props to the game for just unapologetically including arnold schwarzenegger and sigourney weaver

i've listened to two million albums playing this game

i actually beat this one! was not expecting a cool little metroidvania, especially based on how bad the box art is for this. i wouldve liked this even more than NES metroid if there was any reason to explore at all (there really isnt). also it sucks that enemies dont actually show up unless theyre within a certain range of you, and that range is much smaller than the actual screen size

started playing this a little over a year ago, back when it first came out. played 5/7 of the games and then got sidetracked with life and finally ended up finishing it today. my memory of most of this will be a little foggy so bear with me, but:

- Hub: didnt like this one's hub as much as the others, but it was okay. a bit of a slog to get around, everything feels so far apart and you move so slowly. also i feel like the mouse controls were very strange and didnt work correctly
- Axis Mundi: fun little fatal frame action game
- Uktena 64: this ones from kira, so its kinda just inherently good. second favorite in the collection and i love the boss at the end
- Rose of Meat: not surprised this ended up being my favorite one. a fucked up and weird little game from the golden light dev. very much my shit
- Seraphixial: the timore dev has come a long way. really cool visually and i think i remember it being pretty fun. again, its been awhile since ive played a lot of these so i dont remember them very well
- Black Relic: very cool visually, very slow to play however. not bad
- The Fruit: obviously, the reloading mechanic rocks. the book of sigils being used for combat is really cool as well. i liked this one a lot, but the final fight can be kinda frustrating
- The House of Unrest: this is just evil house flipper. i had to collect the chaos emeralds. the end boss was very funny and unexpected (was actually thinking while halfway through: "where did those ak47s go?"). this game is way too easy though, shouldve had to find ammo at least.

nothing has beat dread x 2 for me yet, but im about to dive into 5 so we'll see!

how do you suck opponent off

i still havent played the hex, but i remember way back when pony island came out. it wasnt the best "meta game" of its time, but it was pretty different and did some really unique stuff. i could tell daniel mullins was capable of something fantastic, and this game proved that correct. not only is it a really cool and unique meta horror(ish) game, but its a really fun card game too

replayed this for the plus update and to get 100% completion. kinda sucks that this game is known to those who havent played it as a kind of ironic vaporwave funny meme game. its so so much more than that. the people who create these websites feel so real and earnest and the emotions of the game hit so hard when you really follow along. super excited for dreamsettlers (and slayers x)

very cool. weirdly related to a lot of the themes this presents. made me kinda sad.

seems like an interesting combination of strategy game and shoot em up. i just dont know what is happening

played this with abi and we had a lot of fun. super good game but it couldve been up a star or two if it had even decent writing. this game was written by an alien

its not a bad game by any means - the fact that darkness feels like even more of an obstacle than the first is pretty cool and the monster encounters feel genuinely dangerous.

however, this just doesn't feel like it was made by the same team behind SOMA and Amnesia: TDD. this game has the last tangible atmosphere out of either of those - and though i'd consider it to be scarier than SOMA - the story kinda falls very flat in comparison. SOMA has, in my opinion, one of the most well written stories to ever be in a video game. this game's story is definitely not bad, i'd even say it's quite good, but it just doesn't feel nearly up to par with frictional's more recent output.

on the gameplay side of things, the game feels way too linear minus some small more open ended parts (the highlight being that first fort area in the desert). i also felt there was a huge overuse of the indoor alien temple settings, which all look nearly identical to each other. it looks cool and is surprising the first time but i much prefer the desert setting, which i felt went underutilized. if you couldn't tell, i just finished the game so my thoughts are kind of scattered, but being a huge fan of frictional games and following every little thing they do - i was kinda disappointed by this game. i'm still gonna play every game they make as soon as i can though.

no idea why but i was in the mood for some historically accurate settings. so ive decided to try and play through the assassins creed games

this one isnt awful but its definitely not good. the setting is the best part (as im sure it will be with every one of these games) and honestly i found the story pretty compelling, modern day stuff included.

the combat sucks. it feels random whether or not you can actually counter attack properly and the only hard parts are a series of battles against multiple enemies at the end of the game. the parkour can be fun but its really finicky in this game. altair will randomly decide to run up a wall or miss a jump entirely and kill me

overall though i enjoyed it more than i thought i would. i've only ever really played a lot of brotherhood and ac3 but it was so long ago i barely remember

this game has both one of the WORST first 2 hours of any game ive ever played, and its immediately followed by one of the best parts of a resident evil game (z-day in tall oaks with leon and helena). after that the game is just kinda mid the rest of the way through. the way it incorporates multiplayer is pretty cool though, i wish i got to experience it when it came out