Really love how the game map is small but so vertical and densely packed with things to see and do that it feels massive and you want to divert paths just to see what you'll find. Writing is a bit too twee for my taste but it's not as egregious as some other "wholesome" games and really it's all about the mechanics so I'm not knocking points off. Now that it's on gamepass there's really no harm in trying it out.

Really makes you feel like you played a pretty good game.

Came out at the perfect time but unfortunately for me once all the structured goals ended (upgrade the town buildings, get KK Slider) I lost all motivation to continue very quickly.

One of the strongest gaming memories I have as a child was learning to despise this pile of shit lol

They made an open world game for people who beeline to every main mission without actually experiencing the sandbox and its a masterpiece.

A little under 10 hours and midway through chapter 3 before I shelved this. As someone who finds the brawler combat of Yakuza to be a bit janky for my tastes (I played the demo for Ishin! very recently and confirmed it's still Not Entirely My Thing) the shift to turn based was always going to interest me. Actually I'm lying, at first I thought it'd be the worst idea ever, I generally disliked the format for how uninvolved it is in presentation, but actually playing it and experiencing the nuances like having attack QTE's (which I've heard is similar to Lost Odyssey, so I've gotta check it out too) and a limited time to attack when someone ragdolls for crits, as well as all the iconic wacky Yakuza animations, made me a believer.

Also it's so awesome when a game lets you play as a walking embarrassment who compares real life to Dragon Quest. It makes itself immune to the FATLUS memes so effortlessly.

Looks pretty good too, glad Sega finally upped RGGS' budget even if the optimization isn't too hot (900p on Series S, woof)

Not entirely sure on the concept of high level mobs patrolling close to objectives though. It's cool when they're out of the way but still a present enough threat for you to need to sneak around but one time they were right in front of my goal and would not budge and I wasn't in the mood to lose half of my money again.

Story is good but definitely on the verbose side. That's Yakuza for you though. Dub is also good and yes I played dub since George Takei is in this and we're a "found 'oh myyyyyy' funny before montage parodies" household.

Overall I had a really good time with what I've played so far. Hopefully I can play some more in the future.

Seemed promising and then midway through it asked me to a combat gauntlet like combat hasn't consistently been the worst part of these games. Fuck off!

Remember when everyone was trying to avoid calling this a cyberpunk game (emphasis on the punk) and someone did epic gritty communism and invented the term "neonliberal", which lasted for all of 3 days before they realized Blade Runner, the movie everyone pretends to love but not actually watch, has no punk elements whatsoever? I do because I have brain problems and its cool this site seems to have continued that legacy. Sally Jane Black brain never dies baby!!!! :-)

Currently shelving this until 2.0 comes out. For now, what I will say is that it's pretty damn fun.

Night City is one of all time greatest realized worlds in gaming, feeling city planned first and level designed second, and the commitment to placing you in that world through custom brands and radio stations exclusively comprised of songs made just for the game is really damn cool. Some of those songs are bangers too! Story is elevated by amazing voice acting and good word economy on the dialogue, though I feel its approach to sex is embarrassingly juvenile, even worse than GTA V's. I know Dunkey already highlighted this but it feels like a lot of interesting questions about the future have been replaced with going to Pussy Burger, located next to Tits and Ass Strip Club 3000, to get something to eat. The games rated M for Mature, but aside from the overarching plot essentially about terminal illness, it doesn't actually feel mature, if that makes any sense.

Not gonna bother talking about "missed potential" since most of that is the fault of gamers imagining the ultimate 'Last Game You Ever Need' that typically enters the mindspace every time an open world game by Bethesda or Rockstar gets announced, plus most of the ideas are just shit and we need to stop pretending they weren't. Yeah having like the basic first draft of a wanted system sucks but there's a reason nobody who installed that tram system mod used it more than once to appreciate the novelty of it, and that's because a cutscene of going to a place is infinitely less fun than getting there any other way. Did you even know you can take the iconic train from the opening of Heat in GTA V? No? Maybe that tells you how much you actually care about a tram system in games.

One time I was killer and I somehow managed to knock everyone down to punish them for their hubris I left them to bleed out instead of picking them up in case they wiggled out. Because this game is bad you can do that.

We live in a cruel world where F13 gets abandoned but this game which looks and plays like an early PS3 game (pejorative) can denigrate our beloved iconic movie monsters; People had problems with Aliens downgrading the power of the Xenomorph into something you can shoot to death. Imagine if they saw the Xenomorph, a creature that can climb pretty much everything. get thwarted by a wooden pallet.

It's Bad!

Kevin Spacey as a ruthless narcissist trying to build a monumental legacy, and willing to violently silence anyone that wants to expose him. He also plays a character in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare!

'Spider-Man: Miles Morales', also known as 'Spider-Man 1.5: More Spider-Man', is basically a DLC expanded into a $60 game. If you liked SM2018, and I sure did, you'll almost certainly like this too.

Also for a launch cross-gen game it's still one of the craziest show-pieces for the PS5 hardware. I stuck with the 30fps option because I felt like this game really benefits from 4K and ray-tracing, and also Insomniac know how to make a lower framerate game feel pretty comfortable. The load times are the real technical stand-out there, which is to say there are none. It really helps the experience a lot.

Whoever discovered that custom song/free DLC exploit might actually be the Messiah reincarnate. My dad, however, is Hitler and Satan combined for selling my drum kit right before the prices for the instruments skyrocketed. Fuck you, dad.

Funny monkey peeing in his own mouth EPIC

(Ignore the platform, this was played on Back Compat through Series S)

Kitty0706 once called this "epic fail" and so far about an hour in he was right. The combat is bad and if there's ever a game that needed some hint as to where you need to go its this one. I did play TD2 before this years prior and its such a night and day difference lol

I bought this full price on day 1 on PS4 with no metal gear experience because I am a rube and a sucker for punishment lol

I think all the scold top reviews for this game are embarrassing and other words the admins will not let me say, and I have been known to like some truly cynical and evil works (Pain & Gain is a masterpiece) and fiction is not reality and blah blah blah, but to be honest with you I don't think I ever want to experience mean spirited Kojima ever again, even IF it's incredibly based that he made a triple-A game that lets you gun down/stab/blow up everyone who ever worked at Gitmo. It's such a discordant work to the game before and after it which is fascinating in a sense but it's narrative anger sticks out like a sore thumb when 10 hours later in The Phantom Pain you're firing your arm as a rocket and knocking people out in one hit.

Unfortunately this is the only part of Metal Gear Solid V that has actual level design and art direction so you WILL be subject to The Twisted Mind Of Hideo Kojima.