416 Reviews liked by RoboticDevil

silent hill review

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hikaye cop
esyalari kiramioz harry cop
kontroller cop
kojima cop
konami de cop



It feels like a fantastic VN and a mediocre Earthbound clone crammed together like oil and water.

Wonderful and haunting story about overcoming a very well-portrayed trauma, with each character given adequate spotlight in its emotional core.

Annoyingly dragged-out, plodding gameplay and combat that majorly take place in a setting completely irrelevant to the story, to the point where you're begging the game to just get on with it. If the idea was to represent the futility of repression and escapism, I'd say it overstayed its welcome more than a little bit in that aspect.

Again, the story is worth it and there are enough characters here to relate to when it comes to shitty childhood experiences of growing up in a dull countryside town, but whether you can stomach the gameplay or not is up to you.

this game made me realize that i am into pegging

Gözlerinde kamera var bizi izliyorlar kuzenimi kaçırdılar beyler

Not just a bad remake, a bad game in general

gave me a headache in just 5 minutes

This update turned an already phenomenal game into a true masterpiece. Probably the greatest game I have ever played.

Good game for those who like slicing people.

Metroid Dread is the best 2D game in the series. My only issue with the game was that some of the bosses felt a bit spongy

One of the worst TPS games i have ever played.

Combat is actually a downgrade from the first game. Story line is garbage but this is still a relatively enjoyable hack and slash game.

I played 10 mins to unlock stripper video.