peak, cause even my dumb apple macbook ass can enjoy it.

This game is solid but I think reviews are way to conflated over the fact dunkey is involved, when lets be fr he didn’t even have single hand in making this game aside from helping fund it and market, it does have extremely good level design, but I wouldn’t say this is pushing the envelope in any notable way especially when most puzzles are bogged down to do a thing three times,.The secret egg puzzles are fun are more interesting but they aren’t really necessary unless you want the true ending.Again I like this game but its no mastapiece.

Have not played it enough but I think nintendo fans are insane for saying 30 is fine for this game, I actively think it hurts the game and makes the combat worse, the tension is gone from battles and it just feels like I am playing baby first turn based with generous qte, I will be fair and say their was nothing they could do to help thois, the switch hardware is dso dogshit getting to stable 30 was probs the best thing the game could have done.If you can I recommend 60fps mod on pc or just wait for switch 2.

This is my first pikmin game, and wow the sense of expoloration and charm this game has is insane, theirs such a strong sense of joy I get from finding treasures, rescuing castaway even upgrading its such a fun addicting cycle, hope pikmin 5 comes quicker.

I quit watching the jacksepticeye playthrough

pizza tower wishes it was like this.

Sensory game for toddlers.

This game made me laugh, cry and just generally nade me feel badass, Its the ultimate life sim and has probably the best balance of story with gameplay I have seen, I don’t have any real complaints other than both business mini-games suck ass.

I think everything about this game sucks, story, charcters, visuals well thats a switch issue lmao, enviroments, side quests the one saving grace is that I had fun fighting like two bosses and some of these songs slap, when atlus eventually scams people into the smt5 eclipse edition or something I beg anyone to play the intial game and tell me I am not crazy for my critiques.

After 100 percent I can say this game is extremely overrated and 2d mario is just not for me anymore, dk, rayman even sonic have much more interesting 2d entries than this, the creativity is really surface level compared to those other games. its good but there is nothing too special about it aside from artsyle.

Getting a divorce seems kinda cool

I'm a hater of this game, at least they added steve.