New review: A game about triumph and optimism in a seemingly doomed world, a theme that would make certain people mad, which is a good thing. Also has a surprisingly nuanced presentation of imperialism and refugees which really confuses the average leftist who spends all day trying to prove how every game ever perfectly lines up with their politics, conveniently.

OG review:cry about it
(I don't even think this game is a 10 but it's awesome and it makes people mad by existing so 10/10 it is)

I have genuinely played this game, this is not a joke at all, I think I made it to like AR45 a year ago. This game fucking sucks so much ass. Boring ass grind with damage sponge enemies. Flashy combat with no depth. Snooze fest story. You can't deny this game tries to mimic BOTW and it does not do a single thing better. Play a better game, NOW!


XB3:FR where the FR stands for "fucking RADIO?!?!?"

story is way to confusing but i enjoy the combat

Roll off the stairs, I hate the game. Beat the big evil boss, I love the game. World 5, I hate the game. See maiden feet, love the game.

Very underrated, and unlike the trails games, very accessible as you just have to enjoy beating shit up to like this. Good starting point to take the falcom plunge

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Original, not rated, review: The game is good, and objectively at least an 8/10 for having new nia content, but I genuinely don't know what to make of that last part. I spent 80 hours and I think the story became too fast paced after chapter 5, crazy.

Rated: My opinion remains that this game really only has the flaw of needing more time to develop its villains with maybe an extra chapter, when taken in the context of a standalone title. Now for a game advertised in a way of being a direct continuation/conclusion, it falters. This game just goes half way by providing the constant references to the previous games but misses on the payoff, as ultimately, the entire game basically never happens; so I fail to understand how that is supposed to progress the overall "xeno-story" in any meaningful way as Takahashi has stated. Now this game does have WAY more hanging plot threads than the past games (ignoring X, as monolith does), so there is potential that the DLC or a sequel could retroactively make the story's ending more palatable, but as it stands it remains mildly disappointing. Chapter 5 is probably the best chapter in the series though.

Really at worst a few aspects of this game can be described as "disappointing" at worst. The characters, combat, side content, and exploration are some of the best in the series though, which is like 95% of the game anyways.

I'm stuck on viewing this as equal to 1 and 2, or less. I'll probably like it more in the future the more I reflect but for now I'd put it slightly above X, mainly because on of those games has Nia and the other doesn't, but below the first two.

1/15/2023: I can safely say, this game is worse than 1 & 2, about same level as X. Thank you for waiting.

2/16/2023: I like this game less the more I think about it.
6/21/2023: Eh I like it a little more now.

A great game with an incredibly detailed world but it's not perfect and it got ported a bunch SO IT'S THE WORST SHIT EVER DID YOU GUYS KNOW OBLIVION IS BETTER DESPITE HAVING THE WORST LEVELING SYSTEM IN A GAME EVER BUT AT LEAST IT HASN'T BEEN PORTED A BUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obligatory pokemon vitriolic hatred comment: Better than any pokemon game purely as a game and also as a monster collecting JRPG, why do grown men keep playing those children's games
Probably one of the most solid JRPGs to exist, really only excels in its OST and atmosphere and just, well, solid on the rest of its aspects. Do NOT do neutral as your first route though, just embrace the side of you radicalized by twitter. I found the gameplay in V to be notably more fun, which despite IV being much more consistent, is why I still like V slightly more.

"Dread type game", where you play as "Metroid Dread" and do "Dread activities" to win. Very innovative.