I had fun with this game but man does it leave me sore. The worst problem I had with the game is that I'm awful at keeping up with it.

Awful controls and a story that I just couldn't connect with.

Gotta love an autism game. I do enjoy it but sometimes the levels make no sense. Other then that this game is made for me (as in when the game was announced friends said this game is perfect for me lol).

Sometimes people are weirdly hard on games like this, it's fun minigames. This was also one of the few times younger me could get my parents to actually play a game with me.

I think this was the best way to put more mario kart on the switch. I wouldn't have been happy paying full price for a new game so this is really good deal and I was lucky that my favorite courses were able to make it in. I'm meh on the mobile game courses but the new ones are nice.

My favorite Mario Party, I love the maps and I honestly don''t think the motion controls are as bad as some people say.

Beautiful and fun. I love seeing pokemon in their natural environment. My only issue is how difficult some of the events are to get. I can try them a million times, watch videos on how to do it, and still not get it to work.

Doesn't improve on the issues I have but the overall game is an improvement. I kinda rage quit after I lost a large chunk of pikmin and accidentally saved. I'll try to replay it at some point in the future.

Really fun but multiplayer is awful on switch, even if you're all in the same room. Would like to play again but will probably only happen if we all get it on steam or something.

Music has been downgraded but overall it's still an amazing game.

Fun, I enjoy the multiplayer and it's another good 3d Mario. I could never really get into Bowser's Fury though

Loved this game as a kid and had a lot of fun with it. It's not anything special but it's still solid and great for my first 3d mario.


Beautiful game that's also very fun. I love how the story could be interpreted in a lot of different ways, and my personal view did leave me close to tears by the end.

I played this game obsessively when it came out but that can't change the obvious. Game freak is never going to make a quality pokemon game until sales drop which I don't think is ever going to happen. This is probably going to be the last main line pokemon game I get. It had good ideas and I really like the open world but it just feels wrong supporting this.

This was my first Pikmin game and it's a really good place to start. I don't like how insanely long the intro is but once I got started it was pretty easy going from then on. I love the dandori battles and replaying the game and trying to get through everything as fast as possible is fun. I also thought the Olimar's story thing was fun and a cool way for new fans to play the first game (I didn't end up playing it until after I had went and played 1+2).