102 Reviews liked by Ribeirok

In neither of the two times I played this game, one as a teenager and the other as an adult, did I know how to explain very well why it touched me the way it did. The most I can say is that, despite some mechanics that might seem odd today, the game has a sensibility and nuance that is hard to find in today's big franchise games. I don't just talk about the theme of death because everyone is going to die!! But the exclusion of the unwanted, the connection despite it, the affection, and the non-universal right to mourn. Good gaem.

movement is really fluid, story is good, game is a little long with a couple obnoxious side quests

I'm officially shelving Ring Fit Adventure only because I rarely have the time to play it anymore. I will never finish the story, but god damn this game is great. It's basically an RPG Wii Fit, without the ability to bullshit your way through it. A genuine treat, and kept me fit and going through the pandemic.

It's... not as good as I wanted it to be.

After playing through entire We Were Here series, this feels a little incompetent. Yeah, there are some interesting puzzles, but nothing I actually will remember. Except, probably, the moment my partner killed someone with a roomba.

I feel like the concept was not explored enough. The agent and hacker both feel exactly the same, slowly progressing mass. I think if there would be more actual gameplay weaved into puzzle-solving, like agent has to actually be fast on reflexes while running/hiding and hacker at the same time tries to disable drones coming out to get his partner to actually give players some tension, the game would be much better.

For now it's just inferior and less fun iteration of We Were Here. And the last puzzle is literally Keep Taking but shit.

I'll wait for their next game in hopes of all that getting better.

The game starts very well, with new scenarios all the time, each boss gives a new weapon that makes the gameplay more interesting. But after a while it becomes obvious that they ran out of ideas, the scenarios start to be reused frequently (the maximum was 4 times the SAME SCENERY) in addition to the bosses of the second half of the game being very weak, along with the jokes that lose their fun very fast, in the end the game is short with only 6-7 hours, but it seems like it lasts about 20, But the last thing i need to say is LEZDUIT


Started a playthrough on Xbox 3 years ago since it was on game pass. Played 34 hours before it left game pass.

This made me leave the game until this year when I've recently started playing again after getting it on sale via steam. Since I'm currently replaying parts that I did 3 years ago I do feel slightly bored atm.

(Shelved atm since there are games I'm more interested in atm.)

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I have never had a more miserable time with a video game.

Where the hell do I even begin. Let’s start with the positives first.

So right off the bat, let me get this straight. The actual game itself? It’s fun. If there’s one thing I can give this game credit for, it’s the combat. While not particularly deep or engaging as something like Doom, it’s still fun in its own way with its strange yet really cool arsenal of weapons, which all have their own unique gimmicks that spice things up a bit. You have Kenny, who works like a standard pistol that can also shoot some sort of goop thing that launches enemies in the air and lets you juggle enemies, and then there’s my boy Creature who (somehow) births children at an insane pace which causes them to stick to enemies and do damage over time. I also do appreciate that some enemies require different approaches to combat, even if some of them can be a bit annoying to deal with.

Unfortunately, that’s where the positives end. Everything else about this game is fucking dogshit. Let me tell ya, think of the corniest and most cringe inducing game (or even piece of media) you’ve ever played. Go on. You done? Imagine that but multiplied by 100, because holy SHIT this game has such awful humor.

Every joke is either something dumb is happening, and the characters go about said thing for fucking MINUTES just to make sure you understand how wacky everything is or referential humor because everybody knows reference = funny. I’ve only actually laughed ONCE and that was in the end where you have to stick Kenny up the final boss’ ass. It legitimately felt like the only time where the game wasn’t begging for me to laugh or insulting my intelligence by making sure I got the joke by repeating endlessly.

“But Alpha!” you say. “What if I like Justin Roiland’s humor? Will I enjoy this game?”

To that I say you’re a horrible human being and you should reevaluate your life choices for even CONSIDERING to play this dogpile of garbage. (I kid enjoy what you like)

I went into this game fairly. I really did. I thought the clips on Twitter were just one off instances and that the game wasn’t as corny as people made it out to be. I was wrong. I was so fucking wrong. I made the mistake of playing this game while I had a fever, and it somehow made me feel WORSE. A game has never done to me before.

In conclusion, I hate this game. If you have any sort of self-respect, stay as far away from this shit as possible. Have a great day/night.

Unique mechanic, story that didn't make me cry but came VERY close, glad I played it

Had a good long cry to this one. I don't want to say too much without getting personal about it / spoil this experience, but this game awakened some of my own memories that hit close to home.

Even ignoring that, what a brilliant experience this is. A game that is pretty much entirely controlled by blinking is such a unique concept, and it basically works flawlessly, and the way its used to go through all these memories is absolutely dazzling. Helps that it can tell such an impactful narrative with it, like the idea of blinking as a game concept has always been there, and we're just now utilizing the concept to its true potential. I loved this, there is no reason not to spend about an hour or two playing this, it truly is a wonder.

interesting experiment using blink-based controls for a tearjerker narrative game. I don't think it's quite as good as it's been made out to be - I didn't find the story to be as moving as others did, I could only get the blink detection to "acceptable" rather than truly reliable, and I don't think the blink gimmick ends up adding as much to the narrative design as the developers thought it did. having said that, it's still a nicely told, short experience that tries something different, and it's definitely worth a play if the premise intrigues you. I'd wait for a sale or bundle, though

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I thought to myself, "wow, this is a really childish view of what being famous is like".

I was right.



Hades is brutally difficult and wickedly fun, sporting some of the greatest art direction I’ve seen since Hollow Knight.



A lovely homage to the early Zelda games that’s well polished, and has its own unique spin on the top-down adventure that makes it stand out despite its influence.

The best way to describe it is vague. It doesn’t tell much of anything about itself, and it just sets you off without direction with only a stick to fight with. Then you’ll see the game’s text isn’t actually readable, and any information you’ll want to know about its mechanics or hints on what to do is found through missing pages of an old school instruction manual.

The manual is a neat concept since it’s still cryptic and you’ll have to pay close attention to its drawings to understand it. The level of detail in its visual design is both cool to look at and essential to navigating through the game’s areas and finding obscure secrets.

The art and ambient music are also wonderful, and the level design is excellent. There’s so many clever shortcuts and paths hidden in plain sight that can actually bypass much of the game in hindsight. Most of it isn’t gated either, so progression can just depend on if you know it’s there or not which was awesome.

Though combat isn’t really a highlight since it’s simplistic and kinda floaty, which doesn’t really match with how aggressive the bosses can be. And the other gripe I had was its final puzzle felt excessively obtuse to me on a mechanical level compared to the rest of the game. But overall was super impressed with Tunic.



Contrary to what you'll find looking at my account here I've played hundreds, if not well over a thousand video games at this stage of my life so when one manages to come out of nowhere and can still suprise the hell out of me, igniting that spark of childlike wonder of what's going to be around the next corner all the way, well then I have to be impressed.

Tunic is a game built on secrets, it's been a while since I've played something that rewards you so consistently for being curious. There's something hidden around every corner and the most invaluable item you can find in the world is pages from the game's actual manual. How novel! Each page gives some really cool insight into the very obscure world and further works to help you piece together the game's untranslated language and intended route progression in a way I've not seen done before. And all of this culminates into one of the most well kept, involved, and original puzzles I've ever had the pleasure to crack.

If only we had a real manual in our hands to take it to that next level, though I suppose that would open the player up to a slew of spoilers and unintended gameplay pacing so scratch that idea.

The Zelda inspiration is so obvious here it needn't even be commented on, our green tunic sporting, sword & shield wielding main character wears that on their sleeve. Certainly a healthy dose of Soulsian inspo in play too, with a touch of Fez (though I think that mainly comes from secrets hidden behind perspective and not much else). All of this works to excellent effect, creating one of the most surprising, addictive, and best Indie games I have ever played. Wonderful time, and other than a fairly bland OST along with some areas/sections that could've really benefited from being tightened up; an easy recommendation.