112 Reviews liked by RustySteiner

I respect the hell out of this game, and overall i think it's pretty great, however, it suffers from some pacing issues. The first half is truly incredible and the ending is an absolute masterpiece, but i think it gets really boring in the middle. I just straight up didn't care about the story after a while, which sucks, because i really like the direction they took the plot, for the most part.

I wish i liked it more than i actually do, but still, damn good game.

While the game is the shortest Yakuza/LaD game ever made it still has the charms of the previous games with it's wacky substories, minigames and a gripping story.

The story in my opinion is very good with its very charming cast of characters, Kiryu especially is exceptionally written. While I loved the last 2 chapters the fact that the first 3 chapters being basically padding at best still bothers me. Still I think last 2 chapters has some of the best story moments in a Yakuza game. The fight against the final boss was excellent and the motivations of said boss were great and very fitting for the games theme but I have a issue with his power level. And yes I cried during the final scene.

Combat wise sadly this is one of the weaker games in the series. I dont know how RGG went from Lost Judgment's fluid combat to this clunky combat system. Also the super armor of enemies doesn't help.

Overall I think the game is definitely worth playing if you are into LaD but 50$ is a tad expensive for it's length and scope.

Mechanically my favorite Souls game with a plethora of interesting builds and ways to play the game. The main star being the world's ever expanding map. One of the few games that genuinely feels like you're exploring an entire vast continent. Then you go down, inside, far outside, and even beyond that. A game that actually feels like you've went on a long journey.

I'm a huge fan of Shu Takumi's work, and this is his style perfected. Consistently engaging and hilarious. The mystery that unravels throughout the story is more creative and deep than any Ace Attorney case.

For most of the game I keep thinking "it's not getting any crazier than this, right?". And every time it suprises me in a new amazing way. Despite how many twists and turns it takes, it never feels pretentious or confusing in the slightest.

Not to mention the 'puzzles' in this game are their own rube goldberg machines that feel amazing to solve each and every time. I'm trying to remain vague in this review so that anyone who wants to potentially play it has the same experience I got when playing this. Where I more or less knew nothing going into it. Please give it a try, it's not that long too. It's shorter than the average length of a final case in a modern Ace Attorney game, but infinitely more satisfying.

Phenomenal world-building, a world-class soundtrack, and a rapturously engaging combat system. It falls just shy of greatness, with a premise that outshines its own execution by a hair, and a handful of rough edges. There's some dodgy side quests, a somewhat lifeless world, and dialogue that never quite sells itself as well as it could.

Loved the game, but it pains me to acknowledge that this game had all the pieces of an all-time classic, had it been put together just slightly differently.

Probably the most badass game of all time. Story was decent, bosses were amazing, and overall such a fun game. Blade mode is fantastic, and Monsoon, Sam, and the senator are all phenomenal bosses (fuck you mistral)

The game is very great. I was completely burnt out while playing it, and it took me very long, however I regret that. The narrative is great, so is the combat, minus some issues, that being mainly mortal wounds.

This game improves upon everything from arkham asylum in every way. The story was pretty good, I did enjoy the mystery of it all. I also liked that they introduced some more of batmans iconic villians. One thing I didn't like though was the open world, it felt tedious to traverse around and was more annoying than anything. I will say I had very high hopes for this due to the amount of praise the game gets and I just don't think it quite reached those expectations for me. I hope the open world in arkham knight will be better.

write all the thinkpieces you want but it wont change the fact that sense of wonder you feel at the beginning of the game diminishes the longer you play it because the end of every single dungeon and road has repeated normal enemies as boss fights and upgrade rocks for a reward

It has a feature called "scary mode" which just adds random jumpscares to the gameplay. And that's maybe the funniest thing I've ever seen a horror game do

I think it goes without saying that this is one of my favorite games of all time. I could write an entire essay about this game, but I'll leave it at this; Elden Ring is the product of multiple years of FromSoftware mastering their genre combined with the legendary world building and story telling of George R. R. Martin. Infinite customizability, an enormous open world to explore, and the punishing but satisfying souls-like gameplay solidifies Elden Ring as what I believe to be one of the best games of all time.

the game goes from being super cool and interesting to being a massive slog for a few hours on repeat. combat is a bit meh. characters good tho!!

The combat difference between K2 to 3 is weird especially since the enemies are blocking more in this game. And the annoying chase on hard. and the removed content. but even with these, when I see the word PlayStation 3, this is the game that comes to my mind.

i started playing this game two years ago and finished it Today. every yakuza game more or less has the same strengths and weaknesses (excellent characters, utterly boring and convoluted main stories, fun side quests) and this one is no different. probably my favorite cast of the series because its basically an entire main cast made up of akiyamas, but thats okay because i really like akiyama!

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this game after feeling slightly "meh" about the first one. While it is not without its fair share of jank, bugs, and game crashes, it feels more well-crafted than the first. The game is gorgeous graphically, the orchestral score is amazing, and the characters are all unique and endearing. I really liked that it gave the player the option of which lightsaber stances they wanted to run with (I played through with the crossguard and blaster stances). The combat felt a little floaty and loose for souls-like combat, but was overall enjoyable. The platforming is serviceable at first and gets better as the game goes on. Overall I had a far better time with this than I was expecting and I'll definitely be picking up the next one based on my experience.