-appropriate computers, lots of clothing, knick-knacks, plants, posters, frames, shoes, workout equipment, you name it. Bathrooms will have bathroom items, and kitchens will have things like food and utensils. There are also living rooms that have video game consoles, knick-knacks, frames, pillows, blankets, plants, and other items. There are a lot of items in this game, but here lies my biggest complaint about this game. It’s incredibly repetitive. After the second “album” that I completed, I pretty much saw every single item. Sure, unpacking boxes and putting things away satisfies an OCD in most people, but out of the six levels how many dozens of underwear, bras, and clothes do I need to hang? Things only got interesting later on when new objects did pop up or large items. Laundry baskets, trash cans, umbrella stands, and dish racks were far and few between, and it wasn’t until the last level where you get every room and pretty much unpack every item in the game.

As you start off in 1997, you may get a bit of a nostalgia hit, there are a lot of 8-bit style items laying around from the era. CD players, cartridge game systems, old stereos, crazy teen angst posters, and anything else you can think of from your childhood. The game is set in an isometric perspective so you can zoom around and that’s about it. There are numerous boxes in various rooms and when you click on a box it opens and inside you just see packing paper. Clicking the box has an item pop out and most are regular everyday household items, and most of the boxes are to be unpacked in that room with the occasional item being misplaced. You can rotate items and even activate some items for achievements, and the snapping feature works rather well. A book can lay flat or if you push it up against a shelf it will stand up and stack.

There are a few challenges when it comes to space. Some rooms will be very minimal with a lot of items and you have to be clever and organized to get everything to fit. Once you unpack every box items that are in the wrong place will flash red and most of this made sense, but some didn’t. Why do I have to put a backpack on a shelf when on the bed makes sense? There were a few cases in which I couldn’t make out what the items were at all and had me clicking and placing it on everything until I found the right spot. I also wish I could unpack the furniture and literally unpack an entirely empty home. Maybe some outdoor areas would have been nice like backyards, sheds, garages, or other settings like offices would have added variety.

What’s here is still rather charming with some nice music, that seems to stop for long periods of time which I hated, and there’s a seemingly pointless photo mode in which you can add borders and stickers. This feature just felt like filler content to me, but this is a very unique game and there’s nothing else out there like it. The game is so short that you can finish it in less than two hours, so it won’t offend anyone despite the repetition. What’s here is fun, charming, and satisfying.

this bitch doesn’t own socks

A hilarious rpg of the amazing show South Park, it's still hilarious and fun to play. So I recommend if you want to experience a stupid story that's hilariously funny with fun exploration, customization and combat.

At first I was genuinely enjoying the time loop gimmick and how it uses puzzle solving through trial and error but just when it seemed like the story was taking a decent resolution it resorted to one of the most comically terrible twists I’ve experienced in any piece of narrative that even Willem Dafoe’s character was taken back by this and just leaves the game.

Never have I seen a video game try so hard to be seen as a “legit” piece of storytelling or artform and just drop the ball hard by going a route that whatever quality the narrative (and game as a whole) had beforehand just dissipates in the air.

Sehr coole Story, sehr schöne Grafik, eine lebendige Welt, in der man neben den Hauptmissionen lustige, herzerwĂ€rmende, traurige und actionreiche Nebenmissionen und AktivitĂ€ten machen kann. Das Gunplay macht viel spaß und durch viele Anpassungsmöglichkeiten (Waffen, Haare, Klamotten, Pferde, etc.) kann man Arthur Morgan genau nach seinen WĂŒnschen anpassen. Durch viele Quality of Life Funktionen, wie z. Bsp. die Kino Kamera in der das Pferd, beim Reisen, selber zum Wegpunkt lĂ€uft, und durch gute Animtionen spielt sich das Spiel sehr smooth.
Bis auf ein paar wenige Bugs ein gutes und abgerundetes Open World Singleplayer Spiel.

Stupid, but I can see how people could actively enjoy this, I too enjoyed it but only until 3 hours later, got really boring after that and stressful too, I HATE missing stuff in games and to avoid that in this game, you gotta keep trying over and over again and that took too much time