A walking simulator with a few "puzzles" in which each joystick controlls one of the brothers so you must play as both to solve them. Interesting idea but, even tho is short, it get boring and tiresome really fast. At least the path and puzzles are well thought around the core mechanic I guess.

The gods have been killed in a closed room and you are summoned to investigate the crime.
Talk to suspects, collect clues and perform a judgment over those you believe are the culprits.
It sounds simple enough and maybe even boring to some people but trust me, discovering bit by bit what happened to the island and the inhabitants is interesting as fuck and makes one of the best detective games I've played.
The visuals, artwork and music overflow with charisma to make a unique game in the genre.
To keep talking about things I find great in this game would spoil a lot of the experience so just go and play it.

A 15 minute point and click lovecraftian adventure about a priest searching for the Eden.
If you are into this kind of stories check it out, it's free.

I just don't get what's good about this game, it has nothing interesting to it. Prety lazily made to try to sell people an "unforgetable experience" or whatever but then once you play it there's nothing to it. You just walk through the environments and jump here and then.
Maybe there is some kind of deep story? Nah, don't think so either.
Just a visually average game that tries to pass on as a meaningful experience but in the end it's actually not worth the time.

One of best executed weird concepts I've tried and also one of my favorite "detective" games.
You have access to a police terminal with short clips of a few interrogations of this woman about her husband's murder. Only her answers, no questions. Search for a key word and the system will return the first 5 clips that contain that word. And your job is to find out what happened.
Well, it's a bit more complicated than that because there is no way to know that your assumptions are correct, you finish when you are satisfied with the story you recreate in your head. And as some dude I've once heard talk about this game said, "But how do I know when I'm satisfied?"

This game is a cool experience that sends you back in time to earlier and simpler years of your life and of internet. Remember those old friends that you lost contact with? Yeah, this game is about that.
Really short and free 2 play so theres absolutely no reason to not give it a try.

This game has the absolute best combat system I've ever had the joy to play. You have to parry every single enemy attack to, eventualy break their posture and deal a finishing blow for an insta-kill, even bosses. You can get your posture broken too if you just block instead of parrying. This game forces you to be aggresive and attack when it's due because the enemy can regain posture over time so you must find the perfect balance between attacking and defending.
There are some skills and habilities that improve this flow of parry, attack, parry, attack and to keep things more interesting. Learning the bosses' combos and executing the parries at the perfect time are crucial aspects of mastering this game. It's challenging but fair and feels really damn good when you do New Game + and can beat bosses without taking a hit because you learned how to do all of that after all the tries of the first playthrough. The rooster of bosses fits the combat system perfectly to let you explore all the tools you have at your disposition.
One of my favorite games ever, a must play for everyone into this kind of games.

Amazing game, great combat system and boss fights, great world building and on point level design. Yes, the world is a lot more linear than in the first game of the series and it's a shame that they didn't keep the idea of a huge sprawling interconnected open-world but it's whatever. I prefer the rooster of bosses on this one than the first game (check my review of Dark Souls Remastered for more detail) because they are simply a 1v1 straightforward fight instead of a semi-puzzle boss fight that just doesn't feel satisfying enough. Sure, there are some gimmick bosses here too but not as much as in the first game.
If you are interested I would recommend both games, this one for the boss fights and the first one for the world and because it was one of the most influential games of it's generation. (Haven't played Dks2 yet so can't talk about that one)

First of all, for the sake of transparency, I have to say I played this game for the first time in 2020 and after Darks Souls III.
I started playing FromSoft games with Bloodborne and loved the combat, so of course, I wanted more. And both this game and Dark Souls III didn't dissapoint at all. It's slower and require better timing but it's still amazing and satisfying nonetheless. Everything in this game feels polished and taken care of with passion form the devs.
The interconnected world is also a huge joy to explore, get lost in and find your way back to where you came from. It just fits the narrative and tone of the game perfectly.
I loved all of that, but the gotta say, this game has the weakest boss fights among all the other FromSoft games I've played (Dks, Dks3, Bb and Sekiro). There are some great ones, don't get me wrong, Artorias, Manus and, of course, Ornstein and Smoug are some of the finest of the series but the rest of the bunch are either laughably easy or gimmicky as hell, I want to have an interesting 1v1 fair fight with whatever the game throws at me but instead I have to run around trying to find a way to damage the thing.
(On a side note, there is a special place in hell for whoever decided that the Bed of Chaos was a good idea.)
Overall, it is an amazing game and experiece that everyone should play. The bosses detail, for what I've debated with other people, is kinda of a hot take, I guess it just boils down to taste.

The gunplay and encounters are still fine, just as in the first game. But then they decided to give it a spin and make all the levels into semi-open areas so that you could explore and find some random stuff around and it didn't work AT ALL. After a few hours you are just running around the same 4 or 5 scenarios even if you come from different sides of the map with different objectives, there are also a fuckton of semibosses thrown around that are just too tanky for their own good.
This game also features a leveling system and diablo/borderlands-like loot system for weapons and parts unlike the previous entry that had a small selection of weapons and that was it. This doesn't fit the game at all and just makes it feel a lot more grindy and repetitive than it should be since once you get one powerful weapon you don't need to use anything else.
The humor is still present and matches the tone of the previous game and the story isn't anything remarkable either.
Even tho I don't regret playing this game, I wouldn't recommend it if you enjoyed the first one.

A pretty nice FPS with some fun combat, encounters and level design, all of these aspects may be kinda dated now but there's still a lot of joy to get out of this game.
It doesn't take itself too serious which is a good thing considering that the game is a about an arrogant as fuck hitman that just can't stop spewing bad jokes and puns killing demons and shit.
The dialogues are funny, the story is servisable and the gameplay offers enough variety to get you going through the 11-13h it lasts.
Give it a try if you are into shooters.

So, I'm just straight up gonna asume you played Borderlands 2 and compare them.
The gameplay gets a lot better, the guns feel more varied even if they are still randomly generated, they feel more powerful, the feedback you get when shooting is better. The characters and their builds and skilltrees offer a lot more options even considering that they function basically the same. You have more movement options so the combat feels more dynamic. Overall the game feels a lot better to play than the previous, it's amazing actually.
But then we have the other side of the coin. The personality and charm of the previous games are completely gone, they went over the top by trying to make it more quirky and funny and silly and holy fuck they overshot. A lot of the dialogues and jokes are cringy as hell, the characters lack any charisma and are as plain as a toast sandwich. The villains are those annoying dipshit youtuber wannabes that started to appear in 2014-15. The other games had a functional and even good story, but this one is just a garbage bin filled with little bags of dog shit otherwise called "plot twists". Jokes aside, they tried to make the story more interesing and just completely missed the mark.
I also gonna add that the loot system feels kinda less satisfying because the drop rate are through the roof, in a single playthrough I got more legendary loot than in 5 playthrough + farming sessions in Borderlands 2 and no, I'm not exagerating.
So yeah, Borderlands 2 to me feels like the perfect sequel if we compare it to the first game, this one is the perfect example of what not to do when doing a sequel. I know they tried their best to surpass any expectations from the fans but it didn't work out in the slightest.
I still kinda like this game pretty much just because of how amazing and satisfying the gameplay feels, but I just can't get myself to love it, not even half as much as I love Borderlands 2. Disapointing.

An overall great experience, shure it's shorter that the second game in the series and the side quests are less entertaining. But it keeps the charm and personality and the gunplay is pretty much the same but with the oxygen mechanic on top of it.
It's still a great game, but it gets overshadowed by its predecesor.

Another, different, look at the world of Borderlands. You play as two different characters doing some shady bussiness that end up caught in something bigger than they can handle.
It keeps the humour and the charisma of the main series which is great and expands a bit deeper into the storyline of the series even tho the story isn't THAT good for a graphic adventure, it gets the job done and that's it. It also gets forgotten in the next installments in the series even when some events are still canon.
Gameplay wise is just another TellTale game, point and click to do stuff, pick certain dialogues, "X character will remember that" and so on.
Check it out on sale if you are a fan of the series and of the world, otherwise just don't do it.

I started with the second game, absolutelly loved it, so naturally I wanted more and got this one.
Damn this game didn't age good, maybe it was better in 2009 but I got to it in 2015 and it already sucked.
The guns feel like pea shooters, they lack power and impact and often you don't even have enough feedback to know that you are actually hitting the enemies.
The characters are charismatic, sure, but nothing like in the second game, in comparison they are just grey, brown and boring, just like the visual design and world of the game, it's ugly as hell.
Also the build are lackluster and the character's skills don't even fell powerfull nor that good to use.
This game is just bland, you can play it and maybe even find some enjoyment, but I'd rather recommend that you just play the other games of the franchise and forget about this one, it's not like you'll miss any important plot details.