11 reviews liked by SPIDERBOT

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>You're very welcome, happy to help!
>You're very welcome, what else do you need help with?
>Give me all your money or die



Would I recommend this game to anyone over the remake? Absolutely not.

But the Music, writing, and even the gameplay create the most unforgettable experience you can find in gaming. It personally surpasses all aspects of the remake but navigation and graphic fidelity.

Papa Nier supremacy

Maybe it's a bit sacrilegious to say, but this is due for a remake. The assets are fine and live up to an aesthetic that still sits well, the script has almost untouchable bones that, with a better voice cast and meatier dialogue, hold the narrative well, the world architecture is exactly as traversable as it needs to be; but, the combat that was assumed to be necessary at the time in the genre's gestation, the tacked on boss fights at the end, the seemingly arbitrary thematic elements in the puzzles, and the janky, verisimilitude breaking control scheme that makes immersion pretty hard to ingratiate all are relics of the past that squander the real timelessness of Silent Hill 2.

I had great expectations for this game since everyone was claiming that it was an accomplished piece of philosophical catharsis. however, my experience was far from that remark. I really wanted to love this game to such an extent that I bought a second hand Playstation 3 just to play Drakengard 3 in order to fully grasp Yoko Taro's interconnected worlds. But after finishing all of the routes and watching all of the canon endings of Nier: Automata, every ounce of interest and intrigue I had were replaced by bitter disappointment.

Aside from the ingenious integration of
themes into the game design and its compelling narrative structure, what I took away from the game were surface level and oftentimes cringe-inducing musings on philosophy, dull and repetitive gameplay loops, and an unsatisfying execution on the story. There were some noteworthy and emotive moments that will be engraved in my mind for a long time. The combat was serviceable, it was addictive and had an adequate amount of variety. And the soundtrack was undeniably sensational, Keiichi Okabe's distinctive sound entrenched in ambiance and lyrics is very impressive.

However, I strongly believe that the negatives outweigh the positives on this one. I really appreciate the uncompromising creativity of Yoko Taro but it does not justify the lightweight impact of the Nier: Automata experience.

It's impossible to tell what some characters will become. I can't imagine what the originator of Duke feels about what happened to him, like from the first sketch to the end of Forever.

mom: we have bayonetta at home
bayonetta at home: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/952971429485624132/38347DAB23A7862A21020B2C40B3C0E9A6AB494A/

this is pretty janky and unsure of itself in a lot of ways (is it a musou?? an arcade shooter?? a big setpiecey spell combat thing?? its mostly just empty and busted!) but the tacky B movie vibe is hysterical and does a lot of legwork. A few of the more surrealist levels rule (loved fighting a bunch of 5fps quadrupedal eyeballs atop a plane) and the baffling cutscenes keep things moving just well enough to milk some gonzo enjoyment out of the whole deal. At its best this feels like Earth Defense Force meets an Underworld movie. A lot of bizarre sound effects feel a bit knowing: the mutated zombie enemies that flail at you while making turkey gobbling noises are up there with the "DONT WANT 2 DIEEEE" zombies from dead prem and i adore them. It's honestly pretty sad there are so few semi-big publisher games that feel as peculiar, haphazard, and gleefully tacky as this nowadays. Alicia's rose spear spell is also literally the origin point for the Dark Execution sealed verse in Nier (Cavia clearly re-used a slightly reskinned version of the same animation and programming) so thats a fun little trivia thing I guess!!!!

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Oh boy, its one of these. One of these games no matter what I think of Ill get half of people yelling at me. I honestly kind of dread writing this review cause there's a lot I want to say about it but it almost feels like everything I do is going to come off as just reacting to people's views on it. That's always kind of going to be the issue when experiencing things only because of the reputation they've accrued over the years.

"Theres no such thing as an antiwar film" Truffaut supposedly said, referring to how no matter how brutal or pointless war may be depicted on screen it will never actually convey the full horror of it, and the spectacle of war movies will in fact romanticize war. Saving Private Ryan has a fairly brutal opening scene depicting the D Day landings but it also boosted recruitment numbers for the american military so its a net negative for the world.

I don't know if I agree entirely with that sentiment, certainly there is some truth to it but I feel like its 1000% times more true for videogames, especially in the AAA space. I don't really buy it as intentional but there is nothing more dehumanizing and dull than the mindless act of mowing wave after wave of soldiers from behind cover in the godawful slog that is this game. It also kind of undermined (or perhaps strengthened depending on your opinion) the point of the famous "white phosphorous" scene cause I didnt realize that I was supposed to use the mortar, so I tried to do it normally, quickly running out of ammo and getting shot and dying several times until I realized what I was supposed to do.

At that point though, all I was feeling was anger and frustration, perhaps mirroring that of captain walker and his squad, when we got to the obviously imitating both the gameplay mechanics of Call OF Duty and the like and the real life footage of american drones wiping out civillians in the middle east. I didnt feel much horror then as my squad made it to all the dead soldiers and civillians in all honesty, though the image of the charred corpse of a mother holding her child, whilst pretty trite and forced, was somewhat haunting; it reminded me of visiting the atomic bomb museum in hiroshima.

The game is almost comical in how many of those forced emotional moments and the jarring contrast between "war is hell, civillians get killed etc" and just never ending stream of pop up gallery shootouts every 30 seconds. And yet, and this is the part where Ill get pelted with stones by the Backloggd™ intellectual elite, I do think there is a lot to appreciate about it, which is why Im giving it the middling score of 5/10 to be an insufferable fence sitter.

See, and again this is impossible to deal with without coming off as reactionary (not in the political sense) but there's a lot of unfair sneering about this game on this very page that I see as kind of unwarranted to some degree. First of all, to anyone who has given this game half a star, please name another AAA game before or since where you shoot at american soldiers (and no, PMCs don't count) , I'll wait.

You can't can you? That is honestly still refreshing that in a sea of awful, brown military shooters where you uncritically support american imperialism mowing waves and waves of brown people presumably just defending themselves from the massive war machine you're backed by to protect the business interests of the US, that this game would have the balls to have you shooting at (albeit rogue) american servicemen.

And I can just hear the pre emptive typing : "wow, making fun of military shooters, how profound, we all know they're bad and its insanely easy to mock/criticise them". And sure, that is somewhat true but here's the thing : this is a AAA game, you know, the ones where even today Ubisoft will release a game about you supporting US imperialism and invading other countries and insist its "not political".

Like yeah, you are right this game occupies the intellectual kiddie pool and hell, its profoundness is severely overstated but this is still pretty much as far as AAA (mostly western I'll admit) games get. Its like seeing a baby take its first steps and going "coh, can't even run the 100m, how lame". I think there's a place to appreciate a game that whilst fumbled, released as a military shooter trying to crticize its whole subgenre and customer base, by the ever money conscious AAA sector where you don't uncritically support US imperialism (and also there are some fairly in depth subversions of the US military, its not just "drones kill inoccent civilians", the hendrix stars and stripes, a lot of the jargon and details and stuff used by the actual military and even just the attitude of US soldiers is lampooned at least somewhat effectively) and shoot at US soldiers, which are sacred targets of worship in the AAA space and broader western culture as a whole.

In a columbo voice Oh and just one more thing. The big complaint about the game undermining its theme of choice has never really convinced me even before playing it. You're not allowed to choose? First of all clearly we're playing with the conflict between player and player character (like in Silent Hill 2 but player character conflict, Japan I guess) and the lack of choice or thought kind of mirrors how captain walker keeps justifying his actions as "I had no choice", without realizing of course he keeps pushing himself and his squad into positions where hell have to use horrific violence rather than just leaving like he should have in the first place. This of course mirrors the actions of the player who will get the sense that this man is a menace and will continue anyways because, well its a videogame I suppose.

And I know, "thats super dumb why would I stop playing cause of the make believe actions of a bunch of ones and zeros" and look I somewhat sympathize, its kinda corny and I think later games like undertale have kinda tackled this better but honestly I think you're missing the main double hit here. Not only is this of course calling into question the players that at time of release went looking for these kinds of experiences and how morally iffy it is to be looking for realistic simulations of being a tool of a genocidal murder machine as opposed to just playing doom or something like that but also "your choice might have been justified at the time but you put yourself in the situation where that was the case in the first place" is also a criticism of military action in general. So many accounts of horrific violence always parrot the same "it was us or them" mentality without mentioning that you being there murdering them for oil is what caused that situation to begin with. Its not murder to committ self defense against invaders, though seemingly in the west we only understand this when the invaded are white.

Honestly, there's more that I could ramble on about like the weird ptsd/unreliable narrator thing and the smartly done 2 "choices" in the game but I think this is where'll end this unstructured screed. In conclusion I disliked playing it, its definitely not as profound as its supporters said, but its existence is worth a lot more than its detractors will admit.

*leaves the room as I am pelted with rocks, arrows and ukeleles"

When all else failed, when the ability to craft narrative worth sleeping through, when the will to design enemy encounters didn't expand beyond funnelling idiotic soldiers through ugly bits of over modeled chain link fence and shrubbery, when the beauty of possibility in Cryengine found nothing worth representing than what had been more lushly shown in 8-bit and chunky polygons, why not simply lean on the fact that most computers can't run the game as your stand out achievement of gaming.

Crysis is the epitome of the grossly unpleasant and profoundly unthinking horde of shooters that represented the mass of late 00s gaming. I think it stands worse than any of its type that I have played, and would think it more poor still if it had anything within it capable of grasping onto that didn't fizzle and disappear the moment it is touched.

A short fun singleplayer mode that fizzles out towards the end, built on GoldSrc so it feels great even if a couple of the weapons are kind of useless. Every weapon having adjustable firing modes was really cool even if some configurations are clearly better than others.
I was lucky enough to play some multiplayer on this just a few years ago and that was enjoyable enough, even if the meta consists of three guns on extremely specific firing modes.

You can really tell that the developers learned a lot of lessons from Bloodrayne (and got a much higher budget), and it shows as this game is a much more competently made than the original. Oddly, this also meant the game become less enjoyable.

The original game occupied this weird place where its nonsensical ideas and low budget led to a fascinating and charming game, teetering between "so bad, it's good" and absolute garbage. Terminal Reality, in an attempt to make a superior game, managed to make a game that's on paper better but ultimately is still just okay. It's good, but doesn't live up to the absolute stupidity that is the original Bloodrayne.

While the original game felt like Terminal Reality trying to make their own version of Tomb Raider, this game feels like they played Sands of Time and said "We can do this". There's a heavier emphasis on platforming, with the game frequently tasking you with climbing and swinging from poles. There's also multiple instances of rail grinding, just in case you forgot Tony Hawk's Pro Skater was still popular at the time. It all works, but that's really as much as you can say about it.

The combat is serviceable, and definitely way flashier than the original. The executions Rayne can perform while feeding on an enemy are particularly cool to watch, and the briefs instances of environmental interaction in combat is pretty fun. The addition of special moves was neat, but I never really felt a need to use them, as the basic kick and blade attacks got the job done. I also felt like guns were de-emphasized in this game, as they all now are fueled by blood that you drain from enemies. However, sucking blood is also how you refill your health so I rarely refueled the guns as I found keeping my health up to be a greater priority in fights. As such, I often forgot guns even existed, except outside of certain boss fights who you need to use them.
I will say a large improvement over the original is the use of the vampire powers. In the original game the vampire powers were just there. Here, they factor so much more into the combat, and I found myself utilizing them for most encounters.

The story just kind of exists, but does pick up well from plot threads set up in the first game. The character interactions are pretty fun to watch though, so the cutscenes still delivered. The voice acting, while having not changed any actors, has significantly improved. The entire cast gives good performances but special mention needs to be made to Laura Bailey as the main character Rayne. She nails it. Sadly no Japanese dub this time, so no Romi Park role reprisal.

In terms of length, I'd argue the game is 2-3 hours too long. While the later levels really deliver in terms of graphics and tone, the game just feels like it's dragging its feet to the conclusion. Not saying any levels needed to be cut, but maybe truncated.

Ultimately, I like Bloodrayne 2. It's okay at best, and honestly that's best and worst thing I can say about it. Everything it does you've seen done better in dozens of other titles.

It lost a lot of the charm of original and replaced it with early 2000s edge. That's not necessarily a bad thing, this game has it's own charm and it rocks that well. I guess in the process of becoming better, the game lost a lot of made the original a truly dumb experience, and what this game does wasn't enough to fill the void left behind. That being said, if you can find it cheap I'd say give it a shot. The console versions are largely identical to the original PC release, though you do lose out on mods. Sadly, the original PC release is no longer for sale, having been replaced by the recent Terminal Cut. That version add some nice new visual effects and upscaled cutscenes if that means anything to you.