Planned VNs/Adjacents

Generally sifting through VN lists for things I have a sliver of interest in

Planning to play FSR and Killer7 before this, but this might be where I stop my Suda exploration for a bit.
Well, it's a continuation of the previous one. Seems like a massive conclusion in every way.

UPDATE: Finished! Despite a slightly rocky start, it stuck the landing splendidly. The final 2.5 cases are so strong, that I'm unconvinced that any prior AA game will be worth it.
On Case 3. Pretty charming so far, with excellent animation work. Disappointed in how simple the gamified elements are, but at least the characters are good!

UPDATE: Finished with this one. Despite a frustrating dip in quality with the fourth case and certain bizarre aspects to the MC's arc pinned to it, this was lovely!
Kind of on pause for some reason. Seems to have been incredibly meaningful for some folks, and I've already read WKTD. Honestly allured the most by its prose and how it manages to communicate the density of those feelings via form alone.
I've observed Suda from afar for long enough. I think it's time I try his works. Planning to start here since I love the tone and I see enough vouches from folks I trust.

UPDATE: Finished this recently. Really liked the Placebo chapters! Sorta cold on Transmitter, despite understanding its apathetic musings on preliminary technodystopian fears. Very stylish work overall.
Sheer insanity. From what I've seen it seems to be a high-quality comedy with a lovely cartoon artstyle switch.

UPDATE: Finished! Funnily enough the thing that held this back for me was the gag comedy, even if the blistering pacing relieved most issues I had. But damn, very cool concepts and characters with a satisfying collection of warped interpretations of love. Crazy high-effort for something so short too!


Just gameplay. Have received a few vouches for the story and themes, but I have a strong aversion for long stories that hinge on a few introductory philosophy concepts.


Pretty and Gay. Why not?


Thematically one of the big ones for me. Probably the closest to what I associate to the usual VN structure, and the translation seems unhinged.


Pretty good so far, and I'm already loving the aesthetic, soundtrack, and story structure. Hope it maintains this level of quality throughout.

UPDATE: Done with Door 4. Hoo boy...


Saw someone play through the original Tsuki and found it awful. Nasu has to do a lot to convince me his writing is worth anything, even if this has crazy production values.


Fuck me this is long. Extremely low on the priority list, but I'm expecting to enjoy it more than the previous two? Just not ready for it.


Speaking of which... Anything that attempts Wittgensteinian philosophy will get an eye from me. I know it will fail miserably and will only use its references to create an illusion of intrigue, but this will be my contentious pick.


In case I feel the urge for a death game. Character design actually looks good, unlike a certain trilogy that comes to mind.




Kaiju and Gay! Why not?


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