I have some problems with the aim in some specific parts, but this game is definitely 5/5. The gameplay is far better than the first game (well, it had to be) and the story is just perfect. Seeing some things used in this game and that dialogue made me see why people call Kojima a genius. I'll never forget the message of this game.

Not as good as they say, didn't deserve the goty nomination

It's a good game. Great story, great characters, good pacing, and as a remake it's just amazing.

The storytelling and narrative are perfect. As is the music (Akira Yamaoka is a genius). It's not perfect, but I'm giving it a 5/5. Best horror game.

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Worst game by Fromsoftware, but still a good game. Also 3 stars just for the DLCs' content and for Fume Knight.

Very great, deserved the GOTY. It's easier than Dark Souls 1, 3 and Sekiro, but still great.

Best combat ever, best soulslike ever

Best soulslike not made by FromSoftware.

played it as a kid and seeing Cartuchito I had to bring those memories back.

Que baita satisfação e orgulho senti ao zerar esse jogo. Ele é simplesmente terrível, e o 2 é ainda pior.

Looks like Silent Hill more than 4. It's definitely not a bad game, it's just not as good as 1-3 (and maybe 4). Silent Hill Origins has the atmosphere.

It's very long (even doing only the main campaign), but it's worth.

Pretty good. The best bosses aren't here, but maybe the best level design from Fromsoftware is.