96 Reviews liked by Santieur52

this game poses the question everyone was too scared to ask: what if super metroid was boring

from the creative mind behind "whites only" and "rape simulator" comes the game that isn't fun

please play a better rhythm game

People would play anything to avoid a good rhythm game huh. Nice to see the Newgrounds spirit still abound though, this is definitely Monthly Front Page Award material for what it's worth. Modding scene seems very active so I'll definitely hold out some interest.

Un juego que se preocupa demasiado en no hacer nada especialmente mal y encuentra una respuesta muy simple: no hacer nada especial.

One of the most safe, uninteresting games I've ever played

Nunca había estado tan cerca de dormirme jugando a algo. Tengo poco que comentar de su diseño que no se haya dicho ya. Parece el juego que saldría si introdujeras todos los vídeos de Mark Brown en un algoritmo.

Más allá de eso, ¿por qué bichos? ¿Cuál era la idea? No se qué diferencia los insectos que mato de los npcs con los que hablo o los gusanos que rescato. Supongo que es lo que tiene imitar a ciegas, es fácil quedarse con lo superficial y olvidar algo tan básico como el propósito. Matar a Drácula puede ser una chorrada pero basta para establecer una motivación y un contexto mínimo. Aquí solo tenemos una sombra sin consciencia que extermina mecánicamente toda forma de vida con la que se cruza.

A veces parece que quiere evocar algo con sus escenarios pero la desgana con la que lo intenta es irrisoria. Hay una localización que se llama Ciudad de lágrimas donde llueve constantemente y suena música melancólica. Ese es el nivel.

¿Agobiante, opresivo, estresante? No especialmente. Lo que es, es entretenido y divertido. Entretenido al nivel de un pasatiempos: te mantiene ocupado. Leer sus menús no difiere mucho a completar una sopa de letras. Extraes palabras sueltas e inconexas entre todo el ruido de fondo e intentas darles sentido en tu cabeza. Luego se tiran dados. Muchos dados. Aunque no te los muestren (ese es el otro DD). Aquí es donde entra la parte divertida. De este componente de azar nacen las situaciones inesperadas, los fallos, los críticos, las reacciones al superar el límite de estrés… En resumen: lo imprevisible. Es aquí también donde cada uno establecerá su límite con el juego. Toda la estrategia y planificación son formas de aproximarse a lo aleatorio de la mazmorra. La idea no es superar un nivel con habilidad sino intentar sobrellevar los efectos inesperados que el juego nos lanza mientras rascamos lo máximo por el camino. ¿Hasta dónde quiere uno llegar? ¿Exploras un poco más arriesgándote a perder algún aventurero o vuelves sin obtener las recompensas extra de la misión? Sabes que el resultado no depende de ti sino de las tiradas de dados. Darkest Dungeon es riesgo/recompensa de la misma forma que apostar a la ruleta es riesgo/recompensa. En el momento en que entiendes que estás ante un juego de azar con estrategia y no lo contrario queda enteramente a ti si te apetece seguir apostando. Al menos no te vas a arruinar.

There's a point near the very beginning of the game where you climb on top of a high up vantage point to mark points of interest onto the map. Suffice to say that Immortals' colour palette is beige at worst and orange at best; those said points of interest are only made noticeable by their video gamey red glowing aura - wisely chosen to pierce through the duststorm and not be swallowed by the monotony of its visual design. You then spend the next few minutes cataloguing these red lights one-by-one as new UI waypoints are revealed. Every single one of them is made immediately apparent to be different flavours of collectable. The title card quite literally hasn't even dropped yet, and you're surveying the land with the same adventurous spirit of a warehouse worker doing a stock check. It's an Ubisoft game, by the way.

Just kind of a pathetic game, honestly. Breath of the Wild coattail rider with all of the charm and creativity you should really expect from the French videogame machine with a clot of coal where its heart should be. Between this and Genshin Impact, it's sad to grow so weary so quickly of the type of open-world Breath of the Wild vitalised. It may not have gatcha, but it boils the wonder of exploration into a skinner box of chests, collectables and distractions strewn scattershot around an environment in a way that feels completely dispassionate and built only to addict. This awful dialogue is such a waste of good greek accents.

Where videogames usually tend to go for escapism and fantasy to reconnect with the sense of wonder, with innocence, with freedom... Boku no Natsuyasumi finds all of that in a more down to earth context. Every day is an adventure, there is no need for magic or silly objectives, exploring in the countryside, catching some bugs, watering flowers until they bloom… No wonder why at the end of each day the game asks you if you want to keep playing, it seems like it’s asking at the same time if you don’t want to go out and enjoy your own surroundings.

Despite being set in the 70’s, Boku no Natsuyasumi avoids falling into prison with nostalgia. Rather than keeping you trapped in an endless summer full of joy, the calendar is always moving forward and the days fly by, just as when we were kids. And there are some rough edges too, even if the game is always looking through the eyes of innocence. Between the fun of summer days there is space to talk about deciding what to do in the future, dealing with moving away from your family, the memories of a not so distant war, the grief of losing a dear one too soon… And of course, a never repeated summer cannot end in any other way but with an emotional goodbye, nothing left but memories, but nothing else needed anyway.

Infinitas moar liek INFINITE-ASS

I tried for 1 month but it's hard to like this game. 2 days in, I just wish that I had a copy of and IIDX PS2 games to play with.
Think $10 per month and base songs are like around 10 songs and you have to grind like real hard to unlock other songs. Song selection here is ass too like post SIRIUS game songs are extremely limited to like 2-3 songs per new version of IIDX, the only cool thing about this is that some songs not found on the actual arcade can only be found in Infinitas now like wish , Special One etc.

Unlocking the songs one by one, AND NOT even a SONG but a SONG in its SPECIFIC DIFFFICULTY.
I unlocked Fly Above but playing other difficulties is still locked! You have to buy them one by one per difficulty of the song.Class Mode to Rank Up asks you to pony up some cash to play per try. This is the modern and legal way of playing IIDX now, microtransactions, that leave players / fans of this series drained and grinding real hard most of the time with a bleeding wallet on the side.

Only positive I can say to this is that, some exclusive songs can only be played here like Rejection Girl, good song!

And of course, you can stream this modern IIDX game LEGALLY for the world to see



Every frame a painting... and nothing else.

Me despierta una curiosidad permanente de explorar los límites de los espacios que crea/genera a partir del aburrimiento extremo que siento al mirar por más de 5 segundos hacia cualquier horizonte hiper-saturado.

The combat is a fuckin boredom.