Love this game and the stories it tells. I really enjoyed playing all the different routes and getting to know all the characters. My favorite element of fire emblem is getting to know the characters and not having back to back battles so this game is going to rank super high for me. Though I don't like how you have to wait till literally the end of the game to romance a character.

For the battles it's the usual stuff; nothing special but still very fun.

I miss when villagers weren't always so nice, I think it adds more character, especially when it gets to a point were all the characters are repeating the same lines constantly. The music also the worst of the series; I wouldn't say it's bad but it can get grating after awhile. But this game is perfect for me and I still get tons of enjoyment out of it.

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Alright I have a lot of feelings on this game. The gameplay and music are great but the story is odd at times. Like it's bad that the one teacher is a creep that abuses the students and sexualizes Ann but its fine if the other teacher dates a student and the other characters sexualizes Ann. Sure. Fine. Overall I think the story is enjoyable but it's moments like that that will always get to me. Another, fairly minor, issue is that getting to a stopping point takes ages.

I don't hate the game but I do think it's been wildly over-hyped.

Watched my partner play this recently but I've been obsessed with the series for years. According to my partner the controls are pretty bad and the boss fights are a nightmare, even on an easier difficulty. Story wise I love the game, but it is improved a lot by knowing the later games. Especially the weight around a specific characters death.

Visuals bad still no voice acting yada yada yada. With my usual complaints out of the way this game is a lot of fun and I love the catching mechanics. I enjoyed filling out the pokedex and the battles were actually pretty challenging by the end which caught me very off guard.

I can't say I loved the story, it's interesting and I like Franklin but the humor just doesn't work for me. I really only play online cause it's nice to drive around listening to my music.

Played this for the first time a bit before TOTK released. I really love it and had a lot of fun, my only issue is that the world started to feel pretty empty later on.

Amazing game the I genuinely became obsessed with. I started playing it when it came out and played it almost all day, every day for like a month.

Very fun game, love doing multiplayer levels with my partner. A good game to turn on and play for a few hours, especially nice if I'm stressed out and just need some help to relax.

I will always love this game and the dislike people have for it has always confused me. It's clear they realized they made to many new pokemon for black/white so there are very few new pokemon. Overall I really like how this game looks and had a lot of fun with it.

It's dumb fun but I enjoy it and replay it every once and awhile so I can turn my brain off and waste some time.

Ignoring the controls this is one of the best games I've ever played. I love the story, music and the voice acting. I really love the visual style and I think Pandora's level is one of the best levels in a video game that I've played. The boss fights are well done and I've always enjoyed how the weapons are made. Lastly, I'd like to give a shoutout to the multiplayer mode that was genuinely very fun.

I wanted to play a Katamari game for years so I was very excited when this came out. It's so fun and the world it creates is amazing. As everyone says, the music is excellent; but I also really love the visual style.

As always, fuck you EA. Anyways I love how much detail CAS has but the worlds are such a downgrade and the millions of types of packs that never have enough in them to validate the price. In sims 3 the supernatural pack has vampires, werewolfs, and fairies (among others but they're not relevant rn). Now vampires and werewolfs have separate packs and there are still no fairies. Not to mention, I have consistently had issues making this game run on pretty much every pc i've had and i've ran into constant game breaking glitches. I've lost multiple saves to the game randomly just not working anymore.

The first real game I played and it's what got me hooked on video games. Looks amazing and has one of my favorite soundtracks. Forever thankful to my cousin Megan for buying this for me back then.