how do you suck opponent off

no idea why but i was in the mood for some historically accurate settings. so ive decided to try and play through the assassins creed games

this one isnt awful but its definitely not good. the setting is the best part (as im sure it will be with every one of these games) and honestly i found the story pretty compelling, modern day stuff included.

the combat sucks. it feels random whether or not you can actually counter attack properly and the only hard parts are a series of battles against multiple enemies at the end of the game. the parkour can be fun but its really finicky in this game. altair will randomly decide to run up a wall or miss a jump entirely and kill me

overall though i enjoyed it more than i thought i would. i've only ever really played a lot of brotherhood and ac3 but it was so long ago i barely remember

I wish you could have a gun and kill all the animals in the world

i've listened to two million albums playing this game

one of the best NES games buried underneath some bullshit

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watched (and helped) my fiancee play. i liked watching her go from saying "i like the stoat" to "FUCK the stoat"

quite possibly the ugliest spritework in an NES game

this did not work correctly on my quest 2. i had to find and activate a custom community controller binding for it to work and even then it was kinda awkward. afterwards i had to go into the actual config file for steamvr and delete the lines of code that activated that custom binding because it wouldnt unload from any other game i tried. ended up spending an hour trying to get this 5 minute game to work


forced my poor fiancee to play this. even on safe mode she was crying and screaming and getting mad at me but i love her anyway <3

im completely satisfied
my other life i will not miss
an altered beast until i die
and i will not give up on this

really fun little game. not sure why they would include the silent hill 2 rape scene.

insanely good environmental art and pretty good level design. played on hard and found the game a bit too easy. never died to an enemy besides the final boss. feels like i always had more than enough health and mana

probably the best NES soundtrack along with kirbys adventure

every area in this game, just visually speaking, is incredible. each area is very distinct and it was always a treat to push forward and progress just to see what was next. so many unique little things in this game too. so much character. as others have said, the combat is a bit annoying but it also feels good occasionally. some of the weapons, though, dont make much sense to me. the weapon you get as a reward at the end does a crazy amount of damage, but it takes >10 seconds to load one shot. i can output more than its damage in about 7 seconds just by throwing a bunch of axes. other than that though, i really loved this. excited for this dev's next project!

cool that they made a purely co-op experience so i could share these games with my girl friend :)