They tried to make something like To the Moon again and failed. Maybe it's because I played these two games on different times of my life and To The Moon resonated more with me but Finding Paradise is just less, in general.
The story is less emotional and less interesting overall. It's still a good game with a good story and worth a try if you liked To The Moon.

A short, cute and charming story about a young boy and a bird. It's kinda emotional but that's it, it's servisable.
If you came here after To the Moon don't expect something similar in quality, if you are checking on what game by Freebird Games to play just play To the Moon.

One of the few pieces of media that actually made me cry my eyes out. Short, sweet, charming and emotional story.
Mechanically just point and click but that's not the point, this game only wants to tell an old man's story and it does it marvellously. One of the best narrative experiences I've ever had ever. Just play it.

Prey (2017) had a pretty interesting system in which you could use the security PCs to locate every single crew member and passenger of the space station, you get a name in a specific location and you have to find where is everyone, either dead or alive or whatever. When playing it I though to myself "Damn, I wish more games tried developing this thing"
Introducing, Return of the Obra Dinn. You work for a insurance company when, one day, a disappeared ship years ago returns to the docks with all the tripulation either dead or missing. Your job is to discover what happened to the 60 people that were aboard the Obra Dinn.
You have access to a drawing of the crew, the full list of names, jobs and countries of origin of everyone and a magic watch that allows you to see the exact moment of death when used near a skelleton. By using all these things you have to discover who is the corpse and how they died (and who killed them in case of murder).
The first third of the game is somehow linear until you discover all the chapters, corpses and scenes to investigate. Once you finish this part you'll have around 15-20 guesses, after that you have to go back and keep investigating. The game is very clever with what information it wants to give you or not and you need to be very sharp-eyed to pay attention to details that could help you.
Also, on a side note, there is no way to cheese the game by trial and error because it only tells you when you got it right when you correctly deduce 3 deaths and the number of combinations makes it a huge waste of time.

You are a border worker mandated to check the passports of people that want to enter your communist country.
You have to pay attention to all the details in the papers the people have to bring in order to enter the country, there's also some money management so your family doesn't die of starvation or cold or sickness.
Day by day the game gets harder and harder and you are challenged with moral dilemmas here and there on top of some interesting story.
Really great game and highly recommended if you are looking for something different.

A classic hero saves the day story but with the twist that you explore the world and story through the evolution and different genres of videogames. Cute and charming with a lot of references.
The game and the concept itself is good but it could have been expanded upon a lot. I guess the sequel does that but haven't played it yet.

You are a gorilla that escapes from the zoo so you must kill the guards by smashing them against the walls.
The gameplay is kinda Hotline Miami-esque but feels worse for some reason I can't fully put into words.
The visuals seem cool but I had to stop playing after every 20 minutes because I was getting nauseous.
The amazing part is the music, it's a jazz jam session in which you choose how the drums sound by throwing the guards around which affects the other instruments as well, really really cool idea.

You are a monster eating the staff of a high security fecility. Run around vents and stuff to kill people and get enough biomass to get better powers. It's a neat concept but it gets really annoying to control the monster once it starts getting biggers because you don't fit easily in most places anymore which makes any attempt to escape from guards almost imposible because you can't move fast. The gameplay overall is really frustrating and even gets boring by the end of the game.
And there's not much more to it really, the story is almost nonexistent yet I kinda liked the ending, the artwork music and stuff is just average at best and that's it.


You have 60 seconds to finish the game. You can do whatever you need to do in those 60 seconds before the loop resets, some changes are saved, some are not. Really good concept and execution but it could use some polish.

A white collar worker gets tired of his job, gets up, and the game begins. The narrator tells you what to do and where to go but are you really gonna obey him?

String words to roast you opponent, if it's good enough you'll win the beef. It's a fun game for some hahas here and there but nothing more. It wants to be a silly game about talking about your mom and it acomplishes exactly that.

You explore a small solar system with its own quirks and interesting concepts in each planet which lead to bizarre scenarios and some puzzles. I can't say more because that would spoil it, and even tho I didn't love the game enough I still think it's a legit unique experience. There is no game, and i doubt there will be one, like this.
But I guess I have to justify the 3 stars compared to mostly 5 star reviews. It just gets repetitive pretty soon because of reasons, some stuff boils down to trial and error and to top all of that the ship controls like ass, you'll crash more times than you'll successfully land.

A walking simulator with puzzles that mostly belong in an android game. But then, the game also expands the concepts by making the puzzles interact with the world in different ways, which is really cool and leads to some interesting ideas. Explore the island and solve puzzles to activate some beacons to finish the game. It's an interesting concept that will appeal to a lot of people, but not to me. It gets really boring after 5-6 hours, running around searching for areas you haven't explored before. I said running? More like crawling because you have 2 broken heels jesus christ this game is slow as hell. There were moments that I spent 20 solid minutes walking until I found some puzzles I haven't done yet. But then I found an area with easy as heck puzzle because it was supposed to be done earlier and I just skipped it because I went exploring right instead of left.
It's a shame because the puzzles themselves can get pretty challenging at times. but I just can't bother myself with finding them.

A simple and short but lovely (heh) love story. The thing I liked about this is how it handles storytelling through the puzzles, ties up the narrative with the mechanics really well to help the players understand what's happening through their actions. The puzzles are pretty easy and the background to them is obvious tho.

A two hour long "puzzle" game about a racoon that swallows the entire town into a hole. The game has a really good vibe to just chill out to. The music is cool, the dialogues and characters are funny and the concept itself is worth trying if you have a GamePass sub.