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SemHex reviewed Titanfall 2
This would be ranked higher if I was around longer to play it in it’s prime. Unfortunately I bought it a few months after the server controversy and became impossible to play. A very fun multiplayer mode with some of the best movement and gunplay in any game ever, along with an underrated story with highs like the entire “Effect and Cause” mission

Tone for life

7 days ago

SemHex reviewed Psychonauts 2
Still an extremely charming game 16 years after the first, with the same levels of creativity and funny dialogue. The story this time around is more sound than the first but is a less charming plot.

The level designs and mechanics are also all pretty cool, but I wish the final fight was a little harder. Overall a worthy predecessor to the first and my personal 2021 GOTY

7 days ago

SemHex reviewed Deathloop
A personal guilty pleasure of mine. The game is pretty creative in it’s conception, having to plan killing everyone at once is a cool idea. However I can’t really say how similar it is to Dishonored so to be continued on that front for now

I never understood the criticism for the dialogue and random text pop ups during missions, it never really offended me to where it hurt the gameplay.. The ending however was kinda mid, as it ends way too quickly and doesn’t really have enough time to flesh out what really is happening. Unless you absolutely explored everything, then it was a toss up.

7 days ago

SemHex reviewed Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

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Game’s good and that’s all I really have for it. It has the same issue Horizon has where I couldn’t really tell you anything of note story wise other than the climax and the city helping Miles.

Phin is one of my least favorite antagonists because she is really contradictory to all her buildup. How does someone that smart and gifted immediately just go “Nah I’m just gonna blow up Harlem” like some Saturday morning villain. She must know how the consequences affect everyone right?

Game also does a good job of differentiating Miles from Peter with the electric powers in his gameplay, which set him up nicely for the second game.

7 days ago

9 days ago

SemHex reviewed Destiny
I will not be influenced by nostalgia and revisionism here. People that tell you this game is better than 2 are blinded by the art and music, which I will admit are pretty good. But to me there is no reason to come back to this game except for Wrath of the Machine. The base game before TTK has the most nothing story and a gameplay loop that is so boring, I’d rather just sit in the tower and reminisce for an hour.

9 days ago

SemHex reviewed Fallout 4

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Every time I think about replaying this, I remember how kinda slow the overall game is, and how the game is basically like 5 interesting moments and 90% filler. But doing Preston settlement quests is not fulfilling enough to want to slog through the shitty Institute storyline

The new power armor system is the best the series has ever been, because it makes you FEEL like a walking tank of the wastelands the game promises. BoS is literally the only good faction, and if the game had more moments like the Danse twist and Max’s confrontation, this game would be ranked higher.

9 days ago

SemHex reviewed Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - HD Edition
Definitely my most scorching hot take. I don’t know where to begin with this one. I don’t really hate the game at all, but I find it kinda overrated

It has a lot of highs such as the final fight, Volgin, Ocelot, and the final cutscene. But I just didn’t enjoy the game like everyone else did. The stairs scene was silly, the overall gameplay is kinda just ok, and the CQC stun combo takes out a lot of the difficulty the game has prior to 1 and 2.

I’ve given this game multiple chances with and without friends. My first play through I had a friend who loved the game watch me play, but he was extremely toxic and unforgiving for being not the greatest at it, which really took me out of the initial run. When I replayed it alone, it was a little better but a lot of the luster was kinda gone

9 days ago

SemHex reviewed Dead Rising 2
An upgrade to the first game in every way other than Chuck, but that’s not really a detriment to the game. Vegas is a very hard setting to screw up with it’s overall potential for world building, which the game thrives in more than a random mall. The weapon fusing system is a nice addition to the upgraded gameplay loop

Shoutout to Peter Flemming (Chuck’s VA) for being the friendliest dude I’ve met, go follow him and he’ll most likely respond with something positive

9 days ago

SemHex reviewed Metal Gear Solid
A pillar of the gaming industry, and a game that’s looked at with tons of praise for being ahead of it’s time. But compared it’s next 2 games, it is easily the weakest. The controls for me feel really clunky, and sneaking is pretty inconsistently judged by the game. Story wise, the game is solid (lol) but nothing really stood out to me on my initial play through other than maybe Otacon and Grey Fox

9 days ago

SemHex reviewed Returnal
Very fun and smooth gunplay, with challenging but rewarding fights and bosses. Definitely one of the harder games I’ve played but it didn’t overall take away from my experience. However the weak point of Returnal is it’s boring lead and her dialogue, which is a shame cause the narrative premise is interesting, but not interesting enough to replay over and over like Hades was

9 days ago

SemHex reviewed The Last of Us
I get the hype story wise, but I found the gameplay to be pretty boring apart from killing clickers and maneuvering around them. Ellie is one of my favorite “child/teenager” characters next to Nanako because she is extremely relatable and realistically written. Joel’s ending decision has a lot of nuance and potential consequences for the next game

The show was better executed IMO, not because the game is BAD but because I didn’t have to slog through walking around when most of the time I was talking to other characters.

9 days ago

SemHex reviewed Yakuza 5

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I’m kinda in the small population of Yakuza players that like how 4 handled the multi protagonist more than 5. The plot this time around is definitely more sound than 4, but I enjoyed it less. Shinada is awesome, but his storyline kinda made me roll my eyes at times despite being the precursor to Like A Dragon’s cast narratively. The beginning of the game with Kiryu and the initial Majima death was the best part

Funny enough I enjoyed the Haurka sections a lot, but the overall story with her was also kinda ok and forced for some characters like Saejima and Shinada. The final fight with Kiryu and Aizawa is hands down the worst climax in the series, because Aizawa was a set piece for like 95% of the game and when I did eventually beat him, it felt hollow.

9 days ago

SemHex reviewed Kingdom Hearts III
This is the definition of a 5/10 game. Equally high highs and lows with nothing spectacular in between the pipes. And in a game with so much buildup and hype is disastrous. The combat, while possibly the best it’s ever been, is not challenging until the final boss which kinda also takes away from essentially the Endgame of the KH universe.

Props to the addition of Pixar universes and the ending credits/main menu music almost making my grown ass cry

9 days ago

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