all star vanilla is better

EDIT: I changed my mind, this is the best kart racer.

Great story, characters and music. The actual game sucks ass and actively encourages a toxic amount of time wasted so you can hold into a false hope of getting the character you want in a pool over 300 characters...

I stopped playing when I sparked the character I wanted (Anila)
Honestly for the best. If you like Granblue just play the fighting game. It's better.

combine gunships can suck a fat dick tho

This could have been the definitive version of the game if the combat wasn't worse than in the original...

The increase in fps and changed psychics makes enemies behave improperly; inconsistent speeds, even more blocking and auto turn when backdashing an enemy, etc

The restored content and better translation is great, however. If you can tolerate the bugged gameplay of the Remastered, is still a decent port in the end.

Still my favorite Yakuza game.

I didn't like the tag mechanics

The remix of the main theme is a little weak compared to the rest of the ost, but game's fine

It's refreshing to see an actual challenge in a Sonic game after decades. The final boss goes incredibly hard and it feels very rewarding. The characters play fine but I do agree they needed some refinements, but still a nice addition. Also, it's free, I wasn't expecting this much of work and quality on a free update. Excited for the future of the series again.

The first two routes really drag this game down from being a great one, and the gameplay lacks sauce, but in the end it's an unique game worth experiencing. Do not play it without playing the original Nier tho, it adds a lot of significance to this one.

OG Nier is still unbeaten I'm afraid.

This is one of the worst videogames in history. It's honestly a mystery how this series even took off. Oh wait, yeah the graphics were nice... I guess?

To be honest the only value I saw in this game was the new artwork of Sanaki

Better than the Wii one in pretty much everything, I don't think it ever had a chance